Download NECO Civic Education Answers Obj And Theory Expo Answer – June/July 2017

Download NECO Civic Education Answers Obj And Theory Expo Answer – June/July 2017

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NECO Civic Education Obj And Theory Expo Answer

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Civic education can be defined as an academic discipline which aim to inculcate the right value,positive attitude and behavior that are considered to the society

  1. To expose Nigeria student to the basic concept and provision of the Nigeria constitutiona and its relevant towards the sociocultural diversity of the country.
  2. to instill in the students consciousness and awareness of democratic values,sociopolitical institution and the citizen and obligation of the society
  3. it is hoped that students will be able to learn and imbibe those leadership as well as follower ship qualities that can help establishing good governance and better Nigerians
  4. social menace looks stealing ,armed robbery and kidnapping will be discouraged will the help of study civic education .
  5. student will be expose to relevant nationalism patriotism as key factor to solve the problems of Nigeria.


Value can be defined as that esteem qualities or importance which a person or group of person attach to his or her belief,principle which is supported and accepted by individual and the society they live in.

  1. the value system upheld by a society will go along way in determine the drop of leader it produces and how they direct the affair of the society
  2. individual with good value system are better equipped ,informed and expose to sociopolitical and economic activity of the society
  3. a society will establish woman value trends to experience peace,political stability and rapid economic growth.
  4. understanding our value system can help us to resist pressure from peer group and other external forces.
  5. value helps to guide and regulate human behavior ,give us sense purpose and direction to our life


  • paracetamol
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  1. harm ones health
  2. leads to Death
  3. lead to mental disorder
  4. destruction of blood cells


Unemployment can be defined as the situation where those who are willing and able to work could not get a befitting work to do. It is the situation where person of a working age, able bodied and willing to work is unable to find paid employment.

youth empowerment is simply refers to the various means or ways of crediting opportunities for the youth to learn and prepare them for future roles and the challenges at adulthood. It also refers to the various ways of encouraging and developing the youth toward becoming self employed.

  1. life coping skills: it include counseling provision of soft loan to establish or start up one’s business.
  2. manipulate empowerment: to achieve their goals they are expose to formal and informal educational program.
  3. intellectual empowerment :youth require to acquire certain academic skills which would lay the ground work for their academic careers.
  4. communicative skills: these will help them to relate with their peers .
  5. artistic skills;these empowerment skill are usually designed to train youths to acquire knowledge of some practical work which may be benefit them in future.

Download NECO Civic Education Answers Obj And Theory Expo Answer – June/July 2017

  1. peer group influence -peer group influence leads to cultism in the sense that that the kind of friends you keep company of may lead one to cultism
  2. illiteracy – this leads to cultism because when people are not sensitized abt the disadvantages of becoming a cult member
  3. Lack of prenatal guide – when parents do not advice their words on how to behave good in wherever they find themselves children tend to join bad gangs
  4. poverty – poverty leads to high rise of cultism in Nigeria in the sense that people get influence by friends through food and other related substance
  5. non sensitization of citizens – when citizens are not sensitized on how devastating joining bad association is and harm it can lead too.

Education » Neco Gce Civic Education Obj And Theory Expo Answer – Nov/Dec 2017/2018 Neco Gce Civic Education Obj And Theory Expo Answer – Nov/Dec 2016

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