Pollution from the industrial processes can be reduced by enzymes previously only a small range of enzymes have been available for the chemical industry. The U and C researchers are the first to produce an enzymes capable of speeding up oxidizing processes.
The new enzymes will be important in sensitive processes such as those involved in medicine production in the pharmaceutical industry.

Environmental pollution is growing more and more due to the in discriminated and frequently deliberate release on hazardous, harmful substances research efforts have been devoted to develop new, low-cost, low-technology , eco-friendly treatment capable of reducing and even eliminating pollution in the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the soil environment.
Enzymes could be developed to clean up pollution by explosives.  The  quality of life on earth is linked  in   extricably to re overall quality of the  environment . unfortunately   progress in science, technology  and  industry  a large amount ranging   from raw  sewage to  nuclear waste is let out or dumped into the ecosystem  hereby posing  a serious problem for survival of  man find itself  on earth
In the past,   wastes were traditionally disposed by  digging  a hole and  filling it will waste materials. This  made of   waste disposal was difficult to sustain owing  to lack   of new  place everything   to dump  . New technologies  waste disposal that use high temperature in creation and chemical  decomposition  (eg base –catalyzed dechlorination, ultra  violet oxidation have several drawbacks).
These methods are complex, uneconomical, and lack  public acceptance. The  associated deficiencies in these methods have focused efforts towards  harnessing modern day bioremediation process  as a suitable  alternative.
The pollution from the industrial processes  can be reduced by enzymes, previous only a small amount of   enzymes   have been available  for the chemical industry .
Enzymes  play a reasonable role in harvesting energy from the survival  photosynthesis , perform  a wide range  of roles  in the technology of  pollution  treatment by  using biological systems to transform and  convert various pollutant
Processes the bases of all chemical oxidizers are often dangerously unrefined, often requiring high temperatures, extreme pressure and corrosive surroundings.
They can be designed to be unbelievable specific and are able to operate under moderate conditions unlike their traditional chemical counterparts.
Drugge U, Holmberg M, Holmgren G, Almay B.G, Linder -Holm H., Hereditary Myopathy with Lacti acidosis, Succinate dehydrogenase and aconitase deficiency in northern Sweden, a genealogical study. Imed Genet.
1995 May; 32(5):3447.