NPower Device Distribution Schedule (IPAD, Zinox Z Pad, Samsung Tab E, Tecno Pad, RLG, Floss)

NPower Device Distribution Schedule (IPAD, Zinox Z Pad, Samsung Tab E, Tecno Pad, RLG, Floss Signature)

Npower Device Collection Updates 2017/2018: This article contains details of NPower Device Distribution Schedule (Floss Signatures, Speedstar, RLG Adulawo, IPAD, Zinox Z Pad, Samsung Tab E, and Tecno Pad). First and foremost, stay focused because these updates are very important. You can even jot down some details.

Npower Distribution Verified Schedule

Npower Volunteer Programme: Furthermore, now you can See NPower Device Distribution/Collection Schedule - The Much Awaited date For Npower device collection/Distribution is Out Online.

List of Npower Devices and Expected Date of Collected 

However, please Find The information below..

Device: Brian NPower IPAD

  1. Quantity Distributed: 5,603
  2. Remarks: Vendor Confirmed Delivery On July 30, 2017

Device: RLG Adulawo Limited

  1. Quantity Distributed: 1,221
  2. Remarks: Vendor Confirmed Delivery On July 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: July 21st

Device: Afri-one (2-in-1)

  1. Quantity Distributed: 13,301
  2. Remarks: Vendor is to Deliver 6,600 devices On July  1 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: July 15th

Device: Samsung Tab E

  1. Quantity Distributed: 56,344
  2. Remarks: Vendor is Committed to  Delivering on On July 7, 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: July 27th

Device: Zinox Z Pad

  1. Quantity Distributed: 2,716
  2. Remarks: Vendor promised July 8, 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: July 27th

Device: Tecno Pad

  1. Quantity Distributed: 29,136
  2. Remarks: No certain delivery date yet, but deliveries staggered between July-August 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: August 31st

Device: Floss Signatures

  1. Quantity Distributed: 4,177
  2. Remarks: Vendor is Committed to Deliver On July 8 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: July 27th

Device: Speedstar

  1. Quantity Distributed: 3,541
  2. Remarks: Vendor Promised First Week Of August 2017
  3. Proposed EDD: August 31st

NOTE: EDD Means Expected Date Of Delivery
NPower Device Distribution Schedule (IPAD, Zinox Z Pad, Samsung Tab E, Tecno Pad, RLG, Floss) - Martins Library

Related Posts online
  1. Npower Device Collection Dates and Venues 2017 Across Nigeria
  2. How to select and collect your Npower Device 2017/2018/2019
  3. Full List of N-Power Device Collection Centres and Their Locations
In conclusion, we focused on NPower Device Distribution Schedule (IPAD, Zinox Z Pad, Samsung Tab E, Tecno Pad, RLG, Floss Signature). On the other hand, you can read other details from our related posts.

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