The first importance of history is at it acquainted with knowledge of evolution of our society. It is necessary that people must know how their society began and grow, the way its functions, its achievements,its founders its friends and enemies, its partners and behaviour its religious belief and  cosmology  etc.
Through history we also come to know how other countries came to be what they are today.  Cicero once quote  “said  not to know what took place before you were born it… will remain forever ... 

History has answer to why certain events  in the world happened the way they did. To know how Nigeria become federation  1954, one  must go back  to  its past. Why  must English  Language is our or the lingua Franica,  Ghana, Sierrialone, Gambia, and France as in Ivory Coast, Benin, Dohameny Bokinafoso, Mali etc.         
What led to the development of aparty in South Africa. Why America had led independence in 1776. What led to the new imperialism in the earlier part of 19th century? What acieration of nationalist movements in Africa between 1939-1946.
For answer to these questions, one must go back to history. Professor cooling Wood, has noted that history embodies knowledge and that it value lies in the fact that it  teaches us what man has done.      
Through history we know and appreciate good deeds of our ancestors. All these objectives are attend through a biographical approach which involves the study of the  life of great men like Jaja of Opobo,  Mohammed Rimfa of Kano, Ajada Terrudo  of Dahomy, Shaka of Zulu of South Africa. Abdel Cada of Algeria and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria  etc.
 Further more, history help to develop peoples creative, imaginative, and literary abilities. This is so because history stirs up of our imagination and create in us awareness of past events by telescoping them and making perceivable  to the senses. It thus make us live share experiences of the past actors in events in which we were not participants
History  as a human science and force the opportunity to increase our capacity for dealing with question affecting human beings  Heads of government and   bureaucratic  organizations, policy makers, administrators,  who have decisions involving people   need to have a knowledge of history. Such as knowledge will help to know how the past successors  succeeded   or failed in similar situations, 
History   equips us with level  headedness  and G.M Brown regard such  level headedness  as an asset in life since it ask as a check  on ill considered  action.  The truth is that people who have acquired the historical habit of weighting and shifting the evidences. Such people are less likely it show an unreasonable progenitor
Infact, lessons learnt from history can be  guide  to future action and decision  making, a flash back on the  French Revolution of  1789 and Russia  Revolution of  1917 could serve as a guide  to how events would lead to positive   result. History equips us to have a deep insight  into human character to know its like and  dislikes what  would be likely being its  action under certain condition, what he  could and  could not tolerate. Such knowledge is a necessary ingredient such knowledge brings tolerance which able to see the other persons point of views.
Another importance is that it helps to  the development of talents or training of the mind for the logical reason. There is no doubt, that the ability to sift or deduce evidence and to identify the truth in no of conflicting statement called for a certain intellectual skills. Such skill comes to the study of history