Methods to Build a Million Dollar Business Using Social Media; Facebook, Twitter

Methods to Build a Million Dollar Business Using Social Media; Facebook, Twitter

Best social media platforms for marketing: In this article, we will talk about How to Build a $Billion Dollar Business Using Social Media; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. The Best social media platforms for business.

New Business On Social Media - Presently, according to Gary Veynerchuk, “the social media is a slang term from the current state of the internet” and when you take it that way, you’ll take it serious.

  1. Best social media for business marketing
  2. Social media channels for business
  3. Using social media for business
  4. Best social media for business 2016
  5. How businesses use social media for marketing

What you must do to win with social media

1. Transit:

First and foremost, remember back then during the days of radio and Television? Remember the days of horse riding?

On the other hand, one thing that will ever remain constant in life is change and you must embrace it if you want to win big. Here is the thing!

As a matter of fact, you have no reason to be too rigid about adapting to changing happening in your environment.

All things considered, do not forget that the national newspaper did not take radio serious at that time, Radio guys didn’t not take television serious.

However, don’t be caught up with change, change with the change as it happens, history will always tell the future.

Above all, please watch this interview video of Gary Veynerchuk Lary King.

No doubt, this reminds me of the recent controversy on Facebook between bloggers and Youtube Vloggers arguing about who is richer.

Meanwhile, of a truth and fact, Bloggers are richer and currently feeding more people than YouTube guy, but then, it beginning to trigger the story of newspaper and TV and it’s very likely that the Youtube guys will take over.

From here on, please do recall that Facebook recorded 8 billion video views per day in 2015 which no blog in history have recorded 1/8 in a day with traffic. For instance, that was 2015/2016 statistics, imagine what is up now in 2017. Anyways, I’m not here for another analysis as I always do.

In a like manner, please do take advantage of YouTube Vlogging and secure a spot in case the future goes there…..

In fact, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, amazing stuff will be going there in no distant time.

2. Provide Value

Generally speaking, this is the mistake I personally made while starting out into online marketing. Meanwhile, look at this website right now, I have thousands of blog posts in it and all the email campaigns I sent out was win, win and win.

As a matter of fact, I will never pay for any service if I don’t trust you. That was the reason I have to use the last money I had on my to buy a $197 course from Anik Singal because I trust him.

How? Ordinarily, I’ve been on his email list for over 6 months and he never asked me to buy, all those times, I received his mails which are of great value. Most times I go to my inbox or check his Facebook page to see if there is anything I’m missing. That is the reward for value

Usually, you must be open on social media to help as many people as possible, that way, you will earn their 100% loyalty and will trust any premium product or course you ask them to buy.

Furthermore, I will say ‘the more value you give, the more money you’ll make’

On the whole, providing value is not something you do over night, it’s something that will take you months if not years, but then, there is a catch!

In short, please wait a minute; did i just say months if not years?

Yes!…….. let me explain this

You are reading this article right now and it’s expected that at the end of it, you should be motivated and prepared to get your body and soul into action, but then you need more from me.

You probably be needing
  • guides about selling yourself on social media
  • where to find the right people on social media
  • how to attract people to yourself
  • and lots more

The vibe I’m creating here right now about building a solid business on social media will die if I don’t keep in touch…..

That simply means, I will need to get in touch with you as soon as possible… noting more than 2 weeks, else, it will die.
That way when I build your spirits and help you stand for free, I’ll definitely earn your trust and my judgments about social media; and it will always be one thing you’ll always seek for.

Building this type of gigantic brand on social media takes a whole lot of time and effort and by the time I eventually have hundreds of thousands of followers if not millions.

These followers will trust me to buy any product I ask them to buy no matter the cost because the know it’s value pack.

3. Be dogged

Go through the records, there is no billionaire on earth today that isn’t stubborn. Stubborn in the sense that, the never give up no matter the storm that hit them in growing any business. People like Jack Herrick of WikiHow and Ehow (sold in 2016) were very stubborn with their dreams.

Take some quality time to read about the success story of WikiHow from RankXL by Chris Lee.

“Winners aren’t losers and losers aren’t winners” – Donald Trump

The moment you begin to consider how long it will take you to build a million to billion dollar business on the internet, you will be discouraged not to try.
Methods to Build a Million Dollar Business Using Social Media; Facebook, Twitter

It takes time, trial and you’re bound to face a whole lot of forces that will try to pull you into the average man if not poor man, but don’t given to such. i have already shared an inspiring guide on how i became a millionaire even as the laziest person in my family. make sure you read it.

  1. Pleasure will come, don’t given in and forget yourself.
  2. Family will come; make them believe in your hustle.
  3. Friends will come, don’t mind them, they will soon begin to brag about how you guys were friends back in the days
  4. Being broke and Bankruptcy, will show up, it’s a test of faith to know if you’ll qualify to be the next big thing in the game.
  5. Women will come; when they think the results are showing up, smile and pay attention to something else and more important

In all the factors above, we already tagged them among the 10 people you must avoid in business if you want to win big.

No matter how hard it get, keep pushing and keep producing value, it will pay in due time.

4. Become Active and Secure your Name on All Social Media Channels

Now, that you know what’s up, hope you’ve grabbed your brand name on all the social media channels?

For me, my brand name is GUDTALENT and I’ve secured it all in all the social media channels i know in this world.

Below are 10 major Social media channels you must be actively engaging in with your brand name.

  1. Facebook
  2. Youtube
  3. Instagram
  4. Twitter
  5. Snapchat
  6. Pinterest
  7. Google Plus
  8. LinkedIn
  9. Musicaly
  10. Skype and others

5. Become a Salesman

Before now, I don’t like getting myself involved in anything that will make to stat selling. It’s one of the reasons i was on into Google Adsense alone and refused coming into marketing but people like Anik Singal, Neil Patel, Precious NG, Chris Lee, Pat Flynn, are making it sound very interesting to me and trust i’m gona kick ass with it…. lol

You aren’t ready for business if you still have the question of ‘when do you know you are ready to start a business’

Remember I said something about keeping in touch, so that your vibe won’t die. Now it’s the time.

I’m going to do just that; but I need a medium to keep in touch.
Kindly subscribe for free with your best and active email address or go to Facebook and like our page, that way, you will hear from me soon about the next thing up for you. If I were you, I will subscribe with my best email and like the page as well, that way, I don’t miss anything. Credit: