To organize means simply as to arrange in orderly way, to establish or to persuade a cause, or group etc. Organizations are formed to pursue goals that are achieved more effectively by concerted efforts of a group of people than individuals working alone.
·                    Organization is defined as the framework of management process viz (i) the responsibilities by means of which the activities of the enterprise are dispersed among the (managerial, supervisory, and specialist) personnel employed in the service  (ii) The formal interrelations established among the personnel by virtue of such responsibilities.

·                    It should be noted that the organization should not be regarded as rigid as the term “framework” implies   organization structure must be constantly reviewed and not taken of informal relationship which develops. The development of science and technology globally and developing society needs a conceptual framework of both theory and principle (see. Definition of principals below Prosser (1940).
Administration means concisely as to manage, control the affairs of an institution, or business enterprise etc.
Administration is need sometimes to refer to activities of the highest level of management group who determine measure aims and polices. This can be defined as part of management process concerned with the institution and carrying out procedures by which the programmes  laved down and communicated with the process of activities  regulated, checked against target and plans. Thus management can mean;  
·                                a process by which scare resources are combined to achieve given ends.  This describes activity, which can be better explained by the word ‘managing’.
·                                The management referring to those people carrying out the activity. This should really be the managers
·                                The body of knowledge about the activity of managing regard here as a special field of study i.e. a profession
·                                Of these three, the first above, is preferable, management.
·                                Principles of vocation education are defined as generalization of state preferred Practice and serve as guide line for programme and curriculum construction, evolution and selection of  instructional practices and policy development         
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