Method of teaching any subject is one of the determinate of affective learning and performance in the final examination, for ones teaching to be effective, he must be using relevant and appropriate method.
Onwuka (1981), stated that ways a teacher present his or her subject matters to the learners may make them to like or dislike the subject, hence the method of presentation is so important, teachers should be concerned not only with general methodology, but also with some special methods of teaching" various subjects.

Onwuka   (1981), emphasizing   on  the   need  for-teachers   to   be   conversant   with   special   methods   of teaching various subjects. He went further to say that the classroom teacher must realized that his task is not merely to teach, it is to stimulate learning as well as guiding and correcting the activities of his students in order to product learning.

A learner is one who learns from a teacher by learning what is  taught or instructed. There is need for establishment of good rapport in the process of teaching and learning. Supporting this, Okeke (1979), declared that success in teaching depends upon the relationship between the teacher and students. A good measure of success is ensured when a teacher establishes rapport with his students. Usually, some teachers have in mind that come sun, come rain, at the end of the month; they would receive their salaries as much as less concerned about what happens to the learners who is supposed to be centre of every lesson. Students should be involved in the whole process as that will help aceccrate their learning as this is true of what is said in education that, I hear and I forget, I see and remember, I do understand.

Farrant (1980), said; some of the bad methods used by teachers actually causes   learning   blockage for the pupils/students and such blockages can be very difficult. To Farrant it is to stimulate interest and to relieve daily routing in support of the above statement. Really, one of the major causes of poor performance of some subject is the dislike of the subject teacher.
This arises, because of the teacher’s bad method of teaching. It is clear that when a student does not like a teacher, the teacher's subject may equally be disliked. To this, Farrant stand that, learning blockage caused by the teacher bad method of teaching will always affect the students and will be difficult for them to overcome later.

The importance of appropriate teaching method in the teaching and learning process was stressed more by Hill, Peter and David (1979), as they stated that the trainee will learn to teach from watching those who train him to be a teacher whatever good advice given about methods, will be wasted of the methods used to give the advice are not an example of it. The use of instructional methods, should receive more attention, than any other element in the curriculum.
Peter (1961), is insisting that, what a teacher require is to adopt a suitable methods of teaching, to enable his pupils to understand his lesson.

A teacher who possesses a thorough knowledge of the subject, and a reasonable amount of technical skill, can through careful and thoughtful planning, choose and effective and appropriate method of learning for his pupils. The teacher must strive to keep account interest, through the method and procedures, through intelligent adaptation to their interests, and abilities of the class, and through the planned and appropriate use of teaching aids.
There are several methods o teaching, and for more affective teaching of subjects to take place, a skillful teacher of any subject need variety of method.

Obuton (1982), observed that the teaching methods must be relevant to the teaching of accountants, literature in English, mathematics, chemistry etc, as a subject, including discussion method, excursion, field trips and home work, lecture method. These methods are affective in the development of skills.

Obanga (1982), suggested that, to ensure success of the new national policy of education, teaching for continuous assessment, and to ensue an all round development of the child, the teacher should adopt the techniques and affective practices. He stated further that the teacher should study the student’s and select appropriate teaching techniques, so as to equip them with skills necessary for life outside school.

All these agree that, successfully teaching is related to the ability of the teacher, to adopt appropriate teaching techniques and methods, his ability to give the students adequate practice, and active participation during learning.