SS 3.                                      HISTORY                             TIME:2 HRS 30 MINS.

1.      In which of the following centres of amount civilization was a burial chamber discovered? (a) Benin (b) Igbo-Ukwu (c) Ile Ife (d) Nok
2.      The checks and balances built into the old Oyo empire or political system were menat to----- (a) make the ogboni the most powerful cult (b) prevent any office from becoming too
powerful (c)remove the powers of the Alaafin (d) send the Ohiwo out of the capital.
3.      In the Hausa pre-colonial administrative set up the waziri was the---- (a) army commander (b) chief of police (c) treasure (d) prime minster.
4.      Which of these tribes was alleged to have founder Borno ampire? The------ (a) Arab (b) Fulani (c) Hausa (d) Kanuri.
5.      According to the Oral evidence, the Itsekiri Kingdom was founded by—(a) Iginula (b) Ogiso (c) Obia (d) ovaramwen.
6.      When was the dual division of the administrative units of the caliphate effects? (a) 1804 (b) 1808 (c) 1812 (d) 1817.
7.      The evangelization group of Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther was the---- (a) Baptist mission (b) evangelist of West Africa (c) church missionary society. (d) Roman Catholic mission.
8.      The Bantus were the most advanced among the tribes in Southern Africa because--------(a) develop an elaborate system of government (b) were educated (c) had early acquisition of iron implements and superior arms. (d) Warlike.
9.      The treaty of Bissandugu of 1886 between samori Tome and the French bordered on-------(a) accepting French dominance (b) boundary settlement (c) ceasefive agreement (d) pacifying the British.
10. The radical group of pan African movement that later metamorphosed into the O.A.U was--------bloc (a) brazzaville (b) Casablonca (c) Monrovia (d) Addis.
11. The UNO was established in 1945 to replace the--------- (a) Atlantic charter (b)league of nation (c) A.O.U (d) common wealth of nation.
12. Who was the caloph at the time the Sokoto caliphate who lost its independence to the colonial masters? (a) Atlantic (b) Usman Dantodio (c) Abubakar (d) Bello.
13. In 1772, slave trade was declared illegal following the judgment passed by--------(a) Lord Lugard (b) Lord Mansfield (c) Williams Wilbarforce (d) Richard Lander.
14. Which of the following provided alternative engagement for slave dealers after the abolition of the slave trade (a) Christianity (b) trans-sharan trade (c) Legitimate trade (d) Gold mining.
15. The first rulers of Egypt were the------ (a) English (b) Mamelukes (c) Turks (d) Russia.
16. King Jaja of Opobo was regarded as a nationalist because he----(a) fought against European dominant of his Kingdom (b) traded with the Europeans (c) Was deported by the colonial masters (d) was the high priest of Ikuba.
17. Which of these agricultural products did sayyid said introduced to boost the economy of pemba and zanibar? (a) cotton (b) sugar cane (c) doves (d) Groundnut.
18. Under Kabaka Mutesa, the Kingdom of Bugada witnessed-------(a) considerable increase British influence (b) considerable increase of internal company (c) the collapse of the British East African company (d) the revival of the old ketera Kingdom.
19. The most important reason for the defeat of the Hausa by the Fulani Jihadists was (a) disunity among the Hausa (b) lack of foreign support (c) military weakness (d) poor leadership
20. Which of the following statement about the massing Jihad is correct? (a) majority of the fulbe gave their support to Seku Ahmed (b) Seku Ahmed was over thrown by his son (c) the ruler of Segu executed Seku Ahmedu’s supporters (d) the traders in Massing refused to support Seku Ahmed.
21. The benefit which Alhaji Umar derived from his visit to Sokoto was-----(a) reading the books written by Usman dan Fodio (b) his marriage with Usman Fodio’s daughter (c) purchase of fire arms (d) the trade relationship he had with the caliph.
22. The most popular Jihadist of the 19th century west Africa is (a) Seku Ahmed (b) Alhaji Umar (c) Shehu Usman Danfodio (Muhammed Bello.
23. Samori Towre offered himself as a captive because (a) he was hated by his people (b) he wanted to strengthen the size army (c) of his love for his mother (d) he was eldest child of the family.
24. The major reason for the growth of the Mandika State was (a) the control of market centres by rulers (b) the cordial relations with her neighbours (c) large scale production of salt (d) the presence of a well discipline army.
25. The person appointed as the first Governor of the settlers in Freetown was--------(a) John Clarkson (b) Thomas Peters (c) Charles Mac Carthy (d) James Weaver.
26. Igbo-Ukwu which is one of the centre of ancient civilization in Nigeria is presently situated in--------- state (a) Abia (b) Anambra (c) Ebonyi (d) Imo.
27. The first Mai of Kanuri empire to embrace Islamic was----------(a) Ali Ghaji (b) Dunama I (c) Dunama II (d) Umme Jilmi.
28. The Chief adviser to Alafin on religious matters in the pre-colonial era was the--------(a) Oluwa (b) Ona Efa (c) Bashrun (d) Osi Efa.
29. The first victory recorded by the Jihadist over Yunfa was at Tabkin-------(a) Katsina (b) Sokoto (c) Kwatto (d) Kebbi.
30. The following were the impact of the Sokoto Jihad on Nigeria except-----(a) Establishment (b) overthrow of the Hausa ruler by the Fulanis (c) revival of the Hausa language (d) spread of Islam.    
31. Ekiti parapo was a product of the following  towns  except……..(a) Akoko (b) Ekiti (c) Igbomina  (d) Ife
32. The mamoluses were ………(a)  Egyptian (b)  Frenchmen  (c) turkist army (d) white slaves
33. The  Diwan’ during the  Turkish rule in Algeria   were the ……..(a) Beyliks  (b) governor  general  (c)  minister of  the  state (d)  provincial governors
34. The highest authority in Buganda is called  (a)  Mai (b) Kabaka (c)  emir (d) Eze
35. The great  trek was  embarked upon by the  (a)  bantu (b) boers (c)  Hottentots (d)  xhoza
36. The  upheaval  among the  soth in  south Africa  was known as  ……(a)  difazane (b) indunas  (c) mfacane  (d)  Nguni
37. Which of the following Nigeria leaders was  not  involed in state creation?  (a) Ibrahim babangida  (c)  Mohammed Buhari (c)  Murtala mohammed  (d)  sani abacha
38. South  Africa was  expelled from the common wealth of nation because  of her ……..(a)conservative attitude (b)  divided loyalty  (c) non aligned  position (d) aparthies  policy 
39. Kenya became independent under Jomo Kenyatta in ……(a)  1960  (b) 1963 (c) 1966 (d) 1970  (e) 1976
40.  Nigeria was  suspender from the  commonwealth  of nation during  the region of ……………………(a)  Badamasi Babangida (b) Mohamadu Buhard (c)  Murtala Mohamed (d) Samid Abacha (e)Yakubu  Gowon

Answer five questions

1.      Discuss  5  reasons for the first   military coup in Nigeria
2.      Describe  5  immediate causes of  the civil war  in  Nigeria by  1967
3.      Outline  5  achievement of general  Yakubu Gowon in  Nigeria as a military  head of  state.
4.      What were the reasons for the success of the Jihad of Usman Danfodio in Northern Nigeria?
5.      Explain four (4) significance of the Christian missionary in Nigeria by the beginning of the 19th century.
2b. Explain four (4) problems of the Christian missionary in Nigeria by the beginning of the 19th century.
6.      Describe the political structure of the Sokoto caliphate by the 19th century.
7.      What benefits has Nigeria derived from the civil war of July, 1967 to January, 1970?
8.      How was the government of Oyo empire formed?
9.      Highlight any factors that led to fall of Kanem Bornu empire.