www.nti.edu.ng | National Teachers' Institute (NTI) Register & Login Here

www.nti.edu.ng | National Teachers' Institute (Register & Login Here)

This is the full details about National Teachers' Institute (NTI). Every information required to register and login to NTI student portal is found on this website. Read on...


The National Teachers' Institute was setup to serve as a Distance Learning Educational Institution in order to provide additional means of tackling the challenges facing Teacher Education in Nigeria

NTI Structure

The Institute, with its headquarters in Kaduna, operates through a network of 6 Zonal and 37 State offices and over 400 study centres. The organizational structure of the Institute comprises:
  1. Office of the Director-General & Chief Executive.
  2. Registry and Council Affairs
  3. Department of Field Operations & Students Services.
  4. School of Teacher Professional Development, Research and Examinations.
  5. School of Undergraduate Studies
  6. School of Postgraduate Studies
  7. Bursary

The Zonal Offices are located in Abuja (North Central), Bauchi (North East), Benin (South South), Enugu (South East), Ibadan (South West), and Kano (North West).

Related: View NTI programes for Degree, Diploma,  PGDE of Education

The Institute has an office in each of the 36 States and FCT. Tutorials, examinations, tutor-student interaction, student-student interaction, counselling, etc take place in the Study Centres all over the country.

Functions of NTI (National Teachers Institute)

Functions of the Institute
The enabling Law mandates the Institute to:
  1. upgrade under-qualified and untrained teachers.
  2. conduct post-graduate courses and examinations in education for graduate teachers.
  3. provide refresher and other upgrading courses for teachers.
  4. organize workshops, seminars and conferences, which would assist in the improvement of teachers.
  5. conduct examinations.
  6. carry out research in conjunction with other bodies on any matter relevant to educational development in the country.
  7. formulate policies and initiate programmes at all levels of education designed to improve by way of research the quality and content of education in Nigeria.
  8. assess from time to time the training programmes offered by Institutions controlled by or associated with the Institute with a view to ascertaining the professional competence of those Institutions.
  9. offer such assistance, either alone or in co-operation with educational bodies as may be required by the Institutions controlled by or associated with the Institute.
  10. foster and enhance international co-operation in the education of teachers; and perform such other functions as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all the functions of the Council under this Decree.

NTI Governance

  1. Composition of the Governing Council
  2. Chairman and another Federal Government Nominee
  3. One Member Representing the Fed. Min. of Education
  4. Three Members representing the NUT, NTA and FRCN
  5. Two Members representing the Universities
  6. One Commissioner of Education from each of the Six Geo-Political Zones
  7. The Director General / CEO
  8. The Registrar serves as the Secretary to the Council.

Duties of the Governing Council

  1. To organize and provide programmes for the training, development, upgrading and certification of teachers.
  2. To carry out research in conjunction with other bodies on any matter relevant to the development of teacher education in the country.
  3. To conduct post-graduate courses and examinations in EDUCATION for graduate teachers.
  4. To formulate and initiate relevant policies and programmes towards enriching / improving the content and quality of Teacher education in Nigeria.

Other NTI Duties

  1. To assess from time to time, the training programmes offered by Institutions controlled by, or associated with the Institute with a view to ascertaining their professional competence.
  2. To offer such assistance, either alone or in co-operation with other educational bodies, as may be requested by those institutions controlled by or associated with the Institute.
  3. To foster and enhance international co-operation in the development of Teacher Education.
  4. To perform such other functions as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of any of the functions of the Institute.

Related: Find the Closest NTI Study Centre Nearest to You


From MDGs to SDGs

The NTI has successfully trained 749,158 teachers through the MDGs from 2006-2015. As the nation transits from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is necessary to state that the National Teachers Institute has even greater role to play. As next steps, the NTI intends to:
  1. train Primary and JSS teachers on the concept and principles of SDGs,
  2. train them to integrate the SDGs in the classroom teaching of the 4 core subject areas of Basic Science and Technology, English Language, Mathematics and Social Studies
  3. train in thematic areas to be selected from the following: Inclusive Education, Language Communication Skills, Effective Classroom Management Skills, Basic Teaching Methods and Techniques, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), School Based Assessment, Improvisation of Instructional Materials, Teaching Large Classes, Coping with Children with Special Needs (Learning Difficulties), Teaching in Small Rural Multi-grade Schools, Entrepreneurship education, and E-Learning. There is need to increase the allocation for the project.

NTI and the FME Ministerial Strategic Plan (2016-2019)

As a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Education, the National Teachers Institute is ever ready to key into the plans and programmes of the Ministry. It is therefore gratifying to note that the NTI is strategically placed to play a critical role in the actualisation of the Draft 2016-2019 FME Ministerial Strategic Plan. The Plan is built on nine pillars, all of which are relevant to the NTI Mandate. More specifically, four are directly relevant, namely:

Strengthening basic and secondary school education;

  1. Teacher education, capacity building and professional development;
  2. Quality and access in higher education; and
  3. E-learning


The NTI Specialised Centres

The Institute also has Specialized Centres and they include:
  1. Centre for Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE),
  2. Centre for Entrepreneurship and Special Education,
  3. Centre for the Teaching of English, and
  4. Centre for E-Learning.

The Centre for the Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education (SMASE) has trained 438 teachers in Science and Mathematics nationwide. This training has been cascaded in each state to cater for more teachers. Similarly, the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Special Education has CPD programmes that will help develop and upgrade the skills and knowledge of teachers at basic level.


Director General and Chief Executive: Prof. Garba Dahuwa Azare

Prof. Garba Dahuwa Azare was born in 1951, in Bauchi State. An indigene of Azare, Bauchi State. He is a Professor of Educational Management and Planning.Although adopted Philosophy as an Educationist. Professor Garba Dahuwa Azare started his teaching career as a primary school teacher in the 70s and gradually, expanded further to the university where he spent over thirty eight years from graduate assistant to the rank of a Professor of Educational Administration and Planning.

Until his appointment he was the head of the Department of Education and Dean Faculty of Education, and also Deputy VC Administration in Bayero University Kano. He has been engaged in teaching and conducting researches that foster the development of individuals at various levels in Nigeria and beyond. He served at various capacities including Senior Visiting Lecturer, at West Virginia, University, USA in 1986. Earlier on, He served as the Pioneer Chairman Bauchi State Primary School Management Board, and Commissioner of Education, Bauchi State.

Prof. Garba Dahuwa has Chaired various committees, He was Chairman, Release My Result Committee, Federal Ministry Of Education, and served as member of many boards including National Teachers Institute, Governing Council (2009). Member of Teacher Investigation Panel (TIP), National Teacher Registration Council Of Nigeria. Professor Garba Dahuwa Azare holds.
  1. Post-Doctoral Research Studies (PDRS) West Virginia University, US. 1986 – 87.
  2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Wales. Cardiff, UK – 1980 – 82.
  3. Master of Education (M.Ed). Bayero University. Kano, Nigeria – 1978 – 80.
  4. Bachelor of Arts (Education) Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria – 1972 – 76

Prof. Garba Dahuwa is a fellow of, Institute of Co-operate Executives of Nigeria (FICEN); Fellow, College of Education (COE) Azare, Bauchi State. Member, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD),USA. Member, International Council on Education for Teaching. Prof. Garba Dahuwa is married with 3 Children .

Registrar & Secretary to Council: Alh Mahmud Usman

Alh Mahmud Usman was born in Wuro-chekke Yola North Local Government Area of Yola State on the 2nd of September, 1960. He is happily married and blessed with 8 children. He started his educational career in 1967 at Wuro-Hausa Primary School in Yola Adamawa State, attended his Secondary School education at Gen. Murtala Mohammed College Yola; and obtained Interim Joint Matriculation Board Certificate at College Of Preliminary Studies Yola in 1981. He then proceeded to the famous Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he obtained his Bachelors of Arts Honours (History) in 1984, an Advanced Diploma in Public Administration from the Federal University of Technology Yola in 1989. He has held several appointments and positions among which is the Pioneer Registrar, Bauchi State University. He is also a chartered member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM).

Director, Field Operations and Students Services: Dr. D.O. Yaya

Dr. Dele Yaya is the Director, Field Operations and Students’ Services. He oversees the administration and management of the 6 zonal and 37 state Offices as well as over 400 study centres across the country.  Since 1983 when he came into the employment of the Institute, Dr. Yaya had been Deputy Director (PRS), Asst./Deputy Director (Educational Technology). Pioneer Zonal Coordinator (South-South Zonal Office, Benin City), and State Coordinator, Edo/Delta and Imo/Abia/Ebonyi states. He began his career in NTI in 1983 as Education Officer/Course Writer in Education and Social Studies. Before joining the Institute, Dr. Yaya had served as Lecturer in Education at the College of Physical Education, Afuze and in Economics at the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna where he did his NYSC.

Dr. Yaya holds the Ph.D in Educational Technology (May 2006); M.Ed. Teacher Education (with emphasis on Educational Technology), Sept. 1992; B.Sc. Education/Economics 1981; TC II June 1976; WASC 1974.  He is Chairman of various Committees including NTI ICT Committee, NTI SDGs Implementation Committee, etc.  Dr. Yaya is well travelled and has attended and made presentations in various workshops and conferences nationally and internationally.  He holds UK Open University OLNET Fellowship. He is the NTI Desk Officer for TESSA.  He is married and blessed with 4 children.

Dean, School of Teacher Professional Development, Research and Exams: Dr. Hafsat Lawal Kontagora

Dr. Hafsat Lawal Kontagora was born on 21st March 1968, in Zaria Local Government of Kaduna State. She attended Women Teachers’ College, Kabomo Katsina State from 1980-1985 and obtained Teachers’ Grade Two certificate, Advanced Teachers’ College/A.B.U, Zaria from 1985-1988 and obtained Nigerian Certificate in Education(N.C.E), Ahmadu Bello University,  Zaria from 1994-1996 and obtained Bachelor Degree in Education (Social Studies), Bayero University Kano from 2002-2008 and obtained Masters’ Degree in Education (Educational Psychology), University of Abuja from 2008-2012 and obtained PhD (Educational Psychology).

She possess additional qualifications among which are: Advanced Research Training Workshop, Damina School Centre for Research and Documentation, Kano (2004), Advanced Certificate in Arabic (2005), Computer Literacy Course (2006), Training Workshop for H.O.Ds, Exam Officers, and Registration Officers of Kaduna Polytechnic (2008), Research Capacity Building Training Workshop ETF/Kaduna Polytechnic (2011), Advance Digital Appreciation Programme for Tertiary Institutions (2013), Capacity Development Workshop for Pre-Service Teachers on Culturally Relevant Early Childhood Care and Education (2014).

She served at various capacities before and after joining the National Teachers Institute few among them are: Director School of Teacher Professional Development, Research & Examination Examination, Research & Academic services, Senior Lecturer/Exam Officer Lecturing; Students’ Project supervision; Research; Conducting exams; Result collation and compilation; Timetable preparation; Educational and Psychology consultancy services Kaduna Polytechnic etc.

She also has several research works that include: (1) Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NRSP) Women and Girls’ Peace club Cohort Study, Kaduna State 2016, (2) EDOREN Study on “identifying, recruiting and deploying effective teachers” Phase 2 2015, (3) GEP3 External Evaluation Study for Education & Operational Research and Evaluation in Nigeria. (EDOREN) 2014, (4) Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NRSP) Conflict Mapping of Land and Water Resources national Study (Kaduna state) for British Council and Centre for Peace Studies University of Jos 2013, (5) The Perceived Effect of Learning Environment on the Retention of Nomadic Fulani Pupils of Kaduna State (PHD Thesis, University of Abuja) 2012, and so many more write ups.

She has several publications that include: The Nomadic Girl Child and Education (2002): The Academic Standardizer-Journal, Stimulating Female Participation in Technological Education (2006): Journal of Women in Technical Education (JoWITED), Social Studies Pupils’ Text and Teachers’ Guide for Nomadic Primary Schools: books 1, 2 and 3 (2007), Psychology for Beginners (2008) A book, The positive and negative effect of globalization on women and their Development (2009) Business and Management Forum Journal- CBMS- Kaduna Polytechnic etc.

Member Association of Nigerian Educators (ANE), Nigeria Association of Educational Psychologists (NAEP), Nigeria Psychological Association (NPA), Social Studies Association of Nigeria (SOSAN), Nigerian Association of Social Workers Educators(NASWE), Nigerian Association of Social Workers (NASoW), Women in Technical Education and employment (WITED), International Psychologists, International Association of Applied Psychology (IAPP), International Association of Muslim Psychology (IAoMPSY).

Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies: Dr Lanre Maja

Born in Ile-Ife Village of Ife East Local Government Area of Osun State on 15th June, 1957 and happily married.

He Started his educational carerer in 1971 at Baptist High School Ejibo, Osun State, Secondary School at Divisional Teachers’ College Ile-Ife, Osun State. Proceeded to the University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State where he obtained his B.Sc Ed (Physical Health Education) in 1982, M. Ed (Physical and Health Education) from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State in 1985, Ph. D: (Physical and Health Education) from the University of Ibadan, Oyo State in 2013. He has done many research work among which are:

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An Evaluation of the Implementation of Health Education Component in Lower Basic Physical and Health Education Curriculum in South Western Nigeria. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis submitted to the University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria,

Evaluation of the Health Instruction Programme of Teachers Grade Two Colleges in Oyo State, Nigeria. Unpublished M. Ed Project submitted to the University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria.

Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies: Alh. Bashir Mamman

Alh Bashir Mamman was born on the 1st April 1965 in Daura Local Government of Katsina state. He attended Daura I Primary School Daura, Barewa College Zaria, ATC-ABU Zaria, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Newcastle University UK and Bayero University Kano. His highest qualification is a Master’s in Education (Test and Measurement) and a P. hD in view (Test and Measurement).

He has served in the National Teachers’ Institute as a teacher, Subject officer ITS, coordinator of all programmes at examinations department, Katsina state coordinator, SA to DG & CE, Dean School of Education and currently the Dean School of undergraduate studies.

Ag Bursar: Mrs Margaret E. Akoje

Born in Ayah-Ibaji Local Government Area of Kogi State on the 24th of September, 1958. She is  a widow of late Mr. David Akoje blessed with four children.

She  started her educational carrier in 1964, at Holy Rosary Primary School Idah Kogi State, Secondary School at Holy Rosary College Idah; She obtained Higher National Diploma in Business Administration at Kaduna Polytechnic 1982; Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management 1994 at Ondo State University Ado Ekiti, Masters of Business Administration (MBA) Finance 2001, from Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Bauchi State. Obtained professional Certified Charted Accountant from Nigerian College of Accountancy Jos, Also have a Certificate in Finance Management and Control from University of Newcastle, United Kingdom in 2014, currently studying Master in Leadership Study at the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Kaduna. She is a Member of the following professional bodies; Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), A fellow of the Institute of Corporate Treasurers and Accountant and an Associate member of the Nigerian Institute of Management. She Loves Reading, Christian Music, Travelling, Cooking and Sports.

Zonal Coordinator South - East Zone:

Field Operation & Student Services (Foss): Dr. Chizoba Francisca Umerah

Dr Chizoba Francisca Umerah, was born into the family of late Ononenyi John A. Ndulue and Late Mrs Flora Ageh Ndulue (Nee Onyido) of Ogbendida Village, Onitsha in Onitsha North Local Government Area of Anambra State.

She is a seasoned educationist and administrator par excellence. She holds Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) in Agriculture, Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Guidance & Counselling, Master of Education (MEd) in Management and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Educational Management.

Dr Umerah, is a registered Teacher with the Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), a Fellow with the Institute of Co-operate Administration (FCAI) in Organizational Administration, a Chattered Member of Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM) and was a member of Anambra State Examination Ethics Board.

Zonal Coordinator South - West

Department: Field Operatuion & Student Services (Foss): Cole Grace Adeola

Cole Grace Adeola possesses NCE (French/English) from Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo where she trained between 1976 and 1979. She had a stint as English teacher at Government Secondary School, Kano before proceeding to the University of Benin where she bagged her first degree in English in 1983. The same year, she started her career as Education officer (English) with the Oyo State Ministry of Education. While there, she served as Examiner & Team Leader (English methods) on Teachers’ Grade II Examinations of the National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna. She was among the first set of Education Officers on secondment from the States’ Ministry of Education to assist the pioneer State Coordinators manning the Field offices at the time. She transferred her service to NTI in 1991.She acquired a professional Masters in Social work and an M. Ed of the department of Adult Education in 1998 and 2011 respectively from the University of Ibadan.

Zonal Coordinator South-South

Field Operation & Student Services (Foss): Prince Ademola Olayiwola Olude

Prince Ademola Olayiwola Olude was born on the 27th June, 1958 at Oja-Odan  in the Yewa South Local Government Area of the same State.  He attended Local Authority Primary School, Okusu-Oke, Ife South Local Government Area of Osun State between 1962 and 1969 and Cherubim and Seraphim Primary School, Shiloh, Agege, Lagos State in 1970 where he obtained the First School Leaving Certificate.  He proceeded to Ibadan Boys’ High School, Oke-Bola, Ibadan, and Oyo State in 1972 from where he obtained the West African School Certificate in 1976.  Out of sheer love for teaching, he attended Federal Advanced Teachers College(Now Federal College of Education) Osiele, Abeokuta, Ogun State in 1977 where he bagged the Nigeria Certificate in Education in 1980 with Distinctions.  He read Chemistry and Biology. In furtherance of his educational pursuits, Prince Olude proceeded to the prestigious University of Ibadan in 1981 to read Teacher Education in Chemistry and Zoology and graduated with honours in 1984.  He returned to the same University in 1987 and obtained his Masters Degree in Science Education (Chemistry) in 1988.  His love for education also saw him to the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) in 1996 where he bagged Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science in 1998.  Prince Olude is a Ph.D student at Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi in Distance Science Education.

NTI Programmes in Nigeria

  1. Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) Programme
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) Programme
  3. Advanced Diploma in Education (ADE) Programme
  4. Pivotal Teachers Training Program (PTTP) Programme
  5. Technical Teachers Training Program (TTTP) Programme
  6. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme
  7. Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Education (SMACE) Programme


Email: info@nti.edu.ng
Telephone: 234-(0)62-887873, 887780, 290352
Address: KM 5 Kaduna - Zaria Express Way, Rigachikun, PMB 2191 Kaduna, Nigeria.

NTI News Coming Up soon...

  1. NTI Students' Portal - Login & Registration
  2. How to Register - National Teachers Institute
  3. How to Apply - National Teachers Institute
  4. Post Graduate Diploma in Education PGDE - National Teachers Institute
  5. Launch of our new student portal - National Teachers Institute

How to Login to NTI Student Portal

To login to NTI official website, Click HereFrom there you can access NTI Student Registration & Login Portal | National Teachers' Institute

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