This paper assesses and evaluates geologically related problems and issues associated with five ‘abortive’ boreholes drilled within the Abakaliki metropolis, southeastern Nigeria. Results of the Vertical Electrical geophysical soundings (VES), carried out in these borehole locations, show that the underlying Abakaliki
Shale Formation in those areas has six layered model. While the uppermost layer has an apparent resistivity value of range 240 to 1120 ohm-m and a thickness of range 1.0 to 1.2 m, and is interpreted as lateritic overburden, the sixth layer records an apparent resistivity value of 320 to 1025 ohm-m and undetermined thickness.

The range of the apparent resistivity values and a correlation with local geological data reveal that the formation, although layered, is predominantly shale, which become fresh, unweathered and ‘unfractured’ at greater depth. The depths of studied boreholes ranged from 45 to 80 m, hence, they most certainly tap the sixth layer fresh, unweathered shale; a geological material notoriously known for its low permeability, high water retention capacity and very low specific yield of water to boreholes.

Keywords: Abakaliki Shale; Abortive boreholes; Aquiclude; Vertical electrical sounding.

In the Abakaliki metropolis (Fig 1), the Ebonyi State Water Company Limited, which is mandated to provide potable water for the inhabitants of city and urban areas, is currently unable to supply adequate quantities due to the ever-increasing population accentuated by inability to expand the infrastructure to cater for the requirement of potable water. Most places do not have pipelines and those who have do not have water flowing through their taps constantly. This has led to the people resorting to alternative means of getting water, such as hand-dug wells, surface water bodies and drilled boreholes, for their daily water needs. The surface water sources are usually associated with diseases and sicknesses. It has been estimated that lack of clean drinking water and sanitation services leads to water-related diseases globally and between five to ten million deaths occur annually, primarily of small children (Snyder and Merson, 1982). This leaves the groundwater are the best means of constant and safe water for most inhabitants.
The availability and exploitation of the groundwater, on the other hand, is also becoming problematic. While some of the borehole drilled within the Abakaliki metropolis yield water at economic quantity all round the year (i.e., productive boreholes), some are only productive only in the peak of the rainy season, and the rest are completely unproductive, and are locally referred to ‘abortive’ boreholes. This work, therefore, attempts to evaluate, by means of geophysical investigation, why five boreholes despite being drilled in the proximity of (i.e., few metres away from) productive ones failed to yield water at economic quantities. Highlights on the causes of the failure of the boreholes are made strictly made on the basis on the results of the geophysical surveys conducted; other probable causes are not much emphasized in this work but can be found elsewhere.

Physiography and climate
Abakaliki, the capital territory of the present day Ebonyi State of Nigeria, is generally undulating and no location exceeds 400 m above-sea-level (Fig 1). A major relief structure is hills formed by the pyroclastic bodies. No trend has been established by previous research (Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987) of these conical shaped hills and other residual hills that spread sporadically within the area. The predominant shale has favoured the low erodability of the lithology, resulting in absence or near absence of deep cut valleys and erosion channels. Stunted trees and pockets of derelict woodland exist where the lithology has undergone high degree of laterisation. Elsewhere, typical characteristics of the tropical rain forest are displayed; multitude of evergreen trees, climbing plants, parasitic plants that live on the other plants, and creepers.
Two main seasons exist in the Abakaliki area, the dry season which spans from November to March and the rainy season which begins in April and ends in October with a short period of reduced rains in August commonly referred to as “August break”. Most hand dug wells and boreholes in this area are recharged during the peak of the rainy season. Temperature in the dry season ranges from 20°C to 38°C, and results in high evapotranspiration, while during the rainy season temperature ranges from 16°C to 28°C, with generally lower evapotranspiration. A number of hand dug wells are completely dried up in the peak of this season. The average monthly rainfall ranges from 31mm in January to 270 mm in July, with the dry season experiencing much reduced volume of rainfall unlike the rainy season, which has high volume of rainfall. Average annual rainfall varies from 1,500 mm to 1,650 mm. These climatic conditions are responsible for the development of thick lateritic soils in the Abakaliki area and its environs (Ezeh and Anike, 2009).

Geology and Hydrogeology
            The Abakaliki metropolis is, geologically, underlain by the Abakaliki Shale Formation of the Asu River Group (Reyment, 1965). The Asu River Group sediments are predominantly shales, and localized occurrences of sandstone, siltstone and limestone intercalations (Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987). It was generally believed to have started depositing in the mid-Albian period and was deposited within the lower (or southern) Benue Trough, southeastern Nigeria. The geology of the Abakaliki metropolis is shown in Fig 1. Emplaced in these Asu River Group sediments are intermediates to basic intrusive, extrusives and pyroclastics (Murat, 1972; Nwachukwu, 1972; Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987; Tijani et al., 1996). The group has average thickness of about 2000m and rests unconformably on the Precambrian Basement (Benkhelil et al., 1989). The Abakaliki Shale Formation, which has an average thickness of about 500 m, is dominantly shale, dark grey in colour, blocky, and non-micaceous in most locations. It is calcareous (calcite-cemented) and deeply weathered to brownish clay in the greater part of the formation (Okogbue and Aghamelu, 2010). 
Aghamelu et al. (2011) note that the major part of the Abakaliki metropolis is underlain by aquiclude; except in locations or zones where secondary aquiferous conditions were made possible by syn- and post depositional circumstances. The syn-depositional circumstance is the occurrence of lenses of sandstone or siltstone beds, while the post depositional circumstances include weathering, fracturing or shearing, and volcanic intrusions. The zones are recharged mostly in the peak of rainy season and by surface waters in the area. The major river that drains the area is the Ebonyi River and its tributaries; Udene and Iyiokwu Rivers. Both tributaries are perennial and usually overflow their banks at the peak of the rains.

Geophysical survey
The Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) using the Schlumberger electrode configuration was carried out within the locations of the studied ‘abortive boreholes’. The VES stations are shown in Fig 1. The VES survey following guidelines specified in Telford et al. (1990). The procedure involves driving current into the ground using a pair of electrodes and the resulting distribution of the potential in the ground measured using another pair of electrodes connected to a sensitive voltmeter (a recording instrument). The difference in the potential in ohms is converted to apparent resistivity by using a factor that depends on the electrode configuration. The recording instrument used was OMEGA 5 (Signal Averaging System, SAS1000). The instrument automatically calculated the average of five cycles of the ratio of the potential difference across the layer and the current passing through the layer (recorded in ohms-metre, Ωm).
Some precautions were taken during the field surveys in order to generate an accurate or near accurate data.  For example, the electrodes were hammered firmly into the ground to at least a depth of 35 cm in order to avoid error reading and achieve good electrical contacts with the ground. Water was poured at the point of electrode contact with the ground to possibly enhance ionic flow of current; survey was carried in the dry season.  Also, positions of the electrodes were kept far away from power-lines to avoid altering the value of the potential difference.

Data analysis and Interpretation
                        The processing of the data generated during the survey involved automatic plotting of apparent resistivity values of the formation surveyed against half the electrode spread with the aid of a computer software, known as OFFIX. This software ensured breaking of the subsurface into distinct layers of differing resistivity in relation to thickness and depth. The shape of the resulting curve depends on the resistivity contrast between the layers. The computer system also used a family of curves, given by Telford et al (1990), to automatically match the curves and determine the layer resistivity.

A set of resistivity curves obtained by software interpretation of data generated by means of VES surveys in this study is presented in Figs 2. It can be deduced from the curves that the surveyed portions of the geological formation coincidentally have five to six distinguishable layers. Each of the layers however differs significantly with each other with respect to their resistivity to electric current. Despite the variation, however, all the layers recorded relatively high apparent resistivity values (ranging between 50 and 1120 ohm.m).
A correlation of these resistivity values of the geology of the Abakaliki area give indications that the layers are shales, most probably, with slightly differed water bearing capacities due to heterogeneity in their physical properties. Grain size distribution, sorting, cementation, porosity, permeability and mineralogy (Pettijohn et al. 1973; Prothero and Schwab, 1996), amongst other syn- and post depositional factors, could result in the observed the resistivity contrasts in the model layers. Lithologic models developed from the resistivity curves are presented in Fig 3.
The depths of the studied ‘abortive’ boreholes ranged from 45 to 80 m (see Table 1). It is therefore most likely, as shown in Fig 3, that they tap the hard shale layer (bottom) and an indeterminate depth and apparent resistivity values that ranged from 320 to 1025 ohm-m. Although the Abakaliki Shale is known to be highly fractured and sheared (Ezeh and Anike, 2009), limited knowledge exist of the depth and general distributions of the fracture system. It is possible that the fracturing is a near surface phenomenon, hence could not be found at greater depth. Shale, as a geological material, is notoriously known for its low permeability, very low specific yield and high water retention capacity. This notoriety become more pronounced if it is fresh and unweathered, thus, most be a major reason, among others, why the boreholes failed.
Aghamelu et al. (2011) have highlighted the fact that most hand dug wells, and even some boreholes, in the Abakaliki area dry up in the middle of dry season leaving the town with acute shortage of portable water. They, however, suggest that boreholes that tap the fractured and weathered zones, sandstone and limestone layers or members of the Abakaliki Shale, as well as the bedrock interfaces with the shale formation are likely to be productive. According to Ismael (1990), the fractured and weathered zone shale-aquifer systems have specific yields values as follows; range 1.26 × 10-3 to 1.60 × 10-3 litre per second (l/s) and 1.22 × 10-3 to 1.81 × 10-3 l/s, with average values of 1.48 × 10-3 l/s and 1.59 × 10-3 l/s, respectively. Fresh and unweathered types, however, have specific yield values much lower than these given (Ismael, 1990).

This study has provided insights which indicated that the existence of secondary aquifer systems; via weathering, fracturing and lenses of siltstone or sandstone beds, is likely not a continuous (both laterally and vertically) phenomenon in the Abakaliki Shale Formation, especially within the Abakaliki metropolis. Consequently, the concept of a ground water table with regional flow is very likely to be unrealistic. This fact may also be supported by the principle of ‘heterogeneity of geological material’, which emphasizes that geological materials have tendencies to differ, laterally and/or vertically, in properties especially distances (even few metres) apart.
The economic wastage, material lost and frustrations associated with ‘abortive’ boreholes necessitate the need for a thorough geophysical investigation prior to citing of boreholes within some localities in the Abakaliki area. This is despite whether the site is in the proximity or distances away from a productive borehole or hand-dug wells.
The implementation of a water resources management strategy by the state water corporation is imperative to ensure the availability and sustainable provision of potable water to the inhabitants of the Abakaliki metropolis. This becomes very necessary to reduce the health risk the inhabitant would be exposed to in an attempt to source water from alternative means especially when they are faced with the ‘abortive borehole’ phenomenon.

Dr. B.I. Odoh of the Department of Geological Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, and Mr. E. O. Ezim of the Department of Geology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, are gratefully acknowledged for their invaluable contribution towards this work.
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Department of Geology and Exploration Geophysics
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