EXPO GCE Chemistry Questions and answers 2021/2022 in Nigeria

EXPO GCE Chemistry Questions and answers 2021/2022

Chemistry explores the substances of which matter is tranquil, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. This subject is popular among science students.
Study the following Chemistry past questions and answers for GCE Prepare yourself with official past questions and answers for your forthcoming examinations.

1.    The minimum amount of energy required for effective collisions between reacting particles is known as
A) Activation energy

B) Bond energy

C) Kinetic energy

D) Potential energy

2.    The bond formed between H2O
and H+ to form the hydroxonium H3O+ is

A) Dative

B) Covalent

C) Electrovalent

D) Ionic

3.    An element X forms the following oxides X2O,XO and XO2.This phenomenon illustrates the law of ________

A) Conservation of mass

B) Definite proportion

C) Mass action

D) Multiple proportion

4.    How many moles of oxygen would contain 1.204×1024 molecules?
NB: Avogadro's constant (NA) =6.02×1023
A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

5.    Which of the following statements about solids is correct?

A) Solid particles are less orderly than those of a liquid

B) Solid have lower densities than liquids

C) Solid particles have greater kinetic energies than those of liquids

D) Solid particles cannot be easily compressed

6.    Which of the following apparatus can be used to measure a specific volume of a liquid accurately?
A) Beaker

B) Conical flask

C) Measuring cyclinder

D) Pipette

7.    The general gas equation PVT=K is a combination of

A) Boyle's and Charles' laws

B) Boyle's and Graham's laws

C) Charles' and Graham's laws

D) Dalton's and Graham's lS

8.    The spreading of the scent of a flower in a garden is an example of ……………………………

A) Brownian motion

B) Diffusion

C) Osmosis

D) Tynadal effect

9.    Propane and carbon (IV) oxide diffuse at the same rate because [H = 1.00, C = 12.0, O = 16.0]
A) They are both gases

B) Their molecules contain carbon

C) They have the same relative molecular mass

D) Both are denser than air

10.    The energy which accompanies the addition of an electron to an isolated gaseous atom is

A) Atomization

B) Electronegativity

C) Electron affinity

D) Ionization