2017 NECO CRS OBJ and Essay Free Expo Answers (CRK Past Questions/Answer)

2017 NECO CRS OBJ and Essay Free Expo Answers (CRK Past Questions/Answer)

NECO CRS 2017 Questions and Answer Free Expo Answers: Firstly, this is the Past NECO CRK 2017 Objectives & Theory answers published for students who is searching for similar guidelines to pass the upcoming Christian Religious Studies examination scheduled for next week Monday.

CRS x IRS (OBJ And ESSAY) NECO 2017 Free Expo Answers:

In June/July which is the exam month, we released an article on Past NECO Christian Religious Knowledge 2017 for secondary school students writing NECO exam and hundreds of them sent us messages to appreciate the fact that we gave out complete past questions & answers which they studied before writing the exam.

Moreover,  the Essay & Objectives Theory NECO CRS 2017 answers has been published on this website to assist students who wants to use it to study.

WARNING: This is not the current NECO exam answers 2017. DO not use it as expo for examination malpractice because you will fail. Its for study purpose only.

Monday, 3rd July 2017
CRS/IRS (obj and essay) 10:00am - 12:30 pm




CRK Question 1a)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, the earth was without form and void, and the spirit of God move upon the deep. And God said "let their be light" and their was light and he separated it from the existing darkness, and he named the light day and the darkness night. He proceeded separating theater from waters, he separated the waters beneath and the waters above and call the above.... Firmament. And he command the waters under the firmament to gather in one place, and he call it sea, an the dry surface he called land and he commanded the dry land to bring out vegetation.

He proceeded by creating the heavenly bodies to give signs of seasons and festivals. And this heavenly body are the sun moon and starts. He proceeded in commanding the sea to be filled with numerous sea animals and also the sky to be filled with birds. And lastly he he cause the lady land tonne filled with animals and he also created man in his own image. And he did all this within six days and he rested on the seventh day.

CRS Questions 1b)

  • i) God's sovereignty is demonstrated in his creation of nothing.The story of his creation us based on divine revelation
  • ii) It shows that God is the creator of everything
  • iii) it shows that God is the controller of the universe

CRK Question 2a)

  1. Nathan had finished rebuking David for sleeping with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife. God was displeased with David’s conduct. Nathan prophesied that the child born to David through his sin with Bathsheba would surely die. As soon as Nathan left David’s house, the child was struck with sickness.
  2. David fasted and prayed to God that the child might be saved. He lay on the floor all night. The older servants of the house tried to cheer him up but he refused to wake up. He did not eat either. He was inconsolable.
  3. After seven days, the child died. The servants did not know how to tell David because they perceived that if they told him, he might hurt himself seeing that even while the child was alive nobody could console him.
  4. David noticed that his servants were whispering among themselves so he perceived that the child was dead. He asked whether the child was dead and they replied in the affirmative. David stood up from the floor. He took his bath and perfumed himself. He put on a new dress. He now went into the house of the Lord and worshiped.
  5. His servants could not understand David. They told him that while the child was sick he fasted and prayed but now that the child was dead, he had risen up and eaten food. David replied that while the child was alive, he thought he could pray to the Lord so that the Lord might save his life but now that the child is dead, there is no need to fast and pray again. Now that the child is dead, he could not bring him back to life. According to David, he could go to the baby one day but the baby could come to where he was.
  6. David consoled Bathsheba for the lost of the child.

CRS Question 4a 1 Kings 3:5-14

  • 5. At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”
  • 6. Solomon answered, “You have shown great kindness to your servant, my father David, because he was faithful to you and righteous and upright in heart. You have continued this great kindness to him and have given him a son to sit on his throne this very day.
  • 7. “Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties.
  • 8. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number.
  • 9. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”
  • 10. The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice.
  • 12. I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.
  • 13. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.”

CRK Question 4b)

  • i) Solomon loved many foreign women 
  • ii) Nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel, “You shall not intermarry with them"
  • iii Solomon clung to these in love

CRS Question 8a)

  1. Acceptance: Let us pray in acceptance that God knows better than we do what our needs are (Matthew 6:8, Romans 8:26, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10).
  2. Faith: The blessing of prayer has been clearly revealed to us in the scriptures. Let us trust what they say, and pray without doubting (James 1:5-7).
  3. Persistence: In Matthew 7:7-8 the Greek carries the idea of "keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking". Jesus said we should always pray and not give up (Luke 18:1-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Acts 16:23-25).
  4. Right Motives: "You ask and do not receive because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures" (James 4:1-3). They were not wrong to ask, but their asking was wrongly motivated. Example of wrong motives, James and John (Mark 10:35-37). Example of right motives, young Solomon (1 Kings 3:3-15).
  5. Harmony with God's Will: If we pray anything according to God's will he hears us and grants that prayer (1John 5:14). When the Bible clearly reveals God's will, we have confidence in the answer. For example when we genuinely repent of sin and ask forgiveness, we know our sin is forgiven (1John 1:8-9, Acts 8:18-24, Isaiah 1:15-20, Psalms 51:1-17). When God's will in the matter is unrevealed, then we pray in the attitude, "If it be possible... nevertheless not my will but Your will be done" (Matthew 26:39).
  6. Desire to Obey: Only "the prayer of a righteous man is powerful" (James 5:16). We receive from God what we ask only when we show ourselves willing and eager to keep God's commandments and do the things that please God (1John 3:22).
  7. Thanksgiving: We are to make all our requests to God with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6). God loves the grateful soul. He is not much interested in whingers (Daniel 2:23, Hebrews 13:15, Colossians 4:2, Ephesians 5:20).

CRK Question 8b)

  • i Unforgiving Hearts
  • ii. Turning Away From Scripture
  • iii. Unconfessed Sin

CRS Question 5a)

A disciple is a learner or follower who attaches himself to a great teacher.
  1. Discipleship demands personal sacrifice both physically and spiritually
  2. Discipleship demands one top give God the highest priority.God should be first disciples do
  3. Discipleship demands full commitment as none who put his hand on the plough should not look back
  4. Discipleship calls for self denial and selfless devotion to the cause of God
  5. A disciple should be ready at all times to carry his own cross in risking shame,persecution,suffering and even death
  6. Disciples must have spiritual and moral qualities to endure to the end

CRK Question 5b)

  1. Put God first
  2. Have high intergrity
  3. Self denial and selfless devotion

CRS Question 7a)

After using Ps 109:8 and Ps 69:25 to confirm the need to replace Judas according to the scripture, he gave the requirements from candidates for election : he must be a person who has accompanied the apostles all the time Jesus was in earth. He must then be able to witness the resurrection of the Lord. Two candidates were nominated base on this explanation - Joseph called Barabbas, who was surname Justus and Mathias. After praying and casting of lots, the lots fell on Mathias. He was taken to number among the twelve

CRK Question 7b)

(i) The person to be appointed as a leader in church should have the fear of God
(ii) should be a person of a good reputation that would serve as a good of examples to others
(iii) should be somebody that would be always ready to support the church when the need arise
2017 NECO CRS OBJ and Essay Free Expo Answers (CRK Past Questions/Answer)


These are past answers gotten from past questions papers available in bookshops and online downloads. On no account should you use the answers below in this years current examination. You can only use it to as a guide to study and prepare for the exam.
21. - 30. CDAADCCBCA
31. - 40. CBCDACCDCD
41. - 50. DABABABDBB.

If you have followed the guidelines above during today's exam, then you are on your way to scoring A+ (distinction) in the CRS/CRK paper.

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