NECO Literature in Arabic Questions/Answers 2017 (OBJ & Essay Runz/Expo)

2017 NECO Literature in Arabic Questions/Answers 2017 (OBJ & Essay Runz/Expo)

NECO 2017 OBJ, Essay & Literature - Arabic is an exam among the subjects to be written by students who register for NECO 2017. The National Examination Council set of this subject in the NECO syllabus for Muslims who need to learn how to read and write Arabic poem, essays, articles, and even books using Arabic Language.

After searching the internet for NECO Arabic Literature past questions and answer for previous year, I could not really get much info because most websites are in English Language. Unfortunately, we do not currently have access to Arabic Literature questions and answers for you.

However, we have published a couple of Literature in English past answers curled from old neco past questions ans answer booklets gotten from bookshop in my street. You can also get more of it if you go and get your own stationary.

Answer NECO Exam Questions | Practicals, Objectives, Theory/Essay

Now lets move to the Past Questions and Answer section you have been waiting for. 

WARNING: Please note that you cannot use this in your current examination because its not a correct answer for 2017 Literature. You will use it at your own peril. NECO 2016 English in Literature (prose and obj) OBJ AND ESSAY Past Answers -MAY/JUNE

Literature English OBJ Past Answers

  • 11-20 AEACCBECDA
  • 21-30 EECEACECEB
  • 31-40 ACDDBCBCAD
  • 41-50 CECDADAAAE
  • 51-60 DAABBEAABA

Questions No 6. Manfred

Manfred, the prince of Otranto, plans to marry his fifteen-year-old son Conrad to Isabella, the daughter of the marquis of Vicenza. On the day of the wedding, however, a servant runs into the hall and informs the assembled company that a huge helmet has appeared mysteriously in the courtyard of the castle. When Count Manfred and his guests rush into the courtyard, they find Conrad crushed to death beneath a gigantic helmet adorned with waving black plumes. Theodore, a young peasant, declares the helmet is like that on a statue of Prince Alfonso the Good, which stands in the chapel. Another spectator shouts that the helmet is missing from the statue. Prince Manfred imprisons the young peasant as a magician and charges him with the murder of the heir to Otranto.

That evening, Manfred sends for Isabella. He informs her that he intends to divorce his wife so that he himself might marry her and have another male heir. Frightened, Isabella runs away and loses herself in the passages beneath the castle. There she encounters Theodore, who helps her to escape through an underground passage into a nearby church. Manfred, searching for the girl, accuses the young man of aiding her. As he is threatening Theodore, servants rush up to tell the prince of a giant who is sleeping in the great hall of the castle. When Manfred returns to the hall, the giant ed

Question No 8. Mary Dalton

Mary’s importance to the novel stems not only from her death, which represents the clear turning point in Bigger’s life, but from her insidious form of racism, which is among Wright’s subtlest criticisms of white psychology. Mary self-consciously identifies herself as a progressive: she defies her parents by dating a communist, cares about social issues, and is politically and personally interested in improving the lives of blacks in America. Though Mary’s intentions are essentially good, however, she is too young and immature either to commit fully to her chosen causes or to attain a sophisticated understanding of those people she seeks to help.

Mary attempts to treat Bigger as a human being, but gives no thought to the fact that Bigger might be surprised and confused by such unprecedented treatment from the wealthy white daughter of his employer. Mary simply assumes that Bigger will embrace her friendship, as she supports the political cause that she believes he represents. She does not even think to wonder about any of his personal qualities, thoughts, or feelings, but merely seeks to befriend him automatically, because he is black. For a tragically brief moment, Mary seems to recognize Bigger’s discomfort, a sign that perhaps one day she could be capable of greater understanding. Ultimately, however, Mary never gets the chance to perceive Bigger as an individual.

Though Mary has the best of intentions, she treats Bigger with a thoughtless racism that is just as destructive as the more overt hypocrisy of her parents. Interacting with the Daltons, Bigger at least knows where he stands. Mary’s behavior, however, is disorienting and upsetting to him. Ultimately, Mary’s thoughtlessness actually ends up placing Bigger in serious danger, while the only risk she herself runs is mild punishment or disapproval from her parents for her disobedience. She does not stop to think that Bigger could easily lose his job—or worse—if he upsets her parents. Mary unthinkingly puts Bigger in the position of being alone with her in her bedroom, and her inability to understand him and the terror he feels at the prospect of being discovered in her room proves fatal. 

No 2. Omniscient Narrative Technique:

The novel is written in the omniscient narrative technique as the writer knows everything about her characters. She knows what they think, dream and do at
NECO Literature in Arabic Questions/Answers 2017 (OBJ & Essay Runz/Expo)

NECO Timetable 2017 for Arabic Literature

  • Tuesday 4th July 2017: Paper II & III: OBJ, Essay & Literature - Arabic 2:00pm - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday 5th July 2017: OBJ & Prose - Literature in English - 3:00pm- 5:15pm

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Tags: 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English Questions Answers Runz/Expo, 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English Questions and Answers Expo, 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English Expo Obj & Theory Expo/Runz/Answers, 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English OBJ Expo/Answers / Runz, 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English Runz/Expo, 2017/2018 Neco Literature in English Prose and Poetry Questions and Answers Expo/Runz

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