Lets look at this carefully, you work in a organization with so many staffs but your want to be an outstanding staff so that your boss can give you a promotion or a personal/presidential hand shake; you have to apply the following procedures and skies will be you limit. i personally wish you the best in this endevours.
2 Focus
3 Set Goals
4 Vision
5 Humility
6. Time Consciousness
7. Courageous
8. Apt to learn and improve
9. Pro-activity
10. Spirit of team work
11. Good inter- personal relationship
12. Show wisdom
13. Integrity
15. Diplomacy
16. Consistency
17. Persist-ency
17. Persist-ency
18. Dedication
19. Sincerity
20. Available
21. Positive response to criticism
I hope this helps you in your quest to be the best in your organization.