Get a Professional Palm Oil Mill Business Plan – Do you want to go into palm oil business in your country? Is it in Indonesia, Malaysia, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Congo DR, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone or any other country? Are you getting a loan (grant) from any Bank of Industry (BOI)? Are you seeking a government contract and you have been requested to submit a business proposal containing a palm oil mill business plan and feasibility study, this is what you are expected to have.

We can provide you with a palm oil and palm kernel mill business plan and feasibility study which will contain all the sub-headings and details below; - Call us +2347030722911


Section I – Executive Summary
1 – Executive Summary

Section II – Company Overview
2 – Company Overview

Section III – Industry Analysis
3 – Market Overview
4 – Relevant Market Size

Section IV – Customer Analysis
5 – Target Customers
6 – Customer Needs

Section V – Competitive Analysis
7 – Direct Competitors
8 – Indirect Competitors
9 – Competitive Advantages

Section VI – Marketing Plan
10 – Products & Services
11 – Pricing
12 – Promotions Plan
13 – Distribution Plan

Section VII – Operations Plan
14 – Key Operational Processes
15 – Milestones

Section VIII – Management Team
16 – Management Team Members
17 – Management Team Gaps
18 – Board Members

Section IX – Financial Plan
19 – Revenue Model
20 – Financial Highlights
21 – Funding Requirements/Use of Funds
22 – Exit Strategy

Section X – Appendix
23 – Supporting Documentation

Section I – Executive Summary
1 – Executive Summary
We will start with a brief and concise explanation of what your company does and why it is uniquely qualified to succeed. (We will discuss huge, unmet market opportunity of crude palm oil in Nigeria, your collaboration with NIFOR and your internationally experienced management team both in plantation and mill processing, quality and freshness of our oil, and its low FFA content since your CPO will be processed within 24 hours of harvesting FFB). Synopsis of financial projections (expected revenues, expenses and profits for each of the next five years, how much funding you or your company is seeking which will be in the financial model, and the key uses of these funds).

Section II – Company Overview
2 – Company Overview
We will explain details of the company’s registration, subsidiaries, and organogram and management staffs, of the company. We at MARTINS LIBRARY will need few information from you about your business/company (dates of incorporation, names and qualifications of the company’s directors etc).

Section III – Industry Analysis
Industry Analysis section has two sub-sections as follows:

3 – Market Overview
We will explain the sizes and characteristics of oil palm market, with brief discussion of agricultural sectors and market trends.

4 – Relevant Market Size
Specific calculation of your company’s market size both locally and internationally, i.e. annual revenue we could attain if your company attained 100% market share. (Calculated by multiplying
·        The number of customers who might be interested in purchasing your CPO and CPKO and PK cake (livestock feed) each year and
·        The amount these customers might be willing to spend, on an annual basis, on these products.

Section IV – Customer Analysis
Customer Analysis section has two sub-sections as follows:

5 – Target Customers
We will include as much demographic data on our target customers as possible, such as their gender, age, salary, geography, marital status and education.

6 – Customer Needs
We will specify why customers want or need your products e.g., do customers care most about speed of delivery, quality, location, reliability, comfort, price, value, etc.?

Section V – Competitive Analysis
Competitive Analysis section has three sub-sections as follows:

7 – Direct Competitors
We will give detailed explanation about PRESCO, OKOMU e.t.c. (about 6-7 strong competitors including Olusegun Obasanjo’s (OBJ) farms and Adebutu farms in Ogun State), and their strengths and weaknesses. We will also mention small-scale producers which are becoming more popular. We will also mention CPO producing countries like Malaysia and Indonesia.

8 – Indirect Competitors
We will talk about Coconut Oil and other edible fats and oils that compete with CPO in uses, and their strengths and weaknesses.

9 – Competitive Advantages
Here, we will focus more on quality and freshness of the oil, and low FFA content (since your CPO will be processed within 24 hours of harvesting FFB due to proximity of oil palm plantation to oil mill. Talk about our international management team, collaboration with NIFOR, Quality control focus, etc

Section VI – Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan section has four sub-sections as follows:

10 – Products & Services
Since your products are Crude Palm Oil, Crude Palm Kernel Oil, Palm Kernel Cake (for Livestock feed) and to a lesser extent, Kernel shells. Your company will be looking at packing them in drums/barrels, 25litre kegs & 5litre kegs

11 – Pricing
We will discuss how your pricing relates to competition in actual Naira figures. We will prove that you have a premium brand because of your focus on quality. Your pricing is competitive with other companies out there but will be higher than the small scale processed palm oils. We will discuss your expected branding based on your chosen pricing model.

12 – Promotions Plan
We as palm oil mill business professionals will provide recommendations for your promotions plan details i.e. your tactics to attract new customers. Once your mill is operational, we will provide you with a fully loaded website highlighting your plantation, mills and the level of organization/scale of our process (Contact us for details). Once your company reached a steady output production level, we will show you how you can do a series of press releases. Your company will also have to use a combination of print and radio advertising initially, online pay-per-click ads, etc to boost your company’s income; details will be in the business plan Martins Library will provide you.

13 – Distribution Plan
Your will have depots in strategic cities in the different regions of your country so that your wholesalers and small time retailers can access your palm oil mill company easily and buy directly from it. We will also explain how you intend to have distributors and partners who sell your products or services. We will also explain how you intend to probably deliver directly to these, and have credit facilities opened for them. We will flesh this structure out in a detailed format.

Section VII – Operations Plan
Operations Plan section has two sub-sections as follows:

14 – Key Operational Processes
This is where most of the work will be done. These are the details of daily functions your business must conduct.
For instance; your farm is cultivating up to 1,500 hectare plantation to run a 5ton per day oil processing mill initially. We will explain how you intended to grow more plantations to feed future mills.
Here, we will breakdown the daily operational processes of the plantations and the mill. Martins Library Team will work with you on this. It involves everything from fertilizing, harvesting and transporting the FFB, to the sterilization, processing and storing of the oil as well as quality control and testing. We will break them down into different departments from Community Relations Desk, Customer Service Department, Plant Operations, etc.

15 – Milestones
Details will be explained in business plan we will write for you if you contact us - +2347030722911

Section VIII – Management Team
Your Management Team section has three sub-sections as follows:

16 – Management Team Members
Even if you have not yet gotten your full management team but what we will do here is to list and describe the different functions that will be required to run your operations, e.g. CEO, Head, Plantation Operations, Head, Plantation Operations, etc

17 – Management Team Gaps
When you see the detail of what we have written in the section above, you will know what we will fill and what we might have to skip in this section. When you have your first discussion with us at Martins Library after our draft, we can work on this more.

18 – Board Members
We will write in detail on your board of directors

Section IX – Financial Plan
Your Financial Plan section has four sub-sections as follows:

19 – Revenue Model
This is the breakdown of sales realizations and revenue expectations given the prevailing market price. We can also mention here that even if prices go up by some percent, your company will still be profitable by some percent. We can also mention here your desire to cash in on seasonal shortages by storing some of our output and selling in off peak periods. You company can also generate sales from seedlings and sprouted seeds from your nursery at the farm.

20 – Financial Highlights
Here, you will get your full financial model (income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement). We will put in the highlights such as your revenues, key expenses, and projected net income for the next ten years.

21 – Funding Requirements/Use of Funds
We will detail how much your company needs and the breakdown of how you will use it. You will get to see that information from the financial model (under budget and/or cash flows).

22 – Exit Strategy
We will use our expertise in this section but you’re most likely exit strategy for your equity investors will be to buy them out after a certain amount of time, or to make the company public in which case, there is no exit strategy except via the stock exchange.
The most common exit strategies and considerations the company will use for planning purposes:
1.      Merger & Acquisition (M&A).
2.      Initial Public Offering (IPO).
3.      Sell to a friendly individual.
4.      Make it your cash cow.
5.      Liquidation and close.

Section X – Appendix
23 – Supporting Documentation
We will provide the supporting documentations to the details we have written for you.