Thus research titled “The Role of Local Government in Community Development: A study of Idemil North Local Government Area” is a contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the field of rural and community development in Idemili North local government the broad objective of this study was to find out the role of local government in community development in Idemili North local government, the specific objectives of this study were to determine the effect of funding, co-ordination, trained and professional workers and political and religious involvement in community development programmes and project.
The theoretical framework of this study was the communication theory to signify the control of conformation. In realizing the above objectives, data were sourced both from primary and secondary sources. The researcher formulated four (4)m hypotheses, the data collected were systematically analyzed using percentage technique and Chi – square x2 formular. From the information gathered, several findings were made among which include: Non- availability of finance the death of managerial know-how, inadequate co-ordination of staff and political and religious involvement in community development programmes. Consequent upon these findings, the researcher among other recommended that: local government staff should be well supervised, co-ordinated, motivated, screen occasionally and be encouraged for more performance, the inhabitants and indigenes of the community should contribute their own quota and finally, local government should be given political, financial and administrative autonomy.

1.1       Background of the Study                               
            Local government could be defined as a creation of the constitution of federal republic of Nigeria. As a political sub-division of the nation or the administrative unit (federal system of government) which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs, including the powers to impose taxes or to exact labour for prescribed purpose.
            More so, local government could also be seen as the third tier of government known as a body corporate which is administered by law with in elected and appointed representative with a reasonable autonomy and can be sue and sued.
            Furthermore, the realities that local government has contributed in rural development in Nigeria can therefore be dated back to the colonial era as what we today called local government system. Beginning with the indirect rule, where the principle function were the administration of justice through the native courts and the exploitation and expropriation of minerals from the hider lands to the metropolis and the construction of the road to complement the above, local government has transformed itself through various reforms.
            In 1945, following entered of the Second World War, the British officials realizing that local government can play an important role in developing Africa , a sense of community obligations and social responsibility and providing a good ground for political education , the idea of democratizing the local government system as a basis of social and economic development, came in hence the objective of local government system government therefore defined, and various regional government in Nigeria made various attempt to improve the means of attaining the new objectives especially as from 1950 . Therefore in 1954, the British system of local government was actually introduced in the North through the enactment of the native authority law and in the east in 1955 vide the local government law and in the west in 1957. These laws were concerned with the restructuring of the local government system to meet the capacity of carrying out their roles in community development (As cited in Okpata (2001).
            These laws were concerned with restructuring the local government system to meet the capacity for their new roles in community development.
            This new role of propagating the development of the rural communities did not come into effect until the 1960’s when twelve (12) states were created out of the three region (27th may 1967) . The system of local government then came to be known as development administration.
            According to Okpata (2001) local government as a body corporate became modemized as the years roll back especially in 1976, when a deliberate systematic re- organization was initiated by the military administration of General Olusegun Obasanjo, thus led to the recognition of local government as a third tier of government: More so, upon 1946, local government became a veritable instrument of the National government for grass root development, because the reforms established a uniform council in Nigeria.
            Finally, according to Nwangwo (1991) one of the principle objectives of the Nigerian local government reforms of 1976, was to bring about even and rapid development at the local level through out the country and to advance the course of rural development.
            Lastly, the creation of Anambra state in 1976 by Mortal Mohammed brought the existence of  Idemili  North local government which is made up of ten (10) communities ( Abacha  Eziowe lle, Ideani , Nkpor, Obosi, Ogiki , Oraukwu, Uke, Umuoji and Abatete)

1.2       Statement of Problem
            Having know the historical background of local government in Nigeria and its objective to bring rapid development and even development to the local level through out the country (community development). There are some problems that could be encountered in the process of seeking for success in community development in Nigeria.
            Improper funding is a problem to community development. The government grant which is supposed to eliminate the problems is not very easy to secure. Bank credit facilities and capital are very difficult to come by because of collateral security, which is often demanded by financial house. The lack of fund has been responsible for the non – completion of most community development programmes all over the state in particular and the country in general.
            Improper coordination is also a problem to community development because most communities are not well co-ordinate they lack administrative sense of operation with the acronym “POSDCORB” which entails planning, organizing, directing, co-ordinating report, staffing and budgeting. Due to lack of co-ordination, a lot of programmes and resources committed into the community for the purpose of development has been wasted. The resources of any programme is dependent on proper co-ordination of effort involved in the programme implementation.
            Lack of trained and professional workers also affect the successful execution of community development programme the presence of community development experts will help to ensure success because the training which he/she acquired well enable him/her stimulate the community members to be involved in the process of community development.
            Problem of identifying needs is some times a big problem to most communities. A bureaucrat handling federal or state grant appropriations cannot know the needs of tens of thousands of communities across the state including that of Idemili North Local Government: One rural community might need a highway work to attract business while another might need a new sewer system, electricity or pipe borne water, so therefore, communities must identify their own needs and request funds from the appropriate agencies.
            Finally, political and religious differences has been responsible for the non-completion and sometimes complete neglect of an on – going community programmes or projects, in Anambra State. Of instance, we have many political parties like APGA, PDP, ANPP, AC, etc, most times communities that voted mostly during election are the people that will benefit from the administration while other communities that didn’t vote for the party or the person in power will not benefit from the administration due to political differences. More so, religious difference also act is a problem in community development.

1.3       Research Question
            The following research questions, will guide the study:-
1.                  What are the implications of lack of fund or inadequate funding in
the development of communities in Nigeria especially in Idemili North local government?
2.         To what extent does improper co-ordination affect sustainable community development in Idemili North Local Government?
3.         How does lack of trained and professional personnel affect the standardization of projects in community development?
4.         To what extent does politics and religion affect community development in Idemili North Local Government?

1.4       Purpose of the Study
The broad objective of this study is to find out the roles of Local Government in community development in Idemili North Local Government.
The following. Are the specific objectives of this study.
To determine the effect of funding in the community development.
1.                   To establish the fact that proper co-ordination can boost the
development of communities in Idemili North Local Government     
2.                  To establish the use of trained and professional workers in
community development as a tool for a standard community
3.                  To ascertain the effect of political and religious involvement in
community development programmes/projects.

1.5       Significance of Study.
Some how, most communities in Idemili North local government area seem to be lagging behind in community development because of the above mentioned problems. As such, this study will be of benefit to many people.
This work is expected to assist our policy makers who has taken it upon themselves to sensitize the rural dwellers in Idemili North local government. This is because through the finding of this work, they would then appreciate the importance of identifying the needs of the communities before embarking no any project in a community.
This work will serve as an additional knowledge to the researcher, in order to learn more about the roles of local government in community development. It is significant not only as a guide to improvement but also as a source for enhancing progress in community development.
The research work will also be beneficial to students of public administration for more knowledge about the roles of local government in community development.

1.6       Scope of Study
The study is limited to finding out the roles of local government on community development in Idemili North local government area since its inception in Anambra State when it was created out of Idemili local government area, in 1989 till date. The research also covered the whole communities in Idemili North Local Government Area (Ogidi, Abacha, Abatete, Eziowelle, Ideani, Nkpor, Obosi, Oraukwu, Uke and Umuoji) with the total population of 431, 005 people. The study also focuses on the social, political and economical roles of local government in community development in Idemili North local government area from 1989 till 2012. In doing this, particular attention is to be paid on the impact of developmental programmes in the different communities of Idemili North local government.

1.7       Research Hypothesis of The Study
            The hypothesis to be tested in this work are
Ho1:    The availability of finance to local government does not determine
the extent to which local government staff would perform their roles.
HA1:   The availability of finance to the local government determine the     extent to which local government staff would perform their roles.
HO2: The dearth of managerial know-how does not affect the            performances of local government in community development    programmes
HA2:   The dearth of managerial know – how affect the performance of local government in community development programmes
HO3:   The system of coordination of local government staff does not affect the performances of local government in community development programmes
HA3:   The system of coordination of local government staff affects the performance of local government in community development programmes.
HO4:   Political and religious involvements does not affect the development programmes and project in community development
H:4     Political and religious involvements affect the development
programmes and project in community development.

1.8       Limitations of the Study
In an attempt to make this work an interesting and comprehensive one, 1 encountered some hindrances. 
The following were the hindrance that I encountered in the process of making this work a quality research work:-
1.         Low co-operation from respondents and reluctance of staff and management of Idemili North local government and Anambra state local government service commission to release relevant data required for the study.
2.         Most of the respondents interviewed and administered with the questionnaires where illiterates and semi-illustrates and they saw the exercise as a means of collecting information for tax assessment.
3.         Lack of material and relevant literature also limited the quality of this research work.

1.9    Theoretical Framework
The importance of theoretical framework in any research work cannot be over emphasized. To the scientist, a theory refers to the facts in some meaningful way (Good: 1952) it also means “a. advice or scheme for adopting or applying the assumption and analysis of researcher problem (Obasi 1999:43).
            It equally service as a way of describing, analyzing, interpreting, predicting phenomena. Hence, it enhances the internal logical constituency of research activities, also provides useful in sight into the study of a problem.
            In this research work, communication theory (cybernetis) constitutes a basic of analysis, the theory was developed by Norbert Wiener (1950) to signifies the control of information which can be analyzed as it reach the organ of decision making in any given political system.
            The theory treats government as a decision making system depending on the amount and quality of information flow between government and people.
            This theory demand that there have to be reciprocal relationship between the government and the people through an effective communication channels, which is necessary for development.   
            Hence, the goal of the government (Idemili North local government) can not reach a satisfactory level unless it receive the feedback concerning the position of the goals and re-adjustment to the demands from the external environment.
            As Udall and Udall (1975) defined communication as “the process by which one person or a group of persons shares and impact information to another person or group clearly so that both people understands one another.
            This is also attributed to the local government and the people of the communities under it, an effective communication between the people and the government will help the local government in administering its roles in community development.
            Communication can also facilitates goals achievement in an organization, this is because whatever the goals or objectives of an organization may be without someone properly articulating and communicating them to the members of the organization and proper orientation done through effective communication process for awareness which cannot be said to have been done (Okpata, 2004)
            Through communication, local government can be able to identify with the people of the community and their needs in order to assist them in solving these needs they can also organize some lectures and seminars for the rural people on some certain things which has been a problem to them and for the rural dwellers to be able to have the knowledge of the cause and the possible solution to those problems.
            Finally, the truth of the theory lies on the fact that for community development to take place there must be a joint effect of both the government and the people, which is necessary for rural/community development in Idemili North local government hence, community development is a joint enterprise.