The following factors have been identified as necessary conditions for the attainment of our set goals:
Enabling legislation - The Federal and State legislators are to pass into law, at good time all the enabling bills for the realization of the goals for sports development and strengthening of all sports institutions at every level. Legislation is a success factor because most of the sports institutions and policies are not anchored on any existing law and where there is any, it is on a weak legislation. For instance, the National Sports Commission requires a law that enshrines the Board as an institution and provide the terms and conditions of office of the chief executives.

Adequate funding - Funding is a critical factor in the process of sports development. Under the present dispensation, sports funding suffers from two factors; budgeting cycle and limited Deport of the Sports Development islatioria Tecfmtcal Working Group

Promotion of mass participation - Mass participation is involving a good number of the population in a wide range of non competitive sporting activities for health and socio-economic gains. In view of the enormous socio-economic benefits of sports, the promotion of mass participation ensures good health, sound socio-economic and political environments. In addition, adequate provision of facilities in schools and communities will promote mass participation in sports.
Political will is the demonstration of governments' commitment and determination to execute articulated programmes and projects. This will encourage private sector involvement in sports development. Sports can also be used as an instrument for national unity and cohesion, thereby enhancing political stability, national integration and harmony. Political will can also enhance adequate funding for sports.

Establishment of High Performance Centre - High Performance Centres are specialized training centres equipped with scientifically and technologically advanced equipment and managed by sports scientists for research aimed at achieving high performance in sports. Establishment of National Sports Information Centre - Information is power and knowledge. A National Sports Information Centre will provide comprehensive database, statistics, results and general information for use by all stakeholders at home and abroad. Sports development is ensured in an environment where useable information is constantly available for planning, execution, research and development.
Regular exposure to systematic training techniques and competitions - Competitions are organized championships in which athletes compete for supremacy, having gone through a systematic training programme to enhance quality of performance.

Linkages of Nigerian sports talents to Universities and Clubs Worldwide - We need to create a linkage between our identified talents with universities and clubs worldwide as a means of providing both academic and relevant sports exposure for the athletes to excel. Continuity in Sports Administration - The erratic changes of sports administrators negatively affect their ability to produce functional changes in the management of sports. Therefore, continuity will allow for smooth running of s ports at all levels and ensure maximum efficiency