Gambia is one of the countries in African continents she is Geographically located to West Africa Region. It is several hundreds kilometers below the South West of the Sahara, and has a very small population. She has common boundaries with   Senegal-North, Guinea Bissue-West, Sierra Leone-South and Guinea –East.
Its biggest cities and town includes:
1.  Serekunda, Brikama, Bakau, and Farafenni and its population as at 2003 was estimated by the United Nation to be  1,426,000 which automatically placed them in 145  among  193  nations in the   world.  In that same year 3% of the population was over  65  years old  with another  45% of this  population to be  under  the age  of 15  years,  meaning that the active age or productive age is more than the retiring age.
There were 98 males for every 100 females in that same year of 2003.   Moreover, as at about 2003-2005 these was a growth rate of  2.66% with the projected population of  1,851,000 before  2015 (1999 UN report)
. The Gambia which  happen to be one of the smallest  country in west Africa,  been  link the many of its West African counterpart and neighbours only enjoyed long  spell  of stability since her independence  in April 1970. 
Before, the declaration of her Republic in 1970 she was under the British protectorate since1888. In 1965 she gain her independence as a constitutional monarchy in the British common wealth system. Hence, she fully deliberated her self from the bondage of colonialism in 1970 April and became and independent state.
Therefore the military politics in Gambia began as at 1970 when Dawda Jawara  became the firs president of Gambia.
In 1981, there was an attempt coup d’etate in Gambia which was successfully implemented and latter thwarted by the Senegalese army.
This intervention happen because of the geographical location of the Gambians. Through these army presence in Gambian there was and establishment of Senegambian confederation in 1982.
The purpose of these joint armies  was for the  coordination of the defence, foreign affairs  and economic policies including   trade and custom duties.
In 1989, there was a dissolution  between the  two countries, this is because of the Gambian lucrative re-export trade  over  the porous  adversely, affected by the trade and custom union.
Gambia under Dawda Jawara happen to be one of the peaceful country in African continent during the period.
However,   its multiparty government   with a  uni-cameral legislature  was dominated by the People Progressive Party (PPP) . opposition parties claimed that they  were prohibited  from effective challenged against the incumbency.  Therefore, he was re-elected for 5th term in  1992, April.
From 1992, there was a civil unrest that developed in Gambian army. Because of this, President Dawda Jawara sign  a military treaties or defence agreement  with Nigeria. This agreement allow or  empowered Nigerian military officers to head the Gambian army.
Further more, even as Nigerian armies and her senior officials was concentrating in the occupation of Gambian administration  in Banjul, the  under ground coup –d’etate  was also going  on secretly. Hence in 1994 22 July , Lieutenant Jahya  Jammeh successfully  over throwned  the  government through  a bloodless  coupe.                                            
In 11 November, 1994 , another coup was tempted and successfully,  headed by Lieutenant  Barrows Bashiru. Rumors reported that about l 50 people were found death  and many  others missing in such a way that U.K Denmark  and Sweden caution her citizen against  traveling to  the Gambia.
This action led to the estimate loss of about  25% of tourist  industries  employment.  Lieutenant Yahya Jammeh  continued for rule  Gambian with an iron first  ever  since inception. Therefore stability has not been translated into prosperity, despite the presence of Gambian river which run through the middle of the country.
Pressure  from the masses began to increased for people can not longer endured or enjoy the presence of military and then therefore  demanded for a democracy  provisional  through this an Armed Forces Provisional Ruling  Council  (A.F.P.R.C)  was formed and National Consultative Committee (NCC) to  review  the issue.  (AFRRC) resultantly accepted the committee recommendation that the “transition period be reduced to  two years”.
In view of this, the President Yahya Jammeh  degreed that there will be no formation of a new political parties until three month before the  elections.
There was suspension of   constitution,  Ban of political parties  but political activities  was very effective in Gambia. The Gambian government tried  to  persuade their citizen by making such comment that “government  had to draft a constitution before the  ban on the political parties can be lifted.
However, as this was going the AFPRC ie Armed Force  Provisional Ruling Council had  formed its own movement  in July 22 1994.
This movement automatically placed  Yahya Jammeh to contest  the election  from the incumbency position and maintain all the features of a political parties then utilized them effectively.
From July- September 1996, the presidential election was post pounded.
The ban on political parties to participates on election was lifted for all in 14 August 1996 but the three pre-coup parties still stand as independent parties.
Thereafter, the three pre-coup was banned for their participation in 30 years. 
  1. The National Convention Party (NCP)
  2. The  Peoples Progressive  Party (PPP) 
  3. The Gambian People Party (GPP)
They were charge with mis- ruled  and violation   of human right in the country  by the  common wealth organization.
The common wealth shows concerned over the government decision and indicates that “unless the Yahya Jammeh’s  regimes rescinded  its powers,  the common wealth could not endorse such flowed processes.
By September, 1994, the president of Gambian independent election commission called for the released of the political detainees.
Having conducted political rallies and organizing the pre-parties activities over two years, the regional alliance for patriotic re-orientation and construction (APRC)  gained a significant advantage’s  over the other  parties.
In 1996, Yahya Jammeh and three other civilians  rivals contested the presidential election on 26 September  1996, 56%  vote was given  to Yahya Jammeh officially  therefore  making him the second elected president of Gambia in  31 years of independence.
In October 18, 1996  he was  inaugurated,  and  the election for  National Assembly were held in January 2,  1979  where APRC took  33 out of  45  seat,  UDP 7 seat, NRC 2 seat  the independent party  2  seats and PDOIS 1 seat.
From  1999 -2000 were mark  by intermittent  violence,  unsuccessful  coup and charges of state  corruption which elicited  fighter  control over the military including  its ethnic  compositions as well as several cabinet  changes. In midst 2000 April, about 14 people was reported killed, student who protested also died in a suspicious circumstances.
Same year, local emotions scheduled were repeatedly postpone.
By  18 October 2001, there  was  another presidential  election  there was  allegation  of  fraud thousands of  Diola living across the  boarder in Senegal voted for Yahya Jammeh  and he was re-elected as presidents of Gambia
            The second term election in  Gambia was not so easy for  Jammeh,  for l Ousai nou Darbere of U.D.P  form  a  coalition of three political parties ie  P.P.P,  G.P.P  and  U.D.P. the election was conducted at intervals.
1.  The first round Jammeh won out rightly with about  52.96%  of vote, but the election was raising  tension in the ground of   fraud etc, for peace sake Darboe forsake  it and concede the defeat.
The European Union (EU) , U.N, United Kingdom  (UK)  and the transparency  international fielded the  limited numbers  of international  observers who commend the satisfactory of the diction.
17 January 2002  was scheduled for the  parliamentary election were APRC won 45  seat out of  53, PDORS 3 seat;  and by law  5 seat  were appointed. 
There was an election bias  in the part of  independent  electoral commission which led  to the  boycotte the  election and APRC candidates was  allowed to run un-opposed  in  33 out of  48  constituencies.
Former head of state Sir, Dauda Jawara  was given   a mandate to  returned from  exile  in 2002  on the condition  that he should resign from his party. From 2003-2004, he became   opposition to Yahya  Jammah’s party who was not  expect to face  stiff competition of this  nature.
In another  developed  it is observe  that peanut  happen to be a common plant in Gambia.
The Gambian has only-one-six of the land is arable and poor soil quality has led to the production of this easy crop ie pea-nuts. She depend so much in this cash –crop, for this is  one of their  exported goods.
Finally,  Gambia depend on foreign  aids to filled the gaps in its balance of payment president Yahya  Jammeh’s want to turn the country into an oil producing state, even if the country  is yet to strike its crude oil.
Tourism is an important source of foreign exchange as the money  sent home by Gambians in Diaspora.

Encyclopedia Of The Nation World  Leaders  2003- Gambia (Pg

B.B.C News of  23  Nov. 2011, Time  12:45 GMT

E Ola Abiola Pg  242 -243; West African History  1984,  Omotayo 
Standard Nig Ado – Ekiti

United Nation  Report: 1999