The Izzi people is said to cover the area of about 2264 Square kilometers. The  density of the population is medium, the whole people of Izzi levy in  the  cross- river  plain  in  between the Enyimu  and Ebonyi River which are both tributaries of the  cross –river. It is a flat undulating land scrape, some 120-180  metres above  sea level sloping gently to  the  east. Erosion has exposed some volcanic rocks like the legede hild out Abakaliki. In the northern side, the Izzilies between latitude  450 and  76o  of the  Greenwich meridian  and between 50o-45o north  of the equator Izzi is also about  144-837  kilometres north of the atlantic ocean and has an area of about  86.14 square miles  and   723.1 square kilometers  (Chima 1982) 

The Izzi people experience the equatorial types of climate. The  rainfall  is  1800-2000mm perineum.  There  is  along wet season from  mid-march till  July. Then a short dry spell come in September and October. But from November till march follows the long  dry season. The  average temperature  is  27  degree Celsius. The natural vegetation  of  Izziis guinea savannah. It would  have been high forest, but the destruction  of  trees for many  centuries  has  caused the  transition from  the forest of the south to the savannah in the north. Moreover, in the northern part, the Izzi people share common boundaries with Abakaliki. In  the  southern part, The Izzi people share a common boundaries with cross – river people while in the  eastern part, the Izzi people share common boundaries  with   the Benue people and finally, in the western part, the Izzi people share common boundaries with Ikwo people.  

According to nico van steensel in  his book titled  “ the Izzi,  their history and geographical location of Izzi, he states that the elders  of Anmegu, the mother town of Izzi, says  that ekumenyi is the father of Izzi. That  his tomb can be found  in anmegu. He   did not come  from any other  area, but originated from anmegu where his father came  from they did not know. His tomb is not located so,  none of the three sister tribes is to calim his (Izzi, ezza, and ikwo)

The Izzi people were told elsewhere to have come from heaven at  anmegu, during  the period both heaven and  earth  were very close and enyi came from heaven along a rope. But when the man  did something bad, the rope fell  down and man could not climb up to heaven  again. That is how the first Izzi people came to  live at Anmegu. The  fact that  enyi  live to  anmegu is supported  by  the three sons. The oldest son was Ezekune, the second son was Ekuma and the youngest son Noyo. Ekuma enyis wife ugbala gave birth to  Nnodo, hence the Izzi desend  from Nnodo and the Ezza from Ezekune and  the Ikwo from Noyo. 

According to history, they believed that when Nnodo was sent to his own domain with his two wives which is the Anmegu Izziin the east. He had nine (9) sons  which include the following : inyimagu, Mgbomeze,Nkaleke, Agbaja, Unuphum Itumo, Nwigbegu, Nwenyida and Nwida . as they grew up  each dispersed   to different habitations as  below  mentioned; Inyimagu to Inyimagu,  Mgbomeze to Isheke,  Nkwaleke  of Abakaliki, Agba Unuphy, Nwigbegu to Igbeagu Unuphu, Nwenyigba  to Enyiagba  and Nwida to Ida. The   account of origin  and dispersal went further to content that their father gave them his daughter,  each  based on his  own capacity to communicate  in Izzi today. Moreover, as their population increased problem arose  in virtually all the families. The  father  paid  a visit  to  them and addressed them to  elect from each family (making  up each community  two prominent persons to lead them. In accordance with the  system,  Igbojima and Nnwueru were selected.  Both the Igbojima and Nnwueru were further advised to select four prominent persons from among them to form committees. Those committees were to  take charge of any problem that may arise. Indeed,  they were  charged specifically  with the  responsibility of settling disputes among their different communities.

The selection was conducted by Igbojima and Nnwueru as followed (Igbojima Ameze  Nwophor)  Egbe, Opoke  and Oricha  were chosen.  However, it  was the selection that   became the basis  along which the Izzi people live to date. Each  was to serve as a representatives   of a  group. Each of these groups became  what is popularly known as /PFU. But  today,  there are two major IPFU which are “Igbojima”  and “Nnwueru” and eight sub- IPFU  of  Ameze (Nweze)  Nnwu Ogbe, Nnwuopoke, and  Nnwuoricha . while  other are Nnwu Ajagbo, Nnwu Nshog, Nnwugo and finally Nnwuekuma
Occupation of Izzi people

The major crops growth in Izzi land  are  yam, rice,  and cassava  in that order of importance and abundance.  The  main crops growth are pepper, sweet potato, bambara nut, melon, banished vegetable  and cocoyam. These are growth for  their subsistence  and commercial uses.

Fruit  trees like  citrus,  mango, bush mango, pawpaw, and pears are grown for their commercial  and subsistence uses. Farming still  remained the major  occupation of Izzivaries  depending on species and growing condition, when matured for  harvest, the kola nuts pods are exposed to sunshine for at  least  a  day before breaking and removing of the nuts. In most cases, it contains  10-12  seeds in each pod. The seeds of the kola nuts   take irregular shapes
When  removed from the pods