Adolescence is a time when young people are leaning a great deal about themselves and adjusting to rapid change in their bodies. During early adolescence, many experience a new uncertainty about their bodies and how they function. They need information and assurance about what is happening to them. As they, mature, some feel confused about what they are supposed to do in a variety of situations relationships with family and pears; coping with new suave feeling and trying to assess conflicting messages about who they are and what is expected of them as human beings.

            Sexually education is a planned process of education the fosters the acquisition of factual information the information of positive attitude beliefs and values, as well as the development of skills to cope with the biological, psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects of human sexuality. Therefore, the main purpose of teaching sexuality education in secondary schools is to promote sexual health by providing learners with opportunities to:
-           Develop a positive and factual view of sexuality.
-           Acquire the information and skills they need to take care of their sexual heath, including preventing HIV/AID and other sexuality transmitted infections/diseases
-           Respect and value themselves and others, and acquire the skills needed to make healthy decisions about their sexual health and behavior.
            According to Obigue (2003) adolescence is the time when young people are learning a great deal about themselves and adjusting to rapid changes in their bodies. However, it is observed that during early adolescence a new uncertainty about their bodies and how it functions they need information and assurance about what is happening to them. As they mature, some feel confused about what they are supposed to do in a varity of situations including making sense of evolving relationship with family and pears; coping with new sexual, and trying to assess conflicting messages about who they are and what is expected of them in the society.
            Matter (1996) opinioned that, parents, educations, and communities all faces the challenge of creating environments that support and nurture good health. Thus young people need sexual education programmes that mode and teach positive self-worth, responsibility education and understanding and acceptance of diversity and sexual health many people still believe that sexual education would encourage “sexual experimentation and several studies have been conducted to determine whether sexual education programmes actually increase young people’s sexual involvement.
            One of these is the landmark study commissioned by the world health organization (WHO) in (1993) which conclusively show that, contrary to long – held beliefs no significant relationship exist between receiving formal sexual education and initiating sexual activity. Ratter sexual education result in postponement or reduction in the frequency of sexual activity and more effective use of contraception and adoption of safer behaviour.
            Therefore, instead of informing adolescents only about the health risk and potential negative consequence associated with sexual activities; teachers need to provide young people more balanced messages. They should not feed ashamed, more especially when the teacher is a female teaching in a mix schools that boys and girls. Teacher’s because of their religious beliefs do not put much emphasis on teaching sexual education, to them it is the way to expose student to sexual activities.
            Adolescents needs to receive clear, proactive messages about sexual decision-making, but they also need more than sexual activities. It deals with many aspects of life, including biology, gender voles, body image and interpersonal relationships; thoughts, beliefs, values, altitudes and feeling and sexual behaviour.
            Young people should be assisted to develop a positive sense of their own sexuality by creating enabling opportunities for their as they learn about this part of themselves. According to Charles (2011) id if the view that to understand that the element of one’s sexuality is a life long process. Therefore it involves acquiring information and forming altitudes and values and addresses all aspects of sexuality and health. Teachers still stroked to the idea as it was in the pact. In the pact, it was normal to protect advescants from receiving education on sexual matters was abominable to youth ever within the manage circler. It was falsely believed that ignorance would encourage chastity; yet the rampant unprotected sexual activities among adolescents and the devastating consequences is evidence of the failure to this approach.
            Studies of the sexual and reproductive health behaviour of Nigeria youth confirm that they had not been formally taught about sexuality. Their information on this important subject came from pears, news magazine and biology classes. The 1999 National conference on, Adolescent Reproduction Health in Nigeria reviewed the status of the country’s compliance with platform of action by the international conference on population and development in 1994.
            According to Action Health Incorporated (2008) in Nigeria, like many other developing countries, adequate attention has not been giving to adolescent reproductive health despite the fact that recent data show that age at menarche is dropping; there is early initiation of sexual activity; there is a high incidence of teenage pregnancy; and that teenagers account for 8% of unsafe abortion complications treated in hospital teachers are still nursing the idea and beliefs that arising from our socio-culture heritage, issues relating to sexuality are usually not openly discussed.
            Nwokedi (1998) stated that although we see sexuality around us, every day sexual education and services for adolescents remains controversial issue in Nigeria. This statement clearly the problem of Nigerians surveys conducted nationally show that teachers who ought to be the primary sexual education of students or children and communicate to then specific values about sexuality, play the least role in this area. School provide little or no sexual education programmes for young people, learning equally misinformed pears as the primary source of information on these issues.
            The guideline also noted that many more Nigerians are beginning to realize that if the problems of unwanted teenager pregnancy STI/HIV/AIDS and sexual abuse are to be effective addressed, it is important that all people should develop accurate, rational and responsible attitudes and behaviour towards issue around sexuality. While the high rates of unintended pregnancy and the frightening increase of STIS and HIV/AIDS in young people are suitable concerns, it is important not to element from our teaching, the many other dimensions of a young persons sexuality. Adolescent sexuality is not a limited concept, which sexual activity is not restricted to penetrative sex or use of contraceptives. Indeed sexual expression may include kissing, touching, fantasy, sensual and erotic behavior. Adolescents are also concerned with developing satisfying peer relationships. With members of both sexes. They show greater interest in their own individual development their family and relationships. Instead of focusing on genital sexual behaviour alone. It is important to help from explore other topic that influence their development such as body image, gender roles, and ways of expressing love and intimacy among others

            The attitude of teachers toward the teaching of sex education in secondary schools has become a source of worry as the contemporary social vice and educational set back. Therefore the major aim of this study is to discuss the attitudes of teacher in students in secondary schools sex education. How teachers through sex education has contributed to assist young development a positive sense of than own sexuality, by creating opportunities for them to consider all aspects sexuality, to ask question and to understand that the are teacher who support them as they learn about this part of themselves.

            The main purpose of this study is to checkmate the attitudes of teacher in teaching sex education in secondary schools in Nigeria, especially in secondary school Nnewi-North Local Government Area of Anambra state. Precisely the study equally finds it fit the target of achieving the following objectives:-
1.         To examine the extent, teachers attitudes towards the teaching of sex education in secondary schools.
2.         The effect of sex-education to the secondary school students. 
3.         Efforts of parents as primary educations to children on sexual education in the society/community
4.         To suggest possible ways creating more public, students and parents awareness on the need to teach or enlighten the adolescent the important of sexual education in and outside the school environment.
            This research work or study will assist in a quieter understanding the attitude of teacher towards educational objectives – teaching of sexual education in secondary schools of Nnewi-North Local Government Area of Anambra State. This study is also useful for parents who have thought that sex education should not be taught to the youths because it is being regarded as abnormal and should be avoided thus it will assist them to actually understand the need to teach the young people sex education.
            Its primary goal is to help educations of Nigerian adolescence again the knowledge and skills needed to express their sexuality in life-enhancing ways, more also to help students understand the value and appreciate the difference among individuals.
            Of teachers towards the teaching of sex education in secondary school in Nnewi-North Local Government Area of Anambra Slater. The study is limited to the following secondary schools.
i.          Okongwu Memorial Grammar school Nnewi. (ii) Maria Regina secondary school Nnewi (iii) Girls High School Nnewi and Bishop Uzodike seminar school Nnewi.

1.6       QUESTION
            Following the basics of research work on the teachers attitudes towards the leading of sex education in secondary schools in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state four research question were formulated to guide this study.
1.         What are the attitudes of teachers in teaching sex education in secondary schools in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state?
2.         Does sex-education affects the spreading of HIV/AIDS and other secondary student.
3.         Do parents play active role as a primary educator of sex education in their various communities?
4.         How can sex education be property target in secondary school in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state?

            This literature review is meant to affixed many areas as regard the research topic under consideration many writer has wetter on the issue of teachers attitude in teaching sex education in secondary school some writers wrote without porting to the principle thing that promotes this issue of teachers attitude in teaching sex education.
       In this research work teaching of sex education to the young people in our society move especially in secondary schools therefore this literature review well be made under the following sub. Headings
1.         What sex education is all about
2.         Teacher attitudes towards teaching of sex education
3.         Parents and communities as the primary education of sexuality education.
4.         Possible way of promote sex education in our society more especially in secondary schools in Nnewi-Nurth Local Government Area of Anambra State.
Sex education is a palmed process of factual information the information of positive attitudes, bellows and vane as well as the development of skills to cope with the biological, psychological social cultural and spatula as puts of human e sexual education is the promotion of sexual heath by providing learners with opportunities to develop a positive and factual view of sexuality. According to Dike .B (1989) sex education enhanced the creamer to acquire the formation and skills they need to take care of than sexual health, clouding pivoting STI/HIV/AID and sexual transmitted diseases. Adolescent is the period of time when young people are leering a great deal about themselves and adjusting to rapid change in their bodies during this early period of adolescence many experience a new uncertainty about their bodies and how they function what is happing to them pressure to conform to gender-role stereo type increase during adolescence. Girls will be expected to act as a young mother in their culture and may be discouraged form acting and playing the games that boys play. Boys also have stance typed gender- role message. Many will have learned that any deviation form “acting like a man will expose them to ridicule or outright injection
Maduabuchi (2005) is of the view that young people Sean to initiate sexual intercourse much earlier their in the past and young mothers suffer form various maternal complications. Two out of every fine secondary school girls have had at least one proviso pregnancy 150 out of every 1000 women who gene birth are 19 yams old or under, and 50% of the deaths recoded in Nigeria high mater al mortality figure are adolescent girls, due to illegally in deuced abortion.
A teacher is someone who gives instructions especially in a school or privately. At school, the teacher acts as surrogates to children He is an agent of deliberate attempt to socialize youths He imposes societal values upon the youths. The teacher is an interpreter in moral matters. Judging form the society in which he teaches and considering the experience of his pupils, the teacher is to bring his pupils to understand the difference between right and wrong bet wean what is socially acceptable (good) and socially unacceptable (wrong) It is generality accepted that teacher constitute the pivot of any school system this is because the success of any system of education depends to a target extent on the number of teachers, their quality, and devotion to dirty and their effectiveness on the Job. It is as a result of this central position of the teacher that it’s is often said that no education system could rise above the quality of its teachers. This actually is why Razik ( 1972) say validity of any educational system nationally is dependent upon the quality of the teaching it is ultimately  the teacher who decides on what goes on in the classroom and transfers educational theories and principle into practice. Alaezi (1990) describes teaching as the business of all those involved in the act changing human behaviour and transformation of society render them perceptibly significant respectable and recognizable to other because of the consequences they accomplish and the unique manner they do them. Thus, teacher’s attitude toward the teaching of sex education in secondary school in Nnenu- North Local Government Area of Anambera State is not a welcome development or positing strategies toward preventing and controlling HN/AID and other sexual transmitted infections/ disenables It has been notice that teaching sex education in secondary school is some times misconceived to be synonymous with lessoned on sexual intercourse and unrestrained teachers are usually skeptical about the usefulness of this type of education to students secondly another challenges faced by teacher is leak of qualified teachers. Sequenced efforts at sex education are not undertaken by relevantly trained teacher instead, they are made by such unqualified presumed as medical doctors, ruses, health scientists teachers shaves the traditional belief that sex education at best can only remind and in duce the children to engage in premaritce sexual acts. Fifthly religions barriers is another factors which influences teachers our their attitude in teaching sex education. Our country is a secular one or non-sectarian with regard to religion and its practices. As a result, there is multiplicity of religious and religious philosophies contrail controlled by nobody. Many of these religious groups from at sex education fearing that it may lead to licentiousness or fornication. Lastly other constraints faced by teachers are low level of education. Poverty, lack of appropriate instructions materials, and fear of misuse by the students.
Therefore, in other to avoid getting in any of those obnoxious activities, people need clear and well articulated understanding of their sex life. If this knowledge is derived them, they will grope in darkness of ignorance and unknowing get entangled in the ill aforementioned. Sex education is the only avenue through which such knowledge can be consequently disseminated
2.3       Parents and Communities as the Primary Educators of Six Education   
There is no doubt in the saying that charity begins at home. Parents and communities all face the Chattooga of creating environments that support and nurture good sexual health. Young people need sexual education programmes that model and teach positive self-worth, responsibility, understanding and acceptance of diversity and sexual health. Many people still believe that sexuality education would encourage sexual. Therefore parents, and communities and their leader should correct this impression of people’s eely on sexual behaviour in the society.
2.4       Possible Ways of Promoting Sex Education
The success of school health programmes – sex education demands an effective partnership between ministries of education and health, and between teachers, communities and parents. The health sector retains the responsibility for the health of children, but the education sector is responsible for implementing and funding school based programmes. These sectors need to identify respective responsibilities and present coordinated action to improve and promote health – sex education and learning outcomes for children.
Thus, information should be made available concerning the social and economic implications (for the individual and for the society in general) of unwanted adolescent pregnancy.
-           That policy makers should encourage incorporating appropriate programmes for adolescent within national family planning programme.
-           That research should be undertaken to describe the changing nature of vulnerability of this age group to the risk of unwanted pregnancy and abortion also, detailed research proposals should be formulated to examine, sex education training available to family life education etc.
Lastly, effort of the government geared towards family planning, family life programmes and population control, will greatly be enhanced through institutionalized, adequately systematized and appropriately regulated programme of studies on all sex-related maters in the country.

This chapter discusses the method employed by the research in carrying out the study. It is discussed in the following sub-headings-design of the study, area of the study population of the study, sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, valid of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data analysis.
3.1       Design of the Study
This study design can be referred to as descriptive survey. This design according to Maduabuchim (1999), is one in which data are collected from a relatively large number of respondents items considered to be representative of the whole population of a group. He asserted also that descriptive survey is concerned with description of events as they are.
3.2       Area of the Study
The area of the study is Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state. Nnewi-North is one of the Local Government Area of Anambra state. But the study is centered in four communities namely:- Umudim, Otolo, Nnewichi and Uruagu respectively.
The population of this study comprised four (4) secondary school each from the aforementioned communities.
3.3       Sample and Sample Technique
The population was sampled using sample random technique for easy coverage of the targeted population India study sampling random technique were used for data collection persons were randomly selected from each of the four secondary school in the from ward/communities in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state. This give a total population two hundred (200) Respondents.
3.4       Instrument for Date Collection
The instrument for data collection in this study was a structured questionnaire entitled Attitudes of teachers toward teaching sex education in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state. The questionnaires was designed by the researcher and it was survey method as well as personal oral interview.
The questionnaire were carefully structured in such a manner that it will elicit personal information need for the study the rational for the questionnaire is to test whether the research questions stand for true or false.
In all, two hundred (200) questionnaires were distributed to one hundred and sixty (160) students and forty (40) questionnaires to teachers from the sampled secondary school in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state. The respondents completed the questionnaire and all were successfully retuned with the help of the research.
3.5       Validity of the Instrument
The draft was first presented to the project supervisor who made necessary convection as regard the language contact and sentence structure. Instrument was also presented to three senior lectures in the Department of Arts and social science education and other two lecturers in measurement and Evaluation at Ikwo Colleague Education.
These lecturers veiled each items in terms of sentence structure and adequacy instrument.
Based on their comments and suggestions, some of the original items were dropped, therefore the view and suggestion of these experts were incorporated in the final questionnaire.
3.6       Method of Data Collection
Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to two (200) hundred respondents. Fifty (50) respondents from each of the four (4) secondary school randomly sample as the targeted population. Each respondent complied by filing the questionnaire, while the researcher and three (3) assistant researchers waited to collect it on completion. No questionnaire was lost.
3.7       Method of Data Analysis
The method of data analysis would involved the use of descriptive statistics such as percentage and means to establish the degree of responses.
To ease data reporting, the summary of the result were set out in the table, in line with research questions/items which was formulated to guide the study.

This chapter involves the actual presentation of data obtained from the field through the use of questionnaire and intervenes based on the four (4) research question that guided the study.
Research Question i.
What are the attitude of teachers in teaching sex education in secondary schools in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anambra state.
Female teachers are ashamed or fell shy to discuss sex or its related issue in mix or boys secondary schools.





They have misconception that teaching sex in secondary school will induce the rate of sex and drug abuse





That sex education is meant for married people and should not be taught outside marriage 





Some of the teacher are not properly trained on this subject sex education 






            The summary of data analysis as presented above table shows that 150 out of 200 respondents which 15 representing 75% are of the view that teachers (females) are ashamed or feel shy in discussing sex or its relate issue in the mix school is with boys are girl and in boys secondary schools while 50 respondents representing 25% sand no. item two in the table shows that 180 respondents, representing 90% are of the opinion that teachers has misconception that teaching sex education will induce the rate of sex and drugs abuse; while 20 respondents representing 10% disagreed with them. Number three question in the table stated that sex education is meant for married couples and shouldn’t taught outside marriage cycle. 160 representing 80% agreed while 40 respondent, representing 20% disagreed lastly in the table, 190 respondents representing 95% are of the opinion that some teachers are not properly tramped on the subject sex education, which 10 respondents representing 5% seize no.
Research Question ii
            Does sex education affects the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexual transmitted deceases in secondary schools.
It will reduce the rate of death as result of HIV/AIDS infections. 





It create more awareness of other diseases associated with sexuality. 





It will reduce number of orphans who’s parents died because of HIV/AIDS






From the above table 11 it shows that 150 respondents, representing 75% are of the opinion that, it will reduce the rate of death as result of HIV/AIDS infection which 50 respondents representing 25% totally disagreed.
            In item two in the table 195 respondents which representing 97.5% are of the view that it will create more awareness of other diseases associated with sexuality, which 5 respondents representing 2.5% said no.
            The third item stated it will reduce the numbers of orphans whose parents died because of HIV/AIDS infection while 30 respondents representing 15% disagreed
Research Question iii
            Do parents play active role as a primary educator of sex education in their various communities?

It is beloved that it will lead sex above among children in the society 





They are skeptical about the usefulness of sex education 





It is traditional belief that education will remind and induce the children to engage in pre-martial sexual acts 






            From the above table iii, it is reflected that 180 respondents, representing 90% agreed that it is believed that it lead to sex abuse among children, while 20 respondents, representing 10% said No. from the table, item (2) 190 respondents, representing 95% are of the idea that they are skeptical about the usefulness of sex education, while 10 respondents representing 5% total disagree.
            Lastly on the label item three state that it is traditional belief that sex education will mind and induce the children to engage in premarital sexual acts.
Research Question iv
            How can sex education be properly taught in secondary schools in Nnewi North Local Government Area of Anambra State
More research should be conducted on sex education nation wide.  





Teachers should be adequately trained on sex education 





Parents should be encourage to teach their children the consequences of unwanted pregnancy    





            From the above table item “y” 190 respondents, representing 95% unanimously agreed that more research work should be carried out on sex education, while 10 respondents representing 5% disagreed with them. Item “2” in the same tables. That teachers should be adequately trained on sex education, 170 respondents representing 85% agreed with the above statement, while 30 respondents, which represented 15% said no.
            In the table, item three “3” is of the opinion that parents should be encourage to teach their children the consequences of unwanted pregnancy, 195 respondents which represents 97.5% agreed with the above statement, while 5 respondents, while 5 respondents representing 10% disagreed.

            The result of data analysis in table 1 revealed that the items are of the general opinion that female teacher are ashamed or feel shy to teach sex education in second is a mix schools boys/girls boys secondary schools 150 out 200 respondents representing 75% disagreed on the above statement.
            Also in the same table the item two 180 respondents, representing 90% are of the view that teachers has the miscomputation that teaching of sex education will induce the rate of sex and abuse in secondary schools while twenty (20) respondents representing 10% said no lastly in that table, 180 respondents representing 95% are of the view that, some of the teachers are not property trained on this subject, sex education.
            In the second research question which stated that sex education affect the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexual transmitted infections. The first item in the table stated that it reduced the death rate as result of HIV/AIDS scourge, 150 respondents out of 200, which represents 75% unanimously agreed while 50 respondents, representing 85% disagreed with them. Second item in the table, stated that it created more awareness of other diseases associated with sexuality. On that out 200 respondents 195 respondents representing 97.5% bought the idea while 5 respondents representing 2.5% refused their idea.
            In the same table it was revealed that 200 respondents 170 respondents, representing 85% are of the opinion that, it will reduce number of orphan who’s parents died because of HIV/AIDS infection while 30 respondents, representing 15% objected the statement.
            In research question three, which is of the view that if parents do play positioned role as a primary educator of sex education in their various communities. In the table, first item stated that, it is believed that it will lead sex abuse among children in the society. On that out, 200 respondents 190 respondents agreed, which represents 90%, but 20 respondents which represents 10% said no. in the same table item “2” stated that parents are skeptical about the usefulness of sex education. Out of 200 respondents 190 respondents unanimously agreed which represents 95%, but 10 respondents, which represents 5% total disagreed to them. Hastily in the table, item three stated, that it is traditional belief that sex education will remind and induce the children to engage in premarital sex acts. 185 respondents representing 92.5% agreed, which 15 respondents representing 7.5% said no.
            In the research question 4 four it is stated hour can sex education be properly taught in secondary school in Nnewi – North Local Government Area of Anamber state. Out of 200 respondents 190 respondents, representing 95% supported the view that more research should be conducted on sex education nation-wide; while 10 respondents, which representing 5% disagreed totally. The second items in the table has it that teachers should be adequately trained on sex education. Out of 200 respondents 170 respondents agreed which represents 85%, but 30 respondents which represents 15% said no last the third item in the table also stated that parents should be encourage to teach their children the consequences of unwanted respondents are of the general opinion on the abuse statement which represents 97%, but 5 respondents which represents 97%, but 5 respondents which represent 1% disagreed to them.
            The study revealed that the attitude of teachers towards the teaching of sex education in secondary school is not helping maters in the effort of preventing and controlling of HIV/AIDS and other sexually related transmitted infections.
            The study also revealed that parents in their efforts are properly lacking behind toward teaching or educating their children on sex. Knowing fully that parents are or supposed to be primary educator on sex education but because of their culture abhors any discussion on sex-related matters in a public place and it is viewed as an anathema to discuss sex-related issues with tea wagers. Therefore parents should adjust their culture.

            The findings of the study revealed that appropriate application of teaching sex education will provide relevant information about HIV/AIDS scourge, especially for young people 80th at home, school and the entire society. That the home for instance should that children be well informed about the damage of pre-marital sex sharing unsterilised skin piercing instruments and avoid having casual sex without condom.
            The study also revealed that parents should cre3ate a home environment in which the children are free to discuss their problems with them. That questions from children on sex and other related matters should be answered with sincerity. It related also that people should cultivate positive sexual behaviour such as avoidance of pre- marital sex drug addition, having contact with intuited blood through sharing needles or syringes etc. all these will be benefits to be driven from sex education in our secondary school, homes and the entire society behaviour/attitudes toward teaching unsex-education to their children.
            The study revealed the need for teachers to be properly trained and equipped with relevant material to able and enable them perform the job more efficiently should be highly put in place.
            The study revealed that sex education will provide the panacea to sex- related problems. Sex educations emphasize the divine importance of sex as the basis of reproduction and continuity of life on earth. It deemphasizes the moral and misconstrued use of sex in whatever from.
            Based on the finding of the research, the following recommendations were made:-
(1)       That parent should be encouraged in teaching their children sex Education since teaching might save the children from unwanted consequences that might result from lack such knowledge
(2)       Teachers also should be given adequate training on sex Education to equip them with able and enable materials to gain the knowledge theme in.
(3)       Adult citizens of Anambra state, should be discouraged from being shy in talk or teaching about Education, since such attitude might hinder, them from teaching sex Education in their individual families.
(4)       Teacher, political and religious leaders, councilor, social heath worker and village heads should create the chance to conduct sponsored seminars.
(5)       The children should be vividly mate to understand by their parents that sex education is a part of informal education therefore they are entitled to learn from their parents.

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