Methods of disease prevention will vary according to the particular causal agent and in some cases he species of animal but there are some few measures which have general application.

All newly purchased animals should be isolated and kept separately under observation for a period of 10days. During this period nay sign of ill health should be noticed and treated appropriately before the animal is introduce to the herd. This is important because it prevents the introduction of disease from outside. While in isolation the animal should be deqormed deticked and given a broad spectrum antibiotics.

Animals should be vaccinated against preventable diseases such as at the right time and age.     

Avoid overcrowding
Animals should be overcrowded in a pen or house. Overcrowding allows for easy spread of disease particularly contagious disease such as disease cause by parasites and fungi.

Separate sick from healthy animals
One an  animal shows any sign of ill health be separated from the healthy ones and treated in isolation. This is to prevent it spreading the disease to others. When the animal is considered fully recovered it should then be reintroduced. Young animals should be housed separately adult animals may have infection agents to which they acquired resistance and do not therefore suffer from the disease but young  animals are susceptible and may catch and develop disease.

Toxic materials
This should be kept away from animal certain chemical compounds and plants are poisonous and may cause disorder water. Animals grazing on good pasture tend to avoid poisonous plants.

Avoid under nutrition
Under nutrition is a major disease causing error in a farm particularly seen in animals entirely dependent on grazing bare pasture or those under confinement but not properly feed. This apart from causing a disease problem of its own lowers the resistance of the animal to other diseases.

Regular dipping/ spraying
Animals should be dipped or sprayed regularly against external parasites such as ticks and flees. This should be done more often during the rainy season. External parasite causes irritation on the animal and some are agents of disease when external parasites are left unchecked they have the overall effect of decreasing productivity. 

Regular deworming
Deworm animals with broad spectrum anthelminthic once a month during the rainy season and less frequently during the dry season.