Quality in the twenty fist century has endured from a narrow focus on control to one that permeates all aspects of modern business enterprises. Quality is a requirement to compete successfully in today’s global market. It is providing product and services to meet the negotiable needs of internal and external customers. Quality for the customer means meeting customer’s expectations and exceeding them.

Operationally, it means reducing errors, waste, rework and scarps. According to George and James (1996), organization quality means ignoring and satisfying internal and external customers and cultural. It means being quality driven in all aspects of one’s job, preventing problems instead of crises management, continuous process improvement and problem solving everyone being a custodian of his or her job process and a quality manager. (Wheelen and Hunger, 2004), total quality management is a business philosophy that embodies the belief that management process must focus on integrating the idea of consumer drive quality throughout an organization (Zirund, 1994). It emphasizes continuous improvement of service delivery and product quality managers improve durability and enhance services with additional features as the services mature in age. They also strive to speed up delivery and improve others services, in other to keep their products competitive.




The philosophy underlying total quality management strategy is to see consumers and clients as the vital key to organizational success. Organization with total quality management strategy see their business through the eyes of their consumers and clients and the measure their organizations performance against consumer or client expectations, not through the organizations expectation. Therefore, a Nigerian organization that employs total quality management (TQM) strategy must evaluate its operations through the eyes of its consumers and clients.
Total quality concept emphasizes the recognition and attention to quality attainment right from the ideation stage of a production or service. Through the procurement and processing of raw material into finished or semi -finished goods to the distribution and consusmptional stage.
According to Obi (2000), total quality management today conveys a total company wide effort that includes all employee’s suppliers and customers and seeks continuously to improve the quality of products and process to meet the needs and expectation of customers.

This means therefore, that product or service quality assurance requires more than meeting consumers or client’s minimum standards. The level of service quality, is the degree to which a product or service is equal to or greater than consumers or client expectations (Aluko, M. et al, 2004).
Ironically, while some professional managers steering the organizations are known for popularizing the ills of government policies by hiding wider the shade of SAP, SFEM, CBN certificates as the major obstacles hindering their growth, a few however, have able to cope with challenges by adapting measures that turns around their firms one of the strategies adopted by these firms is Total Quality Management.

For an organization to be effective, management must take critical study of their business environment, the customer is said to be king of the market and believe in quality, therefore, all measures or strategies of satisfying them must be adopted as they determine what they want, when, how and where they want it. One tent of this management philosophy, which many organization have adopted as fundamental business strategy is the concept of continuum improvement, no organization can afford to be competitive if it does not continuously improve on its product/services process and people.

It is a company-wide integrated quality approach in supply customers focused on product and service.
Quality management style process management, organization structure and organizational culture to achieve the common value and commitment to the quality.

According to Obi (2000), total quality management is a total company wide effort that includes all employees, suppliers and customers, which seems continually processed to meet the needs and expectations of the customers at the lowest overall cost.

It is a way of managing of organization such that they guarantee the quality of work received by the external customer. Total means that the quality applies to all levels, all employees, all functions, all approaches, all inputs, all outputs, all suppliers and all customers, quality refers to the ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer’s expectations.

According to Imaga (2000), corporate planning and strategic business policy are the starter of total quality management concept. Total quality management is both a route to philosophy of performance. Performance in an organization means providing product and services that have good quality to a high degree as routed to excellence.

Total quality management is a conscious formalized and systemized process of seeking, achieving and sustaining continuous improvement in the quality of activities structure, process and hence the results of an organization to the purpose of satisfying the organization customers and consequently in proving the overall performance of the organization.

All scientific and social scientific research is necessitated by a perceived problem (Nzelibe and Uogu, 1996). As such the quest and desire of the researcher to study on this topics. “The application to total quality management as a tool for customer satisfaction (a case study of Kia motor limited). The necessity of total quality management in Nigeria business organizations stems from the fact that foreign companies have continued to dominate the local market in virtually all sections of the economy. Except for those sector that are under complete government control. The problems associated with the Nigerian companies in relation to total quality management are quite enormous and these can be put as follows;
First, the Nigeria managers have seemingly failed to explore total quality management for their organization. They have rather gotten struck in the endless pursuit of what does not work for them any longer, the “blind” pursuit of profit stability and growth.
Second, the Nigeria companies are evidently lacking behind in the global international market competition, thus, they are last losing ground, with some of them going out business completely.
Third, they have failed to appreciate that change is necessary and that a change from the above stated pursuit to the pursuit of a consumer (custom) focus strategy is a long over due strategy decision that has been tipped to guarantee the ultimate realization of the organization goals.
Fourth, due to lack of knowledge of the prospects of total quality management, lack of adequate finance or engagement of experienced personnel in total quality management process or lackadaisical attitude on the part of the organization concerning total quality management, the total quality management impact in the Nigeria  industries which Kia motors limited industry is part of problematic hence, the weak or poor service delivery of the industry in the actualization of its desired goals and objectives.

The following are the objectives of the study. Basically, the major objective of this study is the total quality management as a corporate strategy for growth as a tool for customer satisfaction (a case study of Kia motors limited).

In the light of the foregoing the study will examine the following critical issues.
1.  To examine the approaches o Kia motors to total quality management.
2. To identify the factors affecting total quality management on the product performance of Kia motors.
3. To examine the development process of total quality management by Kia motors.
4. To ascertain the extent to which Kia motors have achieved their total quality management objectives.

From the nature of the research study, overview and problem, statement, it is necessary to ask the following questions.
1.      What are the approaches to total quality management by Kia motors?
2.      What are the factors affecting total quality management on product performance of Kia motors?
3.      What are the development processes of Kia motor total quality management?
4.      To what extent has Kia motors achieved their total quality management objectives?

The hypotheses formulated for this study are stated.
Ho: There are no development processes of Kia motors to total quality management.
Hi: There are development processes of Kia motors to total quality management.
Ho: There are no factors that affects total  quality management on product performance.
Hi: There are factors that affects total quality management on product performance.
Ho: There are no approaches to total quality management by Kia motors
Hi: There are approaches to total quality management by Kia motors.
Ho: The extent to which Kia motors achieved its total quality objectives is not high.
Hi: The extent to which Kia motors achieved its total quality objectives is high.

Strategy management is currently gaining ground in management thinking at the same time establishing a successful corporate strategy is central to effective management in the light of the growing competitive and even turbulent business environment.
Therefore, the study attempts to identify the underpinnings of successful management in Nigeria’s. production sector in relation to quality management strategy.
 It investigates the extents to which the strategy has help Kia motors Nigeria limited, to achieve substantial success.
It is envisaged that apart from leading to a more wide production system well positioned to contribute to the growth of the rational economy; mangers in their sectors can benefit immensely from the research findings.
Furthermore, the study is crucial as to pinpointing the strength and weakness evident in implementing the total management strategy among Nigerian firms.
This will enable firms to possibly fine-tune their total quality management programs towards better results. It is also hoped that the study will encourage further research on total quality management practices in Nigeria production industry in particular and on ways to manage successful in general.

1.7          SCOPE OF THE STUDY
In pursuance of this objective of the study which is on   the total quality management strategies used by some companies to gain competitive edge and enhance their service delivery for survival, particular attention is paid to only Kia motors Nigeria limited Lagos.
Attempt will be made to examine the extent to which total quality management has impacted to customer services at kia motors Nigerian limited Lagos.

There has not been any serious meaningful academic endeavor mostly in the field of research, without some military factors or constraints.
To that extent, lack of financial resources, inadequate research materials (material death) and time constraint constituted the most serious limitations of this work.
In addition, secrecy and confidentiality of information mostly as it relates to the production industry operations, had effect the course of this research as most of the officials approached were reluctant and way of disclosing information on performance (profit margin, turnover). Consumer satisfaction etc.

1.9             DEFINITION OF TERMS
1.      Quality: in this study, the term quality includes special features, conformity, durability, reliability and performance of the products. In the case of motors vehicle like truck, buses, cars and spare parts are considered.
2.      Adulteration: this means manipulating the physical and chemical contents of something by some other person other than the producer.
3.      Customers: it is consists of both internal and external customer is anyone who is influenced by profess or anyone who uses what is produce.
4.      Product: this refers to the output of a process which include goods and services.
5.      Competitive edge: competitive edge is defined as levity, and advantage over rivals in the quest for and use of scare resources.
6.      Total quality management strategy: these are forms or methods or techniques by which consumer (customer) satisfaction and improvement can be attached through service deliveries, which in turn help the implementer achieve their set out goals and objectives.


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