Cucumber is the thermophilic  and frost susceptible crop. it is essentially a warm –season crop grown mainly in tropical and sub tropical region, cucumber prefer slightly low temperature compare to melon and hence it is grown extensively in sub tropical regions. Light intensity and time of the day influences anthesis more than temperature in cucumber but temperature has greater influence on another dehiscence and pollen fertility. 

The optimum temperature favoring anthesis and dehiscence is 13 degree centigrade  to 18 degree centigrade. never the less, for optimum vegetative growth and yield, the temperature requirement is 18 degree centigrade to 24 degree centigrade .A well drained loamy soil is preferred by cucumber. It is necessary that soil should be fertile and well provided with organic manure, cucumber prefers a PH of 5.5—6.8(Hand book of Horticulture , Indian council of Agricultural r Reseach new Dechi 5th july, 2001).

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