She knows I’m the husband, she respects me and reverences me and loves me and helps me fulfill my calling. I celebrate her because d most expensive thing in life is marry a pretty girl that wants to be celebrated; they don’t take nonsense.

If you don’t want trouble, please celebrate her.

When I came back from schooling in America, my wife said to me, hide those certificates, nobody wants to know how educated you are. They want to know how many people were healed and delivered and set free from bondage by the anointing of God deposited in you.

Secondly, you lose to win in marriage. Even when your wife has wounded or hurt you please don’t emphasis it, de-emphasis it. Make sure u put money into her hand even though she has money and do it weekly.

Thirdly, when she asks you for money, give her more than she asked for.

Fourthly, when she dresses up for service, turn, ponder and celebrate her; don’t just look at her as though you are a mumu, say to her, you are gorgeously dressed!

Fifth, accept her relations and her parents particularly, take care of them as you take care of your own parents . f she has brother or sister, invest in them, they will always speak for you because they have eaten your food. No man eats your food without giving you praise. So make sure u invest in those areas.

Sixth, love her children. Its very confusing that men love women and women celebrate children, they adore children. To a woman, it’s a beginning of unending joy and laughter, so if you want your wife to love you, love her children and take care of them, send them to good schools and celebrate them.

My wife says to me on a crusade platform, you are a big man of God but in this house you are not a big man of God, you are a husband and a father. So dont walk in here as though you are under anointing. The demons stop in the crusade ground, here we are for celebration. So anytime u walk in through that door, forget whatever exploits you did at d crusade ground, here you are just an ordinary husband, don’t act as a super preacher because the crowd has gone, only we are left.

Romance is simply giving a woman quality time.  It could be 5minutes but quality time. Make sure have what she needs before you meet her. Inject the element of surprise for her, make sure you celebrate her, keep her informed about where you are, that is what every woman needs. In this I’m an expert. I call her several times in one day and we still exchange love letters. I make sure I have an element of surprise for her, it could groundnut rapped in tissue paper. Something that will surprise her. Women don’t really want money, they want appreciation, recognition,, they want to be protected.

If a man doesn’t have money, he must have a bag of humor. A good man must be able to make his wife laugh 5 times a day. If a woman laughs 5 times every day, her blood pressure will be low and she will look younger even as a young person in love with a girl, you dream beautiful dreams but after the wedding, you will know that love is blind, but marriage is an eye opener. There are things to put in place.

Anybody who dreamt of marriage and got married and found out that the wife will not obey his command and got disappointed because she did not obey his command, the man is sick. The man is an unperformed husband because marriage is union of two opposites. A man that says stand up and a woman that says why must we stand up. A man that likes Garri and a woman that likes rice. A man who likes clothe and a woman who has no interest in clothes. It is this mixture of two opposites that will give the marriage life and progress. May heaven grant you wisdom in your marriage and relationship.