The Concept of Education: 
Education means the training of the entire person to enable him read, write and calculate or be proficient in a given job and to enable him to fit himself for living in society. Alumode (2005) says that education is an instrument to nation for nations building. The development of a country and her natural resources depends on the quality of its human resources and the quality of human resources in turn depends on education.

            The Nigeria philosophy on education is based on the development of an individual into a sound and effective citizen;  the full integration of the individual into the community and the provision of equal access to educational opportunities for all citizens of the country at all level. Education generally can come in two forms:
Formal and informal education; formal is acquired in a  class room block which involves how to read and write while informal is traditional in nature that is passed down from elders or from parents to their children. The purpose is for socialization, cultural instruction, vocational training.
            The shafting from general education to specific entrepreneurial education is because the general education has failed to yield the desired effect of providing employment to graduates which is the major socio-economic problem in Nigeria and does not also march with the pace of industrialization in the country.

It is of value through fusion of capital risk taking, technology and human talent. The oxford English dictionary sees it as one who undertakes an enterprise-acting as intermediary between capital and labour. David C. McClelland sees him as an individual who takes moderate risk and brings innovation. He finds now opportunity in business or more opportunities in an existing business.
            There are some characteristic that contribute to the success of an entrepreneur; Initiative, Goal setting, Risk taking, High energy level, team builder and motivator good communication skill and good human relation is also required.

Entrepreneur is classified into four:
1.         Innovative entrepreneur: He introduces new product new techniques and new market are introduced by this entrepreneur.
2.         The imitative entrepreneur: He imitates innovative entrepreneurs pattern and takes advantage of it to make his profit.
3.         Fabian: He is a shy and lazy entrepreneur but he follow the set procedure by the innovative entrepreneur to make his little profit.
4.         Drone: He  refuses to copy or use opportunity that comes on his way.

Entrepreneurship Education
The united States Colorado educators. Cited in Osuala (2004) defined entrepreneurship education as a programme that prepares individual to undertake the formation operation of a small business enterprise. It is a program of instruction that will enable the beneficiary to be properly equipped to establish and operate a profit oriented business venture. It enables students to acquire the skills ideas and managerial abilities and capabilities for self employment rather than being employed for pay. Abhimanyu (2007) sees entrepreneurship education as enterprise education

Issues in Entrepreneurship Education
Issue of dissatisfaction with the educational sector Because the educational system in Nigeria fails to equip young people with skills to compete in the labour market. It brought about unemployment as government cannot provide jobs for all the graduates in the country and the educational system does not prepare them to be self employed. It now lead to poverty and increase in social vises since youth after graduation will come back home only to stay idle. For a graduate to start up a business on his own he must have acquired a skill; getting initial capital and be in an enabling environment.

Apprenticeship system and entrepreneurship development Apprenticeship: 
Warran cited in Makoju (1999) noted that the system of personal master- apprentice instruction (artisanat), had its origin or root in the middle class guides.  It can be defined as mans oldest method of acquiring skills. In the process, the trainees always watch his master work and then work after him hence. It is the oldest method of acquiring skill. The trainee always stay with his matter for a speculated period of time when the master craft man demonstrates with materials, tools, and produces services or goods. The apprentice(s) watch and learn the steps processes adopted in the use of tools and equipment until such a time the apprentice is four fit to have learnt and acquired a marketable skill.

National directorate of employment (NDE)
The National directorate of employment as an entrepreneurial training programme was established in 1986. for practical training in the acquisition of appropriate levels of literacy in manipulative and vocational skills, as well as ethical moral and positive attitudinal behaviour needed to function in a chosen field of interest among beneficiary. The beneficiaries are well exposed to gain wide network of experiences in information technology capable of assisting them link with successful entrepreneurs and industries both local and international or even partnership.

Vocational Technical Education
Kolawole (1997) and Nuru (2006) opined that vocational technical education gives appropriate training in skills abilities and knowledge both mental and physical to individual to enable them enter and progress in their chosen trained vocation. Vocational technical education encompasses training in general education and the development of technical vocational skills in formal schools setting. (Ezeagu 1999). It is part of general education that focuses attention on the acquisition of skills that will fit the recipient into the world of work either as an entrepreneur or an employee. The major areas of vocational technical education are:
a.         Vocation Agriculture
b.         Vocational business and office occupation
c.         Distributive education
d.         Vocational home economics
e.         Technical education (Osuala 1987)
It is this type of education that will help the youth to take control of their destiny, liberate them from dependency and endowing them with initiative creativity and critical thinking, entrepreneurial skills, democratic values and an appreciation of both the work and the world of work. It is the need for this type of education that made the Federal Ministry of education in collaboration with the curriculum planner to introduce entrepreneur as GST in all the Universities since the general education can no more Fetch graduates employment.

Entrepreneur in Distributive functions
The majority of the economic activities today are centered on distributive activities. The various roles players in channels of distribution are entrepreneurs both by action and by virtue of their business activities. The wholesalers and the retailers and  even business agents are altogether entrepreneur by their respective business activities and operation. Their operations and success are often based on their knowledge and experience of the trend and terrain of activities that characterizes the operation of the business. It is therefore essential that students are exposed to the knowledge and fundamentals of the business activities of the wholesalers, retailers and agent in the channel of distribution. To improve the apprenticeship and guard against problems affecting it, the federal state and local government through NEED should as a matter of urgency and necessity ensure the establishment of apprenticeship development board (ADB) to be incharge of the system across the country and the board should ensure that vocational centers, technical and local craft centres blend practical with tutorial or theoretical lessons.

Forms of entrepreneurship business organization
            Business organization can be defined as an enterprise set by an individual or group of individuals government or its agencies for the main purpose of making profit and providing goods and services for the satisfaction of human wants Oduma (2004) described business as any form of arrangement that utilizes the basic factors of production to satisfy human wants on profit motive. The sole entrepreneurship describes those business ventures set up, owned, and managed by their owners. It is started as a result of the creative and innovative ideas of the entrepreneur. He bears all the risk and takes all the profit from the business.

Partnership Entrepreneur: It may be described as a type of business organization in which two to twenty partners agree legally to set up and manage a business with the motive of making profit. The two to twenty persons agreed legally to pool their resources capital or skill together and establish a business. They always share the profit losses and risk of the business. Jointly they always arrange a partnership deed covering the details of agreement on investment pattern, profit shearing, and responsibilities of each partner.

Joint stock Company: It is an association of individuals called shareholders, who join together for and agree to supply capital divided into shares that are transferable for caring on a specific business. It consists of more than 20 persons for carrying any business activities. The finance is raised by issuing shares, debentures; loans form financial institutions, banks and private agencies. The liability of shareholders is limited to that capital only of which share are held. Co-operative societies are started basically to avoid exploitations of by middleman

Women in Entrepreneurship development
Women entrepreneurship: If an organization or business is started by a woman or group of women, it is called women entrepreneurship. It is further defined as an enterprise owned and controlled by women having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of employment to women.

Women entrepreneur can be classified into:
a.         Affluent women entrepreneur
b.         Pull factors woman entrepreneurs
c.         Push factor women entrepreneurs.
d.         rural women entrepreneurs and
e.         Self employed women entrepreneurs
The economic empowerment of women socio-economic opportunities, property right, political representation, social equality, personal right and also in developing both the family, market, community, state and the whole nation women entrepreneur are faced with many problems among which are: Independency, the financial institution are skeptical about entrepreneurial abilities of women, women family obligation, they have low level of managerial skill, low-level risk taking attitude.

Youths and Rural Entrepreneurship Development:
The youth are special subset of the society and they form the crop of the future leadership of our nation. The youth are blessed with vision energy and creativity. The problems of unemployment have deprived a good number of this group the opportunity to contribute effectively to the economy of the nation. All round the world many countries are coming to acknowledge the power of entrepreneurship as a viable solution to multiple challenges facing the society. Entrepreneur has the promise of poverty eradication, youth emancipation, and job creation, promoting productivity, and then building the economy. Entrepreneurs are neither born nor made; potential entrepreneur can be developed and stimulated to start their own businesses though appropriate interventions. So we must work to promote environment that promote entrepreneur development across board.

Problems of youth Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria
            Onwubiko (2008) noted that irrespective of the benefits associated with entrepreneurship, there are a lot of barriers that have prevented youth from fully realizing their potentials and assuming leadership position in the society:
1.   Inadequate working capital:  the availability of capital is central to the establishment and continued existence of any enterprise irrespective of the size, focus and objective. It is known that for an entrepreneur to start up a business, he must have adequate fund. In a situation where the working capital is inadequate or unavailable, it becomes a problem.
2.   Lack of adequate training:  The absence of adequate training for students on a particular skill to enable them meets the challenges of the future as leaders of business and change agants is another problem that affect development of entrepreneur since it have been observed that the educational curriculum in Nigeria. Focuses more on the theoretical without a corresponding practical approach.
3.   Low standard of education:  the fact that education is the key to knowledge and that it plays a strong role in forming burgeoning entrepreneur must be in tune with events around and about him.
4.   Absence of infrastructural facilities: It is a universal believe that certain infrastructural facilities aid the development of the mind and body and assist productivity in any environment. The facilities are good road, good water supply, constant power, access to information and communication technology.
5.   Lack of adequate security: the inadequate security of lives and property and the helplessness fostered on the citizens by the police that has most often than not proved incapable of addressing the security by challenges over the years.
6.   Other Economic, social and political factor: Economic factors such as policy reversals, high and double taxations, difficulty in procuring business approval, high inflation and unstable exchange rates are some of the areas of concern for the potential entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur counseling Services
            Mankinde (1983) the main purpose of school counseling is to assist students to explore and understand themselves so that they can become self-directing individuals. Entrepreneurial counseling is newly introduced due to the new global attention placed on entrepreneur among nations of the world. Piercy (2006) noted that the new global attention placed on entrepreneurship development is a wise approach towards stimulating the youths and graduates to escape the danger of unemployment and poverty and contribute immensely through small business start up to the development of their economy.
The statues of entrepreneurial education in Nigeria
            Entrepreneurship and small scale enterprise most often, entrepreneurship development is perceived as synonymous with small scale business enterprises. Both entrepreneurship development is related to small scale business only by structure and relevance. Augustine et al (2010) noted that entrepreneurship development aims to enlarge the base of entrepreneurs in order to hasten the pace at which new ventures are created.

The recent directive by the Federal ministry of education on the Study of entrepreneurial education across all discipline in tertiary institutions in Nigeria is a welcome development in the educational system. If this directive is properly followed with diligent administrative and infrastructural provision including instructional delivery strategy in the subject area. It will definitely assist to re-channel the mind-set of the youths while in school on the need for self employment through micro business startup which will help in making education more functional to the recipients. As level of poverty, frustration and social vices continue to increase among the unemployed youths; it is believed that compulsory entrepreneurial studies in Nigeria tertiary institutions will equally be lasting panacea in assisting them to be self employed.