Islamic education in Nigeria
The origin of Islam in Nigeria: Islam is a form of religion founded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia by Prophet Mohammad in 7th century A. D. the Arabs fought and conquered North Africa. This spread Islam and trade into West Africa by traders through Kanem-Boron, Hausaland and the central Sudan.

From Kanem-Borno (a section of the Borno state of Nigeria) Islam began to penetrate Hausa land on a large scale in 15th century.
Throughout the central Sudan (present Northern Nigeria) many people who were converted to Islam could read and write in Arabic. Most of the ancient states were ruled by Muslims who used the written culture of the Arabians to their benefit.

Islam as a religion upholds that man is born into the world in a state of innocence like his own parents. If during his existence on earth he yields to temptation, he will be accountable to God. This therefore creates a need for contact between man and his creator. Man has to maintain his natural goodness. Islamic education is intended to build and develop this goodness that every individual has at birth so that man can hope to remain a worthy servant of Allah.

Islamic education generates five major aims of education.
1.         Continuity of man’s essential goodness- Islamic education unfolds the strength and ways the person draws nearer to Allah
2.         The development of piety: Islamic education aims at developing individuals who not only worship God but also lead a Godly life.
3.         Service to Allah and man, education is not acquisition of knowledge but the way one’s life is affected by the knowledge one has acquired.
4.         Intellectual development: All learning must be put into practice as the society changes, otherwise the individual in question is not learned.

1.         Qur’anic schools (the elementary): children start at age three or as soon as they are able to walk. The mosque, Mallams house or a tree shade is used as a school. A single Mallam takes a class. Children start learning Qur’an rote the Mallam recites or reads from the Qur’an and the pupils repeat.
            The next class is the learning to recognize the twenty-six letters of the Arabic language.
2.         Markarntun Ilmi: (the advance level): this is the secondary school level with a more challenging curriculum the main task of this level is learning the meaning of those chapters they had committed to memory at primary level. The Mallam reads or recites a portion in Arabic and then comments on it in Hausa or Fulfude.
a.         Hadith – the words and deeds of the prophet Mohamed.
b.         Qur’a- this enables the individual to understand the qur’an properly.
c.         Jurisprudence – the theory of law.
d.         Arabic literature- Arabic verse, grammar, syntax, etymology and rhetorics.
e.         Theology- Islamic doctrines of the one God.
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