NABTEB - NBC/NTC/ANBC/ANTC Examination Entry Guidelines - Certificate Examinations

NBC/NTC/ANBC/ANTC Examination Entry Guide


This entry guide is issued with other documents for the May/June Certificate Examinations. It contains instructions for easy completion of the Entry Documents. It should be carefully studied to ensure that the correct entry schedule is used for business and technical candidates for preliminary enrolment before the actual on-line registration.

Principals and Heads of Institutions are advised to be particularly careful when making entries in order to ensure that information supplied by them are adequate and correct in every detail, as the Board will not entertain requests for corrections on entries, which have been submitted. To ensure error free entries, the entries after completion should be read to the candidates before submission.


Technical Candidates?
English Language (O01);
Mathematics (O02);
Physics (O04);
Chemistry (O05)
ICT – Information Communication Technology (O08) are compulsory for Technical Candidates while
Economics (O03) and Literature-in-English (O07) are optional for them.
Candidates for the under listed Trades can offer Biology as a trade-related subject, but other technical candidates are not allowed to offer Biology. The trades are:
Catering Craft Practice (34O), Ladies Garment Making (33O), Men’s Garment Making (32O), Cosmetology (31O), Fisheries (20O), Animal Husbandry (18O)

Introduction to Building Construction (211) is a compulsory subject for candidates offering the under listed trades:-
Carpentry and Joinery (22O), Painting and Decorating (25O), Plumbing and Pipefitting (26O), Draughtmanship Craft Practice (27O)

English Language (O01);
Mathematics (O02);
Economics (O03) are compulsory for Business candidates while
Physics (O04);
Chemistry (O05);
Biology (O06),
Literature-in-English (O07) and
ICT – Information Communication Technology (O08) are optional for them.

There are four types of Entry Schedules, namely:
a. EA 60: This is for registration of candidates offering NBTE syllabus in Technical
b. EA 61: This is for the registration of candidates offering NBTE syllabus in
Business Trades.
c. EA 62: This is to be used in summarizing entries and fees paid by all NTC candidates
d. EA 63: This is to be used in summarizing entries and fees paid by all NBC candidates.


Year: (Space NO. 1) indicate the year in which examination is to be taken by candidates in space No. 1
Numbering of Entry Schedules: (Space Number 2) indicate the number of sheets used e.g. if four sheets were used for registration, they should be numbered 1 of 4, 2 of 4, 3 of 4 and 4 of 4.
Centre Code: (Space NO. 3) indicate the centre code of your College/School in space NO. 3.
College Name: (Space NO. 4) write clearly the college name, address and telephone number in space No. 4.
Candidate’s Examination Number: (Column 5-6) should be left blank until candidates’ examination numbers are ascertained from the internet. The numbers should later be filled into the column in line with those in the internet. On no account should the examination number on the entry schedule be different from the one assigned on the internet.
Sex: (column 6-7) write “M” for male candidates and “F” for female candidates.
Candidate’s Date of Birth: (column 7-8) the day, month and year of candidate’s birth should be represented by 2 digits each. For example, if a candidate’s date of birth is 20th June, 1994, this should be recorded as 20 under day, 06 under month and 94 under year.
Candidate’s Names: (column 8-9) candidate’s names should be written in block letters as they are to appear on any certificate to be issued, starting with the first name followed by the middle name and surname last. One blank space should be left after each name. If the spaces are insufficient for a candidate’s names, the middle name should be appropriately abbreviated. The names should be arranged alphabetically, trade by trade.
Trade Code (column 9-10): Enter the trade code of each candidate here. When candidates are registered the same trade, a vertical arrow should be used to cover the first and the last candidates offering the same trade.

General Education (column 10-11): Mark “X” for the General Education Subject for each candidate here. For candidates offering the same subjects, use a vertical arrow as described in 4 (i) above.
General Education (column 10-11a for EA 60 and EA 61): Mark “X” for the trade-related subject codes for technical and Business Candidates here. For candidates offering the same subjects, use a vertical arrow as described in 4 (i) above. Business candidates who wish to offer Biology should enter O06 in the General Education section of the entry schedule. Candidates’ offering technical trades in Catering Craft (34O), Ladies Garment Making (33O), Men’s Garment Making (32O), Cosmetology (31O), Fisheries (20O) and Animal Husbandry (18O) should enter for Biology (O06) in the trade-related section of the entry schedule.
Trade components (column 11a-12 for EA 60): These are for technical candidates only. Write the codes of the component on the trade specified in columns 9-10 here. For candidates offering the same subjects, use a vertical arrow as described in 4 (i) above.
(Column 11a-12 for EA 61): This is for business candidates only. Mark “X” for the business subject codes for each business candidates here. Business and technical candidates who wish to offer Literature-in-English should mark “X” for O07 in the general education section of the entry schedule.
Principal’s Name, Signature and Date: The name and signature of the school/college principal or his/her representative should be written and certified with the college official stamp to authenticate the entries in the appropriate spaces provided for record purpose.
Summaries of Entries, Total Number of Candidates and Fees Paid:: EA 62 should be used to summarize the entries in EA 60 for NTC candidates.
EA 63 should be used to summarize the entries in EA 61 for NBC candidates.
In summarizing the entries, the number of candidates registered for each trade should be indicated in column 1.
The fees paid by all the candidates in a trade should be entered in column 2.
If the number of candidates is less than 10 per trade, a practical centre fee of N2,000.00 per trade should be paid and entered in column 3. This should be done for all trades with practical including Shorthand where the number is less than 10.
The total for each column should be clearly recorded in number 4. Finally, the total amount from columns 2 and 3 should be entered as the grand total in number 5

Mandates and Objectives of the NABTEB Board

According to Act 70 of August 23, 1993 which established it, the Board is charged with the following mandates:
(a) Conduct examinations leading to the award of the
i. National Business Certificate (NBC);
ii. National Technical Certificate (NTC);
iii. Advanced National Business Certificate (ANBC);
iv. Advanced National Technical Certificate (ANTC);
v. Modular Trade Certificate (MTC)

(b) Take over the conduct of Technical and Business examinations hitherto conducted by the Royal Society of Arts, London, City and Guilds of London and West African Examinations Council.

(c) Issue results and certificates and make awards in examinations conducted by the Board;

(d) Conduct other specified examinations on behalf of or in collaboration with other examination bodies or agencies such as the London Chamber of Commerce or the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria etc.;

(e) Conduct entrance examinations into Technical Colleges and Allied Institutions;

(f) Monitor, collect and keep records of assessment in Technical Colleges and Allied Institutions towards the award of certificates in National Business and Technical Examinations.

(g) Conduct research, publish statistics and other information in order to develop appropriate examinations, tests and syllabi in Technical and Business Studies;

(h) Prepare and submit to the Honourable Minister, an annual report on the standards of examinations and other related matters; and

(i) Carry out such other activities as are necessary or expedient for the full discharge of all or any of the functions conferred on it pursuant to this Act.