It is recognized that the safe
functionary of an establishment depends on its overall management. Within this
overall management system, the safe operation of an establishment requires the
implementation of a system of structures, responsibilities and procedures, with
the appropriate resources and technological solution available. This system
according to (Brazien 1994) is known as the safety management (SMS).
Safety management system is a constituent part of the
overall management system of the establishment, which may in turn be dependent
on a management system developed for a large entity such as a company or group
of companies. This is particularly important which it comes to detailed implementation
of the guidelines set out here; the approach to implementation will and should
differ from company to company reflecting the overall management philosophy,
system, and culture as appropriate for the workforce and process technology
involved (cooper 1998) Clarke, (1997) in his contribution said that safety
management system many also involves integration with a management system which
addresses other matters, such as the health of workers, the environment, quality,
etc according to him, it is possible to develop a safety management system by
extending the scope of an existing management system, but it will be incumlrent
upon the operator to ensure, and demonstrate where necessary, that the
management system has been fully developed to Eovor major – accident controls
and meets the requirements of the directives. Element of safety management
Organization and Personal
The safety management system should reflect the
top-down commitment and the safety culture of the operators organization,
translated into the necessary resources and direct responsibilities of personnel
involved in the management of major hazards at all levels in the organization.
The operation should identify the stills and abilities needed by such personnel,
and ensure their provision (Booth and lee 1995).
The role, responsibility, accountability, authority
and interrelation of all personnel who manage, perform or verify work affecting
safety should be defined, particularly for staff responsible for:
The provision of
resources, including human resources, for safety management system development
and implementation.
Action to ensure
staff awareness of hazards, and compliance with the operator’s safety policy;
recording and follow-up of corrective or improvement action;
Control of
abnormal situations, including emergences.
training needs, provision of training and evaluation of its effectiveness,
Coordinating the
implementation of the system and reporting to top management.
In addition, the operators should ensure the
involvement of employees, and where appropriate of contractors or others
present at the establishment both in determining the safety policy and in its implementation.
In particular the operator should ensure that contractors receive the necessary
information and training to enable them be aware of the hazards involved, and
to satisfy the safety policy.
Hazard Identification and Evaluation
Hazards identification and evaluation is part the issues
that should be addressed by the safety management system.
The operator should develop and implement procedures
to systematically identify and evaluate hazards arising from its activities,
and from the substances and material handled or produced in them. The
procedures used for the identification and evaluation of hazards should be formal,
systematic, and critical. There should also be systematic procedures for
definition of measures both for the prevention of incidents and for the
mitigation of consequences.
The management system’ should include an assessment of
the skills and knowledge required, including where appropriate a team approach
in order to find the necessary combination and range of theoretical and
practical knowledge to develop and implement appropriate procedures hazard
identification and evaluation procedures should be applied to all relevant stages
from conception through to decommissioning, including:
Potential hazards
arising from or identified in the course of planning, design, engineering construction,
commissioning and development activities.
The normal range
of process operating condition hazards of routine operations and of non-routine
situations, in particular start-up, maintenance, and shut – down;
Incident and
possible emergencies including those arising from component or material failure
external events and human factors, including failing safety management system
Hazards of
decommissioning abandonment, and disposal,
Potential hazards
from formal activities,
External hazards
including those arising from natural hazards (including abnormal temperatures,
fire flood, earthquake, strong winds, tidal waves), from transport operation
including loading and unloading, from neighboring activities, and from male
violent or unauthorized action.
Operation Control
The following issues should be addressed by the safety
management system: operation control adoption and implementation of procedure
and instruction for safety operation, including maintenance of plant,
processes, equipment and temporary stoppages.
The operator-should prepare and keep up to date and
readily available the information on process hazards and design and operational
limits and controls coming from the hazard identification and risk evaluation
procedures. Teased on these, documented procedures should be prepared and
implemented to ensure safe design and operation of plant, processes equipment
and storage facilities. In particularly these procedures should cover:
Start – up and
normal operations, including test, maintenance and inspection
Detection of and
response to departures from normal operating condition.
Temporary or
special operations
Operation under
maintenance condition
Safety working practice should be defined for all
activities relevant for operational safety. Procedures, instructions and
methods of work should be developed in co-operation with the people who are required
to follow them, and should be expressed in a form understandable to them. The
operator should ensure these procedures are implemented and provide the
training necessary.
These written procedures should be made available to
all staff responsible directly or indirectly for operation, and where
appropriate to others involved such as maintenance staff. The should also be
subject to periodic reveal both to ensure that they are current and accurate,
and to ensure that they are actually followed.
Management of Change
In the area of management of change, the issues to be
considered are – adopting and implementation of procedures for planning
modifications to, or the design of new installations, processes or storage
operator should adopt and implement management procedures for planning and
controlling all changes in people, plant, processes and process variables
material equipment procedures, software, design or external circumstances which
are capable of affecting the control of major accident hazards. Juis approach
should cover permanent, temporary and urgent operational changes, and should
Definition of
what constitutes a change
Assignment of
responsibility and authority for initiating change.
and documentation of the change proposed and its implementation
and analysis where appropriate of any safety implications of the change
proposed identification explanation, where appropriate documentation, and
implementation of the safety measures deemed appropriate including information
and training requirements, as well as the necessary changes to operation
Definition and
implementation of appropriate post – change revenue procedure and corrective
mechanisms, and subsequent monitoring.
Added that management of change must also be applied
during the design and construction of mean installations, processes and storage
for emergencies information the safety management information system include
the procedures necessary to ensure that an adequate emergency plan is developed,
adopted, implemented, reviewed, tested, and where necessary revised and
updated. These procedures will define the skills and abilities required, including
where appropriate a team approach in order to find the necessary combination of
theoretical and practical knowledge. The operator should develop and maintain procedures
to identify, by systematic analysis starting from the hazard identification
process foreseeable emergencies arising from or in connection with its
activities, and to record and keep up to date the result of this analysis.
Plans to respond to such potential emergencies should be prepared, and
arrangements for testing and review on regular basis should be included within
the safety management system. The procedure should cover the necessary
arrangements for communication of the plans to all those likely to be affected
by an emergency.
Monitoring Performance
The issues to be addressed in this of safety
management system are adopting and implementation of procedures for the origin
the operator should define the responsibility for initiating investigation and
corrective action in the event of non-compliance with any part of the safety management
system this should include the particular revision where necessary of
procedures or systems to prevent recurrence. The information from performance
monitoring should also be a significant in out to the processes of audit and
review. Assessment of compliance with the objectives set by the operation major
accident prevention policy and safe management system, and the mechanisms for investigation
and taking corrective action in case of non-compliance. The procedures should cover
the operators system for reporting major accidents or near misses, particularly
those involving failure of protective measures, and their investigation and
follow-up on the basis of lessons learnt.
The operator should maintain procedures to ensure that
safety performance can be monitored and compared with the safety objectives
defined. This should include determining weather plans and objectives are being
achieved, and catheter arrangements to control risks are being implemented before
an incident or accident occurs (active monitoring) as well as the reporting and
investigation of failures which have resulted incidents or accident (reactive monitoring).
Active monitoring should include inspections of safety
critical plant, equipment and instrumentation as we as assessment of compliance
with training, instructions and safe working practices.
Reactive monitoring requires an effective system for
reporting incidents and accidents and an investigation system which identifies
not only the immediate causes but also any underlying failures which let to the
event. It should: pay particular attention to cases of failure of protective
measures (including operational and management failures), and should include
investigation, analysis, and follow-up (including transfer of information to
personal involved) to ensure that the lessons learnt are applied to future
Audit and Review
The terms “audit” and “review” are used differently according
to (Coyle 1995). An audit is intended to ensure that the organization, process,
and procedures as defined and as actually carried out all consistent with the
safety management system; it should be carried out by people who are
sufficiently independent from the operational management of the unit being audited
to ensure that their assessment is objective. A review is a more fundamental study
of whether the safety management system is appropriate to fulfil the operator’s
policy and objectives, and may extend to considering weather the policy and objectives
should themselves be modified.
In addition to the routine monitoring of performance
the operator should carry out periodic audits of its safety management system
confirms to requirements, both external and those of the operators. The result
of these audits should be used to decide what improvement should be made to the
result of the safety management system and their implementation for this
purpose the operator should adopt and implement an audit plan which should be
reviewed at appropriate intervals. The issues to be defined pry the plan are:
The area and
activities to be audited
The frequency of
audits for each are concerned
responsibility for each audit;
The resources and
personnel required for each audit, bearing in mind the need for expertise,
operational independence, and measurements and oberservation
The procedures
for reporting audit findings;
The follow-up
In the other hand, senior management should, at
appropriate intervals, review the operator’s overall safety policy and strategy
for the control of major accident hazards, and all aspects of the safety management
system to ensure its consistency with these. This review should also address the
allocation of resources for safety management system implementation, and should
consider changes in the organization as well as those in technology standards,
and legislation.