1. The
two commodities two countries model can be extended all
the commodities and all the countries. Each country then will
specializes in the production of those commodities in which the enjoys comparative advantage and export them to
others and import the required goods
from others where they are available at
a lower price than at home.
2. The
theory which was explained in terms of labour can also be expressed in terms of
money as it is possible to express the total coast in terms of money.
Specialization would take place on the basis of
comparative advantage in terms
of money cost.
3. The
assumption of constant returns to scale and no change in technology can also be
relaxed. With changes in technology and production being subject to laws of
returns, specialization will still take place on the basis of cost advantage
under increasing and decreasing cost.
4. It
is suggested that cost would not undergo a change as the countries operate with
assumptions like full employment
perfect competition, static nature of
the economy , free trade and many of her
restrictive assumption.
The supporter
of Ricordain theory argued that all the restricted assumptions of the
comparative cost theory could be relaxed and make the theory practical in the
real world situation where each country specializes in the production of these
goods and services in which it has comparative cost advantage under the
changing conditions.