Since 1984 , business registration has been in progress, 
The nature of some business enterprise has made them in away that, you need to register them / get government permission before you run them. The following are the some of such business
a.         Gold smith
b.         Bear pallor
c.         Food  restaurant 
d.        Pharmacy
e.         Any business with limited liability etc.
To buttress my point:

1.                  Gold Smith: This is an industry  that is  producing different types  of iron in  different, in order wards it is an iron producer, they do take  iron and melt them  re-shape it in  different form. Gold business is capital intensive because every where, this is the  business for the  wealthy people  . It is a separate resources which everywhere it is been found government take care/  control  of it, and  anybody  who want to trade on it should  obtain permission /license from the government authority
Government do this for the following reasons:
a.         to avoid vandalisation of government property
b.         to  shorn  exploitation  
c.         also to generate revenue
d.        to prevent dumping   
 It can be legal business when it is been registered

2.                  Bear pallor: This is a business organization known as sole   proprietorship (one man business) of this business, establish it for the purpose of making profit 
nature of the business
the trader, trade both alcoholic and soft drink  the alcoholic  is the drink that  enhances the highing  of peoples brain, which as a result make the  atmospheric condition un--conducive  for the people
Reasons for government attention  
a.         To maintain peaceful  atmospheric condition
b.         To generate revenue
c.         For easy collection of data for G.N.P calculation    

3.                  Food restaurant:  this is a food industry that produces  food/ edible materials  for  human  consumption,  it can  be  inform of  sole proprietorship or  public liability  it use to be registered or  licensed eg 
a.       Feed well restaurant,
b.      Mr.  Biggs 
c.       Crunches  etc

Government   deemed it necessary for this type of business to be registered due to the following reasons:
a.       They produce edible material  which suppose to be supervised  in order to promote  health standard of the people 
b.      To  avoided exploitation  and starvation of people.
c.       Because food is one of the  (3)  three basic need of man which can not be under look or  undermined N/B  restaurant business  is  business of dual purpose
·         for commercial purpose
·         for  family consumption 

4.                    Pharmacy: a pharmacy  is  a company  that is manufacturing drug , people go into drug production in order to shorn  disease  causing organism and   promote good health because a health nation is  a wealthy nation. But it is one of the business  that must be   get registered before its  establishment                
Reasons For Government To Demand For License
a.         the business deals with the health status  of a being
b.         to discourage exploitation
c.         to avoid  marketing  adulterated  drug
d.        for easier collection of data’s  for GNP  calculation
e.         to minimize the activities of the fraudulent  people in the country

Generally, government is doing all these things in order to ensure the welfare of the massand as well to regulate  the movement of our  economy 
In all, the above mentioned business can  either be sole  proprietorship or partnership,  ie  sole proprietorship when it is one man business and  partnership when it belong  to two or more persons pull  their resources together 

Business liability company: This is a business organization which all the   liabilities/ profit and lost made by the company are limited to the business ie it does not extend to their personal property. Therefore, as the business is conditional, there is every necessitated value for the registration of the business before it will be establish 
Meanwhile, all the registration or licenses of any business venture are been done with cooperate affairs commission in the state.  
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