NECO Biology 2017 Answers/Questions Expo OBJ & Theory Essay

NECO Biology 2017 Answers/Questions OBJ & Theory Essay Free Expo Answers - Complete NECO  Biology Expo/Runz

Certified NECO Biology 2017 Answers/Questions Expo OBJ & Theory Essay (OBJ EXPO RUNZ 2017): In the light of today's exam, we have verified that there is no doubt about the present NECO Biology Exam ANSWER (OBJ BIOLOGY EXPO RUNZ 2017) coming online. Furthermore, we do not encourage exam malpractice on this page so we will only give out Biology past questions and answers.

However, these answers below instances and tags related to VERIFIED NECO HAUSA Language ANSWER (OBJ YORUBA EXPO RUNZ 2017) because NECO repeats some questions every year. Download Complete Biology Obj/Theory Answers Expo Here.

Real NECO 2017 Biology (Obj & Theory) Past question are completely verified. NECO Free 2017/2018 Biology Practical Obj, Theory Questions and Answers have been posted FOR FREE. 2017/2018 NECO Biology Exam THEORY ANSWERS EXPO NOW AVAILABLE.

Tuesday 13th June 2017

  1. Practical: Biology – 10am – 12pm
  2. OBJ & Essay – Building Construction – 2pm – 4pm
  3. OBJ & Essay – History – 2pm – 5pm
Past WAEC 2017 Biology Practical Alternative A Exam Date
  • Wednesday, 26th April, 2017
  • Biology 3 (Practical (Alternative A) 09.30am - 11.30am (1st Set)
  • Biology 3 (Practical (Alternative A) 12.00pm - 2.00pm (2nd Set)

WARNING: Keep in Mind that... these are not the current Biology Answers. The answers are for past questions from previous NECO exam. Do not use them as expo because it will be at your own decision.

NECO Biology OBJ Questions and Answers (Not Expo)

Question 1ai)
  • i) Arthropoda

Question 1aii)
  1. They have segmented bodies
  2. Their bodies are divided into head, thorax and abdomen
  3. They have jointed appendages
  4. They have exoskeletons

Question 1bi)
In tabular form

sp C
  • i) It has wings
  • ii) It has jointed legs
  • iii) It has antennae
  • iv)It does not have clasper

sp D
  • i) It does not have wings
  • ii) It does not have jointed legs
  • iii) It does not have antennae
  • iv) It has clasper

Question 1bii)
sp C
  • i)the antennae are not segmented
  • ii)The eyes are smaller
  • iii)It has labial palps

sp E
  • i)The antennae are segmented
  • ii)The eyes are larger
  • iii)It does not have labial Palps

Question 2 ai)
  1. Carrot is good source of vitamin .
  2. It is a source of diet that improve vision
  3. It is used in production of juice

Question 2 aii)
  1. It is a good source of carbohydrates
  2. It supplies Energy
  3. It serve as primary producer for heterotrophs

Question 2b)
  • F - Is a root & tuber
  • G - is a stem & tuber

Question 2bii)
Specimen F
  • - it has an adventitious root
  • - it has bud at the base

Specimen G
  • - It has some bud on its surface
  • - it is a swollen end of of a special underground plant.

Question 2c)
  • H - Class is Insecta
  • J - Class is insecta
  • Different btw H & J

Specimen H
  • - it has proboscis
  • - it is smaller than J
  • - it feed on blood
  • - it has no color

  • - It has Labrirum
  • - It is Larger
  • - it feed on abandon food
  • - it is dark brown

Question Q2c)
You are to draw a table, the difference between H and J

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Question 2dii)
  1. - They both has wing
  2. - They are both active in the night
  3. - They both breadth with aid of trachea system
  4. - The body is divided into head thorax & abdomen

Question 2ei)
  • H - as proboscis for sacking blood
  • J - It as Labrirum for biting & chewing.

Question 2eii)
  1. - has a pair of antenna for preserving food
  2. - Has a bitting& chewing mouth part.

Question (4ai)
  • Annelida

Question (4aii)
  1. Body is elongated and vermiform.
  2. It has segmented body

Question (4aiii)
  1. Underground

Question (4bi)
  1. Their streamlined shape allows them to burrow through soil.
  2. They have no skeletons or other rigid structures to interfere with their movement.

Question (4bii)
  1. They improve the fertility of soil in different ways.and therefore they are important in agriculture
  2. They also reduced the the alkalinity and acidity of the soil to provide better conditions for plant growth.
  3. They are used for bait and food as bait they used it in catching fish.

Question (4c)

Question (4d)
  • S - Drupe
  • T - Berry

Question (4e) Tabulate:
Specimen S
  1. -The seed is not many
  2. -It has seed chamber
  3. -It has oval shape
  4. -It has no sepal attached

Specimen T
  1. -The seeds are many
  2. -It does not have seed chamber
  3. -It has a spherical shape
  4. -It has sepal attached

Question (4e)
  1. -They both have succulent mesocarp
  2. -They both have thin epicarp
  3. -They both have seeds
  4. -They both have endocarp