Communication is the brain behind information, without communication, we would not have been talking of information technology nor telecommunication (MBAM B.C. E..2002). However, communication is the methods by which people share their ideas, information, opinions and feelings. If there is no communication, information gathered by one person cannot be transmitted or received or even stored and retrieved. Thus, telecommunication is the transmission of information over significant distances in order to communicate. This implies that information can be communicated from one place (or person or system) to another in different modes (simplex, duplex and network modes).  Telecommunication   involves the use of visual signals like beacons, smoke signals, lung-blown hours, loud whistles etc. However, in this modern age of electricity and electronics, telecommunication now also includes the use of electrical devices such as telegraphs, telephones, teleprinters, radio waves, computers,  orbiting satellites and the internet.

       However, this research work is limited to the impact of telecommunication on Nigerian economy using Global system for mobile communication (GSM) as a reference toll. A major breakthrough is the wirless telephone system which comes in either fixed wireless lines or the GSM (wojuade 2005). Without missing words, Communication is a major driver of the economy. Nigeria is not left out in the race for rapid development as the years of economic reversal via this management have had adverse effects on its rates of growth and development. The Nigerian telecommunication sector was grossly under- developed before the sector was deregulated under the military regime in 1992 with the establishment of NCC. The return of democracy in 1999 however paved the way for the granting  of GSM  licenses  tothree service providers MTN, ECONET now known as “ Air tel” and Nitel plc in 2001 w ith GLOBA COM  joining in  2003
    The world is fast becoming a global village and a   necessary toll for this process is communication of which telecommunication is a key player. So, the background of study for this seminar report is to briefly introduce the the effects of telecommunication on Nigerian economy. This report is developed to examine the effets of GSM
a. On  job employment
b. Time management
c.     Reduction in crime rate
d.     General income flow and,
e.      Identification of callers/Receives position at the time of call. 
      Findings generally indicates that GSM as a telecommunication tool has considerable effects on the rural economy specifically on drastic reduction of crime rate. It was concluded that GSM is an emerging communication industry in African with Nigeria rates as one of the fastest growing market in this    field of communication but with both positive and negative effects. One of the negative effects which this report tries to look upon is the inability of the subscribers to identify exactly the geographic location of their callers or receivers respectively. So, there is a need to combating such problem in Nigerian telecommunication industries. 
       The importance of this research work is to devise a simulator (system) that will be able to display the geographical position of either the caller or receiver on the screen of the GSM one is using. The reason for this that, it will go a long way to increasing the subscribers trust of using handset especially when it involves business transaction. Also, it will drastically reduce the rate of crime in our society as kiddnappers and fraudlers can easily be detected. This paper report is also meant to reduce phone harassment and increase subscriber’s privacy. 
       The primary aim of this report is to provide the GSM users with Automated Number identification (caller ID) which will display on the screen of both caller/Receive, the geographic location of each other. This will go a long way to achieve the following objectives:
1. to drastically reduce the rate of crime in the country.
2. to giving the callers right to know whom the Nigeria and vice- versa.
3. to increase employment opportunities in our society which in turn increases the per-capital income?
4. to allow subscribers manage their time and as well increase their social interaction. 
This seminar report covers the effects of telecommunication on Nigerian economy only which in turn is limited to the use of GSM (handset) as a telecommunication tool. The scope is limited to Automatic Number identification (ANI) of the Nigerian telecommunication network companies (MTN, GLOBALCOM, ZAIN ETISALAT etc). It only explains some changes and challenges which telecommunication has brought to the economy of Nigeria which are amougst others the following, increase in local businesses, creation of job opportunities and as well the rate crime increment in Nigeria. 


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