Based on the request made by the Head of Department Mass Communication, via the letter she dispersed to the evaluation team formed from different media organizations across the state, viz; NTA, EBBC and FRCN Unity FM.  The letter requested that the team should carryout an evaluation and assessment act on the status and workability of the media equipment existing presently in the university studio.  We hereby present this report reflecting the teams’ evaluations and observations on various units of the entire radio and television studios of the university.

This report covers the structural installations, availability and functionality of the various equipment found in different units that make-up the entire studio.  References can also be made to the individual reports from the different organizations that formed the evaluation team, for detailed information on the recommendations and evaluations of the equipment and structures.

The Radio Studio
It is a professional ethic in media practice that a certain standard be reached structurally and in equipment provision for a radio studio be it for transmission or demonstration.
Hence, stated below are our observations and recommendations

The radio studio is poorly constructed.  PVC materials are wrong materials for studio construction; because PVC material do not absorb echo rather it causes noise and reverberation in the studio.
There is also poor lightening arrangement in the radio studio.

Structural Recommendation:
§  A professional should be consulted for proper construction of the studio.
§  Acoustic boards should be used rather than PVC materials
§  There should be an under lay of ½” foam beneath the acoustic boards for efficient echo absorption.
§  The entrance door of the studio should be air proof and well padded to reduce intrusion and noise.
§  The demarcating glass between the studio and the voice over-boot should be double and not single.
§  The position of the studio A. C. should be changed and another A. C. be provided in the voice over-boot.
§  The type of light used (fluorescence) should be removed and changed to a suitable studio light to reduce noise.

The Radio Studio Equipment
The equipment in the radio unit was properly assessed and the following deductions were made;
§  The DJ mixer in the studio was functioning but it is not proper for a community radio station because it has gain.  Hence, it is not good for broadcasting.  A console with no gain is more appropriate.
§  There was no pre amplifier in the studio.  This is required to boast the audio signal.
§  No functional professional CD player
§  The deck recorder was also observed not functional
§  The computer system in the studio was working but it had no user friendly editing software and some other required software.
§  The entire wiring system of the studio was poorly done that some of the equipment could not be powered.
§  There was no equipment rack in the studio for proper arrangement of the equipment, for proper ventilation.
§  We also observed that there is no earthing system in the entire studio.  This is highly required for safety of equipment and human life.
§  We observed that the types of microphone in the studio are not professional microphones suitable for studio use.

Equipment Recommendation:
Stated below are the recommendations for the radio studio equipment.
§  We recommend a provision of a 1KW transmitter for local transmission.
§  There is also need for about 150 feet mast
§  The computer system in the studio should have a sound card Adobe and BPM software to enhance editing.
§  To monitor the wave form of the signals from the microphone, an interface card is required.  This can serve in place of the sound card.
§  We strongly advice that the entire power supply system be overhauled.
§  The type of coaxial cables and antennas should be given serious considerations.  Hence, a ½” feeder cable and a 4 element jampro antenna should be provided.
§  A proper earthing of the entire equipment is strongly advised.
§  An Fx10 exciter for transmission.
§  A change of the type of microphone in the studio is pertinent because the type we met is unprofessional, unreliable and never functioned during our visit.

For more detailed information on the recommendations, please refer to the attached report on radio studio equipment from Unity FM.

Television Studio

§  We observed that the acoustic boards on the studio wall were covered with emulsion paint which closed the acoustic holes, thereby defeating the aim of the boards.
§  No fibre, no foam material between the acoustic tile and the building wall.  This will make the studio noisy.
§  The floor of the studio is covered with rug, which will absorb the studio lightening system and make the image look dark.  Rug is difficult to maintain and can result to bad odor in the studio.
§  The elevated part of studio floor should be removed to give room for whatever platform studio user intend.  In the same vein, the studio table structure is bad and needs replacement.
§  The studio door is not sound tight, and can cause noise during entry into the studio.
§  The positioning of air conditioner at exactly behind the studio user is not proper.  It can cause humming in audio output of the studio.
§  The position of the off-air monitor in the studio is not proper.  Off-air monitor is supposed to be where the caster (user) and camera operator can view it.
§   The position of studio light is not good.
§  The material used for sacoroma is not proper; we observed that ordinary cotton is used, so it should be replaced with correct sacoroma.
§  The demarcating glass between Master Control Room and studio is single and can permit noise entry into studio from MCR.  It needs to be double glass of different densities.
§  No mirror for redressing and make up before studio user goes on air.
§  No studio warning light to prevent studio interference when in use. 
§  Improper studio lightening.
§  No studio backdrop.
§  No station identification backdrop (logo).

Structural Recommendation
The internal structure of the television studio should be completely reconstructed with new acoustic tile boards, wire gauze, foam, sacoroma studio props and the position of some equipment wrongly placed should be changed to make it standard television studio.

§  We observed that some equipment are not available, some are good while some don’t meet basic television broadcasting equipment.
§  The two Panasonic MD 10000 Cameras do not have view finder, this will give any Camera Operator difficult task to watch his/her shot.
§  The two microphones in studio are all unidirectional which is not proper.
§  No intercom between Camera Operator and MCR director which is not proper

Equipment Recommendation
§  Each camera must have view finder.  A professional type like ENG Camera with CCU provision should be used.
§  The three (3) types of microphones i.e. omni-direction, bi-direction and uni-direction should be provided.
§  They must be noiseless intercom between studio and MCR for proper communication when studio is in use.

Master control room-television (mcr-tv)
We suggest that, the name given to this unit be changed to Master control room-television for the interest of student and the University before NUC visit.  It should not be television control room or control room television.
This is the heart of a television studio. An adequate assessment was made in this unit and here are our observations:

§  The installed rack is not proper. Equipment in MCR rests on metal and wood open cupboard.  Some equipment rest on top of other equipment.  These situations are unacceptable because of lack of ventilation which can cause fire outbreak, damage of equipment and noise, etc.
§  No power source monitoring system that guide the operation crew on power source status to avoid breakdown in transmission.
§  The arrangement of the entire equipment makes it uneasy for the operator in the MCR to watch what is going on in the studio.
§  The position of the A.C in this unit should be changed.

Structural Recommendation
§  All the equipment should be in separate rack position. 
§  The arrangement of the equipment in the MCR should be made so that the operation crew will face the studio and not back it.
§  Power source indicator monitoring system must be installed

§  Some equipment in the MCR is not supposed to be there, while some did not meet up the basic television broadcasting standard.  Many were not working; some were wrongly terminated and connected. 
§  Some of the monitors in the MCR are not television broadcast equipment, because they have no provision for signal output terminals.  Hence they cannot be used as signal source monitor.
§  The audio console installed in the MCR is not the supposed type to be used in television broadcasting station because it does not have low noise effect, high based amplifier and pre-listening output features.
§  We observed that the video switcher and amateur video selector were working since it was selecting different video source but was wrongly connected because it controlled both audio and visual signal which is improper.  This above arrangement gives no room for smooth visual mixing and switching during source swapping.
§  No link between the cameras in the studio and the central monitor in the MCR which implies that the image from the studio cannot go on air.
§  No High Definition Video (HDV) machine for airing of news, locally produced programmes, recording of programme on air and transferring of films from DVD to HDV tape.
§  The VHS machine installed in MCR is outdated in television broadcasting and should not be used.
§  We also observed that the decoders do not receive local networks.  It was only Ghana multi-television channel signal that was working.  The MYTV satellite was not completely installed. 
§  The main satellite dish was not also installed. 
§  The outside dish has no LNB.
§  No computer in MCR for digital tapeless transmission

Equipment Recommendation
§  The monitors in MCR should be replaced with monitor that has output terminal features.
§  The audio console should be replaced with correct audio console made for television broadcast service that have all the required features.
§  We recommend that the entire video switcher arrangement in MCR be replaced with modern system which comprises image engine, video mixer, video effect, studio background generator and proper terminators.  Some of these come with rack which houses the entire monitors, fuses and earth link.  This arrangement is necessary because without it, the entire system will lack internally generated synch pulses.
§  Correct and proper video cable should be used to link studio camera to the monitors in the MCR.
§  HDV machine should be provided.
§  DVD machine and HDV machine mentioned above should be used.
§  The main satellite dish should be properly installed and tracked to receive local networks like NTA national which is free to air.
§  Other television network signal should also be tracked to help in guiding students on things they should know for instance STARTIMES (NTA) television signal. 
§  We also recommend that a dish farm of about three (3) dishes be introduced to provide various signals.  A specification of about 1.8 to 2.4 C-band dish size of pan type is recommended. 
§  The dishes should be properly earthed with good thunder arrestors of pure copper and not coated lines.
§  Polar mouth installations are highly recommended.

Film editing suite (laboratory)
We suggest that the name of this unit (Room) be changed from TV Editing Laboratory to film editing suite.

Our Observations
§  The UPS available/installed will work well if charged, though not the best option for the unit. See the final recommendation from NTA team for the supposed type of UPS.
§  Computer systems available are good, but not proper editing suit computers. The rationale being that there is no firewire card/port. Its motherboard is not a media motherboard. The operating system installed is window 7 and it is not registered software.
§  No editing software.
§  No preview monitor.
§  No HDV machine.
§  No proper connection.
With this configuration and arrangement no editing work can take place.

§  Minimum of two editing suite computers with media motherboard should be configured to have firewire card, window XP operating system, editing software like adobe premium 1.5, flash, antivirus, video converter, etc.
§  One preview monitor and HDV machine for recording and dubbing of edited films in the system are needed.
§  The entire unit requires proper cabling and reconnection.
§  Also the video camera installed in the editing suite is not proper equipment and should be removed because the HDV machine mentioned above can do the work.
§  We strongly recommend also that there should be a central server in the editing suite to enable proper networking of other systems to the server.  This will enhance the connectivity and transfer of data and information to other units of the studio.
§  A qualified network administrator should be deployed to man the central server.

News room
§  We suggest that the name given to this section be changed from AUDIO EDITING LABORATORY to NEWS ROOM as the profession demands

§  The arrangement of seat, table and equipment are ok.

§  The equipments in the news room are good.
§  We recommend that the computer systems be networked to share resources with film editing suite and configured to handle voicing.

Reference: For detailed information on our observations, assessment and recommendations, please visit the technical report by the NTA team.

Having reported on the current state of the equipment and structures, it is very pertinent to state that the output signal of both the radio and television studios were not ascertained because no transmission equipment is installed.  The different stages of signal procession in the entire system did not work properly.
The editing suite and the MCR have incomplete equipment and improper installation and configuration.
Some of the equipment supplied is good but obsolete in broadcasting outfit.  Some have no role to play and some that are supposed to be used are not available.

In the course of ascertaining the availability and operational status of all the agreed equipment, MAC MEDIA INTERNATIONAL supplied and installed in the University’s Radio and Television Studios. We requested that a written document from the HOD, containing the list of equipment, the university expected to be supplied by MAC MEDIA INTERNATIONAL be made available to us.
These documents were used to ascertain the availability of the equipments and they are equipment evaluation report by (Name Here) dated 4th May, 20…. and equipment evaluation report by (Name Here) Freeman dated 15th November, 20….  The contents of the two documents are observed to be contradictory. 

We must say that the idea of establishing a studio of this sort in the University is a wonderful one and if successfully accomplished, will make graduates of Mass Communication of the institution and the students alike not only to come to terms with the practical aspects of what they study but also make them more productive and preferred choices in media outfits.
It will also eliminate in your students the phobia they exhibit on the sight of modern equipment when they are on industrial training in media organizations.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to render services to your institution and we promise to render more when called upon to do so.

We wish you all the best in your efforts to upgrade the facilities of the department thereby enhancing quality and professionalism in learning.




ebsu radio and tv studio
 evaluation team