So you wouldn’t believe Maybe a round of defeat, Defeat your belief...
Let it play on your mind that it might be the last time my heart would beat for both sides satisfaction. Putting the reason for this write-up in perspective, I need to state that the term justice is relative as it means different things to different persons at a particular time or place. Amidst this uncertainty it must be stated that justice is the satisfaction derived from putting a trust in a set up mechanism especially in terms of dispute settlement. To a man walking on the street, vindicating a side and condemning the other is justice, to a legal luminary making sure that the object of law is achieved, is justice.

The common saying that let justice be done if heaven falls gives me the need to say that it is a must that litigants who had embarked on a voyage of search for an end to their unending grieves must go home smiling and raising thumbs up for the system I mean the court. Make no noise raise no eyebrow on your own, it is not enough to get mad and rage with anger that leads to unending destruction, the rooms are opened and they say it is the last hope of common man.

Never betray the little trust on ground, people are looking for truth we can’t fail them now. What do we do? Justice delayed they say is justice denied. There should be speedy dispensation of matters before courts and similar bodies and panels. A man should not wait forever for blame to be apportioned, if justice is not all about that, litigants in court should not wait forever either.

The impression the four walls of that room gives a man on the street is the picture of a monster looking from under the glasses who from all indications had wined and dined with corruption and various ‘Nigerian factors’. This impression is not always right though with an element of sanity in the assertion. A less formalistic and rigid system of dispensing justice will boost the trust level of the people in the system, we are going to this extent and or more to ensure that justice is done. We are desperate for it though we are not violent, and we won’t be.

From the legal perspective, the idea of justice is hinged on the twin principle of nemojudex incausa(don’t be a judge in your own cause) and audi aliterem partem (hear both sides of the story) these two principles had been identified as the cardinal pillars of justice, it has been consistently advocated that whenever the need arises people should be given fair and equal playing ground. Honestly they are not cosmetics, rather they are meant to be followed and adhered to strictly. The extent we are willing to go. The issue of fair hearing is as old as the world itself. It is not desperation that led God into hearing out Cain before condemning him for the murder of his brother; it was only prompted by justice.

Outside the court, justice is when lines begin to fall in decent places for Nigerians in terms of economic improvement and security and other dividends of democracy. Punishment of corrupt public officers. This will definitely take us back to the court. Hearing and saying that the voice of the masses counts is justice, this in fact is the crux of the matter, we can only begin to count our blessings if what is being done inside and outside the court begin to have tremendous impact on the lives of Nigerians.

Amidst all these it is one to say that justice is being done, it is another to see it being done. The insignificant movement of the wheel of justice is frustrating and tiresome. There is need to state emphatically that fiat jautistic ruat adcoeluni i.e let justice be done even if heaven falls. And so the rain continues under the reign of oppression. Justice won’t reign, he says...