In the light of the foregoing, and given the newly emerging political commitment to the reproductive health approach, it has now become necessary to review existing strategies and develop a comprehensive strategic framework for supporting the countries, considering:
·        The limited impact of existing programmes in reducing sexual and reproductive ill-health;
·        The limited ability of current vertical approaches to deal with the broad spectrum of reproductive health issues and to reach -out to the numerous major groups (unmarried women, men, youths, rural population etc.);
·        The lack of participation of clients, especially women in the planning and provision of services and the inadequate focus on the needs of people throughout their life time;
·        Inappropriate use of existing technology;
·        Lack of coordination of investments by governments and agencies involved in the promotion of reproductive health.
The new reproductive health strategy is an outcome of resolutions adopted by the World Health Assembly and the Regional Committee, namely:
·        Resolution WHA38.22 of 1985, on adolescent motherhood and promotion of responsible parenthood;
·        Resolution WHA48.10 of 1995 on WHO’s role in the global strategy on reproductive health;
·        Resolution AFR44R11 of 1994 on accelerated reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality in the African Region:

·        Resolution AFR RC45R7 on health of the youth and adolescents: situation report and trend analysis.
In addition, the United Nations General Assembly, by its resolution 49/128, endorsed the ICPD programme of action. Various international conferences on population. The Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, and other related initiatives such as the population policies formulated and adopted many member states have also underscored the need for a more comprehensive approach to reproductive health.
All the people of the Region should enjoy, within the next 25 years, an improved quality of life through a significant reduction of maternal  and neonatal morbidity and mortality unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections and through the elimination of harmful practices and sexual violence. The countries of the Region should also promote healthy sexual relationship, responsible parenthood and gender equality.

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