Some symptoms are more or less common depending on when the shortage occurs. If the deficiency occurs during puberty, a boy might not grow as tall or as muscular as his friends, and he might not grow pubic or body hair. In a few, the breast tissue might begin to develop, a condition called gynecomastia. In adult men, the picture looks a bit different because they previously had normal levels that have declined or are declining relative to what was normal for them at a younger age. As a result, they may experience none, some or all of the following symptoms ( Eugene,1998).Lower libido (sex drive), Erectile dysfunction, Poor concentration, Fatigue, Increased body fat, Muscle weakness, Osteoporosis (weakness of the bones),  Loss of body hair (including softening or loss of the beard),
Depression, Hot flashes, Other mood problems.

Testosterone promotes sexual desire and then facilitates performance, sensation and the ultimate degree of fulfillment. Without adequate levels of  testosterone, the quality of the male sex life is adversely affected. Studies have found that men with low testosterone routinely suffer from a decreased sex drive due to inadequate NO (Nitric Oxide) release, genital atrophy, and impotence (Mehta et al .,2008).
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