We  need to understand why CLASFON exists, what she professes and what vision upon which she thrives cannot be grasped by mere observation by a bystander. It is in this light, that the case of PHILIP v. ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH (2000AD) 8 ACTS vs 27-31 Pg.721 readily comes to mind, hence the converse - ‘Understands thou what thou readiest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?
It follows, that to understand the purpose of CLASFON, one requires a reasonable degree of guidance.

The word CLASFON is an abbreviation of Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria. When use in this sense, it denotes the fellowship of Law graduates, advocates, corporate practitioners, magistrates and judges inter alia.
On the other hand, CLASFON represents the name Christian Law Students Fellowship of Nigeria. When used in this sense, it means a fellowship of those undergoing training in Faculties of Law in various Universities in Nigeria.
The vision upon which CLASFON thrives was received in Nigeria in 1979 at the Nigerian Law School under the instrumentality of Barr. Wole Olufon. In 1981, CLASFON was officially inaugurated at Kaduna where it had its first Annual Conference.
At present, CLASFON at the students level, has over 32 chapters resident in various Universities drawn from across the Six geo-political zones of Nigeria. CLASFON is now part of Advocates International, African Christian Lawyers Network(ACLN) inter alia. Part II of the Constitution of CLASFON contains all her aims and objectives. The vision of CLASFON are-
1.         To Protect the image of Christ via the practice of the legal profession.
2.         To work as a mission with the firm commitment to speaking effectively about the gospel and its impact on the problems of law and
3.         To practice our vocation as part of our calling from God.
4.         To support law students who are Christians.
5.         To provide spiritual, moral and material support for ex-convicts
who have come in contact with the saving grace of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ.
6.         To provide for the exchange of information and experience relating to the practical problems of the Christian Lawyers and the application of the principles of the Christian faith to current legal and social problems by: making publications, organizing regional and National Conferences, Lectures and other suitable activities.
7.         To encourage prayers for all persons connected with the legal profession.
8.         To diligently pursue the path of Truth, Justice, Honour and Integrity.
9.         To strive for the highest professional ethics in the practice of the law.
According to Lord Denning (MR) in his book - The Influence of Religion on Law (pgs 36-37) published by the Lawyers Christian Fellowship of England, CLASFON draws strength to achieve her vision via these means 1. Corporate Witness
2.         Prayer
3.         Nurturing our faith
4.         Evangelism
5.         Education
6.         Influencing Law Reforms.
Identifying with CLASFON exposes us to the seniors in the profession who has made their marks and persons of impeccable character in whose counsels there is guidance and safety.
It is erroneously assumed that one cannot truly be a sold-out Christian and a successful Lawyer. I vehemently dare to say that such a hasty conclusion is baseless. Such assumption, no doubt, is a
by-product of a poor appreciation of who a CHRISTIAN LAWYER really is and what the legal profession expects of such Lawyer. Being a devout Christian sets you apart for a distinguished practice experience without compromise.
Rule 4 of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Legal Practitioners in Nigeria (RPC) urges Lawyers to be fair and candid.
Rule 16 (b) and 17 of same rule places a duty on Lawyers to avoid sharp practices.

Rule 49(b)further imposes the solemn duty of honesty.
Finally, I beseech you by the mercies of God that you resolve never to disappoint God as a Lawyer in words or in actions, at home or in Diaspora.
Welcome to the vision of CLASFON.