Qualified personnel are of course an essential element in the school organization.
  According to Hseuli (1975:16), noted that the provision of the right personnel is one of the major operational areas in school administration. He further remarked that it will lead to the development of appropriate personnel policies.

  As Nwaogu (1980) stated that, in an organizational set up where qualified personnel are inadequate, the organization is bound to fall both academically and otherwise (p15). In addition, it is emphasized that no matter how effective an administrator is, he cannot achieve success without qualified and adequate staff since; it is through them that many educational process take

  Adam (1983:68) stressed that the principle of staffing require the employer to ensure the right man in the right job. That is to say that there should be careful appointment selection, placement, training and development of staff without bias of tribalism. In the discussion of qualified personnel (Ukpan (1983:8) stated that the school is a factor producing workers for the nation. He further disclosed that this can only be achieved through the recruitment of qualified personnel has many attributes. He remarked that lack of enough equipped institutions for training personnel and lack of incentive and patronage are the key militants of public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area in Kaduna state of Nigeria.

  The effectiveness of staff depends to a great extent on how well they understand the role they are to carry out and the extent to which they feel they belong to the institution Ozigi (1977:12), supports that is the administrators duty to see that all the staff members are working effectively on the tasks that everyone of them will know exactly what he is to perform by fully and duties assigned to them. By contributing his quota to the effective running of public education in Kaduna North Local Government Area in Kaduna state of Nigeria.