The studies to determine the effect of pre-processing conditions on the characteristics of palm kernel oil (PKO), on the physiochemical characteristics of palm kernel oil (PKO), has been successfully carried out in this work. It can be concluded from the results conducted over 6 months period, that there was significant difference (P<0.05) in storage time of saponification value, free fatty acid value, peroxide value, iodine value, melting point and moisture content of the palm kernel oil from both two processing methods. Both there is no significant difference (P>0.05) on both processing method of above named parameters.

        On the other hand, properties like freezing point has no significant difference (P>0.05) both on the storage time, processing method and interaction between storage time and processing method. While the interaction between storage time on the processing method had no significant difference (P>0.05) in all the parameters except melting point of the palm kernel oil. This shows that all the properties all increased with storage time of the palm kernel oil, both the little change in moisture content may be due to the changes in storage environment.

            Based on the results obtained from this work, and for the fact that the palm kernel oil extracted from fermented palm fruits had lower free fatty acid ranging from (1.907 to 6.900 MgKOH/g) compared to the palm kernel oil extracted from boiled palm fruits stored for 6 months which had higher free fatty acid ranging from (6.564 to 11.108 MgKOH/g) on the basis of this finding. It can be concluded that palm kernel oil extracted from fermented palm fruits process is preferable for edible purpose while palm kernel oil extracted from boiled palm fruits processing is preferable for soap making.

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Table 5.0 Analysis Variance (Anova) on the Effect Of Pre-Processing Condition on the          
                    Physiochemical Properties of Palm Kernel Oil (PKO)

Composition   Processing                           Storage time (months)
                                                       0                              2             4                          6
S.Vmeg/Kg       Fermented     29.45+66.62a    57.50+38.57b      131.88+35.81c    221.59+125.32d
                        Boiled            25.25+70.82a    42.08+53.99b   119.21+23c          197.75+101.68d
FFAmgkoh/g Fermented     1.907+2.02f     2.917+101g       143.983+0.056h   6.900+2.973j
                        Boiled            6.564+2.203a   8.303+0.459b   9.088+0.321c      11.108+2.341d
PVmegKg         Fermented     26.60+9.15c    32.60+3.15d      38.20+2.45a        45.60+9.85f
                              Boiled            28.60+10.3a    39.00+0.1b        41.60+2.7c            46.40+7.5d
IVWig,s               Fermented     0.508+0.634b  0.761+0.381a    1.269+0.127d      2.030+0.888e
                              Boiled            5.329+2.248a  6.599+1.078   8.122+0.445c     10.659+2.982c
MC%              Fermented     6+5.88d          11+0.88m            14+2.12n             16.5+4.62g
                        Boiled            9+4.75a          12.5+1.25b            5.5+1.75c            18+4.25d
MPoC              Fermented     27+1.5            26+0.5                   25+0.5                24+1.5
                              Boiled            26+2.5a          24+0.5a                23+0.5a              21+2.5b
FPoC               Fermented     0+1.75b          2.2+0.45a            2.3+0.55a           2.5+0.75f
                              Boiled            0+1.63a             2.0+0.37b            2.1+0.47b           2.4+0.77c
Means with the same alphabet = no significant at 5% probability. SV = saponification value, while means without the same alphabet are significant value at 5% probability. FFA = free fatty acid, PV = peroxide value, IV = iodine value, MC = moisture content, MP = melting point, FP = freezing point.