Leadership in the public school system involves the process by which the school administrator, as an executive leader of the school controls and motivates the behaviour of both staff (tutorial and non – tutorial staff) and students, towards a specific set of educational objectives. The school administrator is able to do this due to some factors, which are outlined as follows.
1.        The administrator possesses an official rank that gives him authority to direct and control others
2.        He or she has authority to punish and reward defaulting   and excellent staff members respectively.

3.        Ideally, the school administrators possesses more managing skill and knowledge due to his/ here long time experiences and exposure.
The unique role of management and leadership in educational services cannot be over emphasized. Sequel to this, Emmanuel Akumah (2008; p.160), in his bid to stress the vital role of leadership in solving our national educational problems said, “There are five requirements for school effectiveness. The third is leadership,  the fourth is leadership and the fifth  is leadership.” The summary of it all is that  the  set educational  objectives of any nation and its attainability, which  defines the standard of education of  that country depends  extensively on the leadership and management of the educational   sector.

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