Historiography is the  art or science  of  writing history
1.      Study of human past
2.      Through record of human experiences
3.      Study of mans actions in the past
4.      Study of events that had happened or one still happening

History is the study of the past activities of man. H.A Clement has stated it briefly as  an account or record of the past.  Both historians  and other scholars have attempted to define history in various ways. But   all the attempts have pointed to the  same that history  is the study of the man’s past.
The  study of history is increasing  in  scope and time. Today, history does not concern itself with the study of man’s past activities only but   also his present activities. The reason is that, the past is in communication with the present and the present shades light in the past  - it marrows the past.
E.H Carr,  in his lectures  defined history as “an unending dialogue between the   present and the past”
Raphael, HOD, H.I.R EBSU Abakaliki,  according  to Mr Nze “ This in  effect means that there is  a continuous and unbroken process interaction between the  historians and their past.  History regards the present as a product of the  past . marc block,  sees history as an enquiry about   the past of  man’s  actions  in time Prof. Bury, in the closing word of his lectures  in  1903, describe ‘history as a science no more no less.
Prof F.G Colling Wood said that history is a kind of research or enquiry about actions of human being that have done in the past. According to him, in order or embark on his enquiry, and to arrive at his historical truth the historian has to re-in-act or re-think the past in his mind.
Prof. E.J Alagoa defines history  as the study of man through the evidence of his  past actions. That is through relics and achievements
Prof. A E Afigbo, regard history as “snap short of the past usually taken from as many vantage point.

We can conclude that identification of history varies as the individual vary. In other words, history vary with the historian. But there are certain areas of common interest to all historians
From the definitions given so far, we cannot run away from the conclusion that   history deals  with actions of  human being in the past. It is the focus of historical inquiry. But the historians is not only in the past as it was. He seeks to establish how this past is related to the present and it can serve as a guide to understanding the future.


About 1851  as a matter of  fact, up to the  18th century, the division of history was limited  to ancient history, medieval history  and modern history. However,  in the  mid of 19th  century a forth division was added to human past, and from then we had been thinking of history in its undest sense, that is human  history as now divided into pre-history, ancient history, medieval history  and modern  history


Pre – history is the earliest part of history dating from 5,000 be up words.  The first man to use the word pre-history was Daniel Wilson in 1851. Pre-history means pre-written history that is history that was not written down.
1.      Oral traditional is an example of pre-history. Another source of pre-history is through archeology i.e the artifact that the archeologist excavated.  For instance, potsherd, human bones, irons etc. 
a.      pre-history- 5,000BC to earliest
b.      Ancient History -  4,000BC to 476AD
c.      Mediaval time-  476AD-1492AD
d.      Modern History -  492AD to present date
e.      Note below: the period about 400AD to one 1,000AD is regarded in the history as the Dark Ages.  While the period of about 1,000 years between Ancient history and modern history is known as the medieval period or time

Carbon  14 and potassium orgun  detro chronology, and pronology etc but, these  things are not sufficient to make history  a science. The type of scientific method advocated by  Colling- Wood is philosophical science which   Buklahdum recommended.