Almost 90% of the world palm oil products are used as food. This has made demands that one nutritional properties of palm oil and its fractions be adequately demonstrated. The fatty acid composition of palm oil has thus been the focus of attention in determining its nutritional adequacy in relation to coronary heart disease risk factors Hegsted, (1991). 

Palmitic acid (44%) is the major saturated fatty acid in palm oil and this is balanced by almost 39% mono unsaturated oleic acid and 11% polyunsaturated linoleic acid. The remainder is largely stearic (5%0 and myristic 91%) acid. This composition is significantly different from palm kernel oil (Obtained as co-product during the processing of oil palm fruits) which is almost 85% saturated Sambathamurthi,( 2000)

Red palm oil is a rich source of pro-vitamin A and antioxidant nutrients B- carotenes, tocotrienol and tocopherols, which have the capacity to retard proxidation and scavenge free radical. Besides, having autimutgenic and hypoahocesterolaemic potential, and is nutritionally safe and wholesome. The combination of these characteristic make it excellent oil for human consumption. This red oil is used for combating vitamin A deficiency Rukmini, (1991). Although palm oil based diets include a high blood cholesterol level that do corn, soybean and sunflower oils, its composition causes the drop in the endogenous level.

This is due to the presence of the tocotrienol and the peculiar position of fatty acids. Its health benefit includes reduction in risk of arterialinorbosis and atherosclerosis, inhibition of endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis, platelet aggregation and reduction in blood pressure. Red oil at moderate levels in the diets of experimental animals promotes efficient utilization of nutrients, favourable body weight gain, improved immune function, adequate haemoglobinization cells and induction of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes (Edem, 2002).

Accordingly emphasis has been on the cholesterol lowering effects of palm oil tocotrienol, the pro vitamin A activity of red palm oil and palm carotene concentrates and the antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties of palm vitamin E, carothoids and the phonetic falconoid complex Sambanthamurthi, (2000).

The oil palm and its products have found a  major importance in the food, livestock, timber, pharmaceutical and other industries usually referred to as perm kernel cake is used In the manufacture of livestock feed. Although palm kernel caked is some what low in protein content, the amino acid spectrum of the protein, together with a favourable calcium to phosphorus ratio enables the cake to make a useful control to the manufacture of compound animal feeds. Jacquemard  (1978).
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