Different writers attribute poor reading habits/Reading deficiency among Nigerians to different factors most of which are particular to Nigerians. Widdowson (1985), blames students and teachers for the students’ inability to read. He indicts students for over dependence on introduction and notes to edition of books they are required to study, and says that over dependence on those” little booklets of potted critical judgments’ should be discouraged. Widdowson also blames teachers of literature for their students’ inability or unwillingness to read. He contends that what they rather do is instruct students in sort of simplified version of literary criticism so that the may be given access to significant aspect of the work they are studying, without having to go through the brother of learning to read it themselves.

            He goes on to suggest that teachers should develop a pedagogy which will guide learners towards an in depth ability to read literature for themselves as a pre-condition for subsequent study.
            Ekpa in Orisawayi (1992), Corroborates Widdowson’s opinion that teachers should be indicated for the reading deficiencies among Nigerian students. She says that the result of a research carried out in Cross River State reveals that teachers emphasize writing as opposed to reaching. She argues:
What is apparent is that these teachers seem to be unaware of the fact that the child who copies down verbatim what the teacher writes on the blackboard without being able to read these notes independently is as good as a child who has  never  gone to school. (p. 111).

According to her, the teachers argued that the students should be able to write we well before they are taught reading.
            Ekpa contents that reaching and writing are complementary. She also identifies language problem as a cause of reading inability in Nigeria students, from primary to the university level, have been blamed for poor performance in school examinations due to their poor attitude to reading….
            Similarly, many reasons have been proffered as the causes of the poor reading culture among Nigerian students a major problem which creates an impediment to reading and high comprehension for these students  is the language barrier (p. 113).
            She concludes by reiterating that the teacher makes or mars the student through makes or mars the student through his teaching method, she suggests that teachers should do the following to make reading (particularly literature texts) interesting to their students;
(a)       Make necessary explanations from the text in the students mother tongue.
(b)       Place emphasis on oral performances of poetry and drama as a way of arousing the children’s interest in reading the text.
(c)       Choose interesting texts especially books on love and adventure for the students.
(d)       Try to understand what motivates their students.
            This view is supported by Unoh. She writes that the teacher that teachers reading is to see that the learners develop and sustain the necessary reading skills, particularly at the JS level.
            However, Nduka in Njelite et al (1989) holds the opinion that all the stake holders in education share equally the causes of poor reading habits in Nigeria according to him:
The major cause of the state of affairs is that reading has not been given its rightful place in our schools. Many teachers have not fully grasped the concept of reading and only teach with purpose of helping the children to pass specified examinations.
There are no supplementary readers, not to talk of school libraries. The result is that students think of reading as what is done only in the school and it is for school use. To them, outside the school, reading has no relevance. Therefore, reading habit is not formed (p.96).

Nduka makes the following recommendations:
(a)       Language should be studied through the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the language Art approach.
(b)       Workshop and seminars be organized for language teachers to make them aware of the concept and scope of reading.
(c)       Government should provide facilities for extensive reading within and outside the schools such as establishment of more school and public libraries.
(d)       Public spirited individuals, publishing houses and writers could be called upon to donate books to the libraries.
(e)       Young writers and students should be encouraged to write through grants by government.
(f)        Adults and school leavers should be encouraged to read to broaden their views.
 2.6      SUMMARY
            This review has sought to analyze the existing literature in the area of reading. The review looked at the works from four perspectives:
            Definition of reading, importance of reading. Reading habits of Nigerians and causes of reading disability.
            It is discovered that all the authors consulted in this review agreed that reading is a complementary language skill of no less importance. The review reveals that the level of reading habits of Nigerians in general is very low.
            Most reading experts blamed the teachers of English language for poor reading habits of students and are of the view that this could be remedied in the secondary schools.

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