In the same way, same boat operators, deliberately  throw   their garages  into our water ways , most of it today is made from non 0biodegrdable   products such as plastics which  persist in marine environment for many years
However some marine animals and sea birds can mistake plastic for food others become  entangled  in garbage causing a slow ad painful  death
Ropes and plastics   materials can get caught in proper lows  and block water intakes causing major damage or even lose of  income while a boat is out of  service  for  expensive repairs 

Garbage’s: This   simple means solid waste  and a waste can be defined as anything that is no longer in use
Types of marine garbage’s that can pollute marine  environment   are    
-       Food waste
-      Paper product
-      Rages
-      Glass
-      Metals
-      Bottles
-      Plastics
-      Deck  sweepings
-      Packaging materials
-      Wire residue
Paint scraping as well as residence   that entering
Water through hall  maintenance   activities   such as
Pressure washing 
And panting  

Secure bins or garbage bags were made  available  for the storage  of  garbage onboard until they to shore   reformed,  which were disposed into appropriate receptacle when conducting vessel maintenance that generated saw dust scrapings paint chips,  debris and drips etc drop  clothes were used of catch these    by products
mechanical  sanders /scrapers equipped with vacuum
bags were  effective   used  to remove paint  in away that  prevents the spread of dust, debris and residue   into the marine environment as well  as air  when the garages or letters have already  been  discharged into our are ways
a floating  letter trap  and boom systems is used to trap it and  held  safely in a collection basket for removal  this  happens  regardless of tide changes or water  level 
they have different types of bins for storage of wastes in marine