The neglect of technical and vocational may have contributed to the high unemployment and rising poverty among the youth, because many of them lack the basic job skills. They are struggling with the challenges of acquiring “ employ-ability” skills because the society is focused mostly on formal university education. But investment in skill training and trade schools is a worthwhile social investment. The graduates would become small business owners and employer of labour, this is the case in many  societies where small businesses  are the highest employers of labour. High schools students in Nigerian should be made to gain
knowledge of workplace culture and values along with general education competency. This would provide them a variety of skills to manage small-scale businesses and to gain employment after graduation. The current social and economic changes in the world have altered the conditions and structure of employment and employers now require their employees to poses some technical skills. Those who could not go beyond elementary school (high school/university graduates who lack job skills) are facing enormous challenges because they are unqualified to secure a decent job.

Many of those who dropped out of school and those who managed to pass through lack the skills to complete in the rather weak economy and fight labour market. Therefore they lite4r around from down to desk while battling with crushing unemployment. However, the government could improve their sordid state by creating jobs increase found for vocational and technical education from where they could acquire some employ not only themselves that others because usuful citizens is the society. Vocational education is desipired to offer training to improve individuals’ general proficiency, especially in relation to their present or future occupations. Therefore the provision of vocational and technical education in secondary and post secondary schools will have a lowly history of reducing or completely eradicating unemployment of the learning school graduates who will be gainfully employment with a well trained technicians will don’t have the need to go to neigbouring countries for coyeteant hand to carryout our masinary/bricking, electrical welding, tilling works etc. The half baked technicals have caused more harm than good, to a better trained technical has grater employability in and outside the country until to saving of our foreign exchange. To stability the society.