In ships, operation, oil and chemicals are deliberately or accidentally discharged into our water ways most of  them which  come  from refueling, boat  maintenance and bilge discharge into   our waterways  most of them which refueling, boat  maintenance and bilge discharge . Oil and chemical can be toxic to marine and human life . Oil and chemicals on board the ship product that are pollutants and will harm the marine environment 
Petrol oil spills occur through
-       Gear box oil
-      Motor oil
-      Two stroke oil

-      Diesel /fuel
-      Hydraulic oil
-      Cooling system additives
-      Cleaning agents
-      Degreasers
-      Acid and paints
-      Pipeline leakage including transfer  houses 
-      Cargo tank
-      Bunker tank overflow
-      Hull leakage
       Once  these toxins enter our water way  they have potential tor retard or prevent the reproductive  development of many marine animals , which  can have a flow on effect through  the whole  ecosystem
Contaminated   fish stocks and filter feeders such as oysters and mussels can also pass on harmful chemicals to human if consumed
However clean bilges help educe pollution , also  absorbents  can be used to mop up excess oil or fuel, the bilges are also washed with biodegradable degreases or detergents and dispose of any  cleaning  resides  offshore
If  oil does spill into water, use  absorbents to  mop it up and let the original harbor master,  marine manger or  port authority  know so   that it can be cleaned up as soon as possible . Do not use dispersants or cleaning chemicals because  they can increase the toxins effects of oil spills
How  to handle oil and chemical
As a HSE officer ,I participated actively in marine pollution control and I helped to  reduce oil and chemical entering our water ways
The measures I took  were
During refueling
Inserted the nozzles into the factor before the  pump were started 
Always turned off the pump and ensure that the flow of   fuel has stopped before removing  the nozzle . 
Always checked the fuel tank  capacity before they refueled
Watched the breathers for signs of blow  out or  overflow
-       Ensure the bilges were cleaned before discharging were  made
-       Always   supervised the operation of bilge pump to  ensure that only water was being  pumped into the  water ways
-       Revised the installation of  bilge pumps float switch to stop oil accident ally discharging with  bilge water ways
-      Cleaned waste oil from bilge using absorbents  and  make  sure the degreases, detergents  or bodies gradable  produce  used were not discharged into water ways 
For everyday  check scrubbing  used clean water, any only   chemicals for severe staining  for any accidental spill on board, I cleaned it up with absorbent or  spray  saw dust to absorb it  on  various occasions, I conducted oil spill risk  assessment
To know the impact of our operation   on the marine environment