3.1 Vision, Objectives and Goals of Sports Development

Vision: To be among the best 20 sporting nations in the world and optimize sports as an instrument of national development by 2020.

3.1.1 Objectives. The overall objective of the thematic area is to enshrine sports
development to contribute to the growth and development of the Nigerian economy.
  1. To establish adequate and standard sports facilities in schools and communities
  2. To set up high performance athletes centres in all sporting zones
  3. To encourage mass participation in sports
  4. To promote the application of sports medicine and the s ports science
  5. To establish a National Sports Information Centre

3.1.2 Goals.
  1. To determine the total number of sports facilities to be established in all Senatorial Districts and all Local Governments by March 201 0 • To consider and approve designed standard facilities in all Senatorial Districts by July 2010 and on-going *:- To rehabilitate existing sports facilities in all educational institutions and communities by September 2011 
  2. To procure sports equipment in all educational institutions and communities nationwide by September 2020

High Performance Centre
To put in place proposals for construction of the centres by January 2010 <" To produce a benchmark for the High Performance training centres by March 2010 <* To present a design of the High Performance Centres to the appropriate government agencies for approval and award of contracts by June 2020

Mass Participation in Sports
To design a proposal for take-off of mass participation in schools, colleges, polytechnics, universities and communities nationwide by June 2010

To submit proposals to the concerned government agencies for the commencement of mass participation from June 2010 *> To encourage all students and communities to take part in mass participation in sports by September 2012 and on-going Application of Sports Science and Medicine

To design and develop aspects of sports science for use of the High Performance athletes by November 2012 and on-going <* To determine a comprehensive sports medicine needs of high performance athletes by November 2012 and on-going *J* To design a linkage between sports science and sports medicine to enhance high performance of athletes by December 2012 and on-going National Sports Information Centre

To review existing sports information data available nationwide to determine baseline data by January 2010 and December 2012 and on-going 

To design appropriate mechanism for having national sports information centres nationwide by March 2010 to June 2010 *> To design short term workshop for those to implement data collection for the information centres nationwide by July 2010 To determine linkage among the sports federations, state sports councils,universities, colleges and National Institute for Sports on information gathering by September 2010 and on-going