NECO 2017 Christian Religious Studies Answers Expo (OBJ & Essay Questions)

NECO 2017 Christian Religious Studies Answers Expo (OBJ & Essay Questions)

Finally, NECO CRS Expo Answers 2017 for objectives and theory is now available online but you cannot download it here because what we have here is just the latest past question and answer. For this reason, some students call it Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) in other to get complete NECO CRS answer and WAEC CRS objective answers

NECO 2017 Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Answers Expo (OBJ Answers)

WARNING: As a matter of fact, these answers are not for 2017 current Objective NECO exam. It was extracted from 2016 NECO past questions and answer. DO NOT USE FOR 2017 NECO Exam. You have been warned, No doubt you understand.

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NECO 2017 Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK)  Answers Expo (Theory/Essay Answers)

    WARNING: All things considered,, the answers below are not for 2017 current NECO exam theory/essay. All the answers are past questions and answers curled from previous 2016 NECO exam organized by the National Examination Council. DO NOT USE THEM FOR 2017 NECO Exam. Above all, You have been warned.

    Question No 2a)

    According to the Holy Bible, David committed adultery with Bathsheba,Uriah's wife and had a child.For this reason,God was displeased and God sent prophet Nathan who decreed the death of the child and the child was struck with illness. When David realized that God was displeased, He interceded for the life of the child and fasted and laid upon the ground. Meanwhile the intercession and admonition of the elders did not change Gods anger and the child died on the seventh day.Out of fright the servant could not report to David lest he harmed himself but later the news was reported to him.On hearing hearing the news he rose and had his bath, anointed himself and changed his apparel, he  went to the temple, worshiped God for answering his prayer and requested for food. His servant were surprised at his behaviour. However David fasted wept so that God would reverse his intention to take the son's life but unfortunately the child died he thought fasting is no more necessary. David summed up his courage and believed that He could go to the child but the child could no more come to him

    Question No 2b)

    1. Man should fear and respect God and submit to his will as David did
    2. Man should be ready to accept the will of God in their lives
    3. True repentance and forsaking of sins always attract Gods favour and mercy

    Question No 4a)

    1. The cleansing of the temple occurred during the last week of Jesus' ministry. Jesus rode into Jerusalem. The cleansing was to show that God's judgment was operative through the messiah the area where the buying and selling was going on was a big area in the temple is very close to the area of the gentiles.
    2. There were two currencies for pass-over pilgrims namely the temple and the roman currency used outside the temple. He told them "it is written 'my house shall be called a house of prayer. But don't make it den of robbers, they said to Jesus "Do you hear what these are saying?
    3. "Jesus answered yes. The chief priest and the scribes regarded Jesus as a dangerous threats to their way of life

    Question No 4b)

    1. Jesus entry into Jerusalem fits well into the purpose of the journey to Jerusalem
    2. The event is an object of prophecy as in the OLD testament about Jesus to show what kind of messiah he is
    3. Jesus is on political messiah on man of war.
    4. The people shouted"hosanna to the son of David

    Question No 8a)

    1. Anticipating hardships believers are enjoined by peter to endure suffering with Christ like faith
    2. Christians should conduct themselves without fear. In this they might be further identified with Christ  himself endured suffering
    3. Christians should rejoice when suffering for Christ sake because through suffering Christians share with Christ
    4. No matter what trials Christians were to do nothing that would justify them as criminals
    5. anything that we suffer for Christ is a privilege not a penalty
    6. do not be ashamed if you suffer as a christian
    7. Peter encourages the Christians to endure suffering just as Christ did
    NECO 2017 Christian Religious Studies Answers Expo (OBJ & Essay Questions)

    Question No 8b)

    1. Persecution should be regarded as mark of the christian faith
    2. Christ and his apostles are points of reference for Christians when it comes to persecution
    3. Persecution should come to us because we preach Christ
    4. Persecution should be received with joy

    Question No 9a)

    However, James's predominant emphasis in the passage is more negative: warning
    that judgment is real and that we all stumble, intending that we should humbly repent of our impure speech. He dwells then on the potential for evil rather than the potential for good with one's tongue. Three dangers are specified. The Tongue Spreads Evil (3:5-6)

    Question No 9b)

    1. Blaming God when tempted to do wrong
    2. Boasting and flattering, thus causing a destructive fire 
    3. Speaking unsympathetically to those in need

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