Snails are known to escape from enclosures that are not properly protected or covered. It therefore becomes imperative that snail houses should be protected to prevent the snails from escaping and be predator free. The housing for raising snails varies with purpose. However, it could be made of wooden materials, wire mesh or even local materials whether outdoor or indoor. Depending on the size of the farm, cages or hitch boxes, trench pens, used types local baskets, movable pens and mini paddock are used to prevent snails from escaping. 
The cage should not be exposed to direct sunlight as this can raise the temperature of the enclosed container to injurious levels. However, they should be exposed to normal day/night cycle (Akinnusi, 2002) where cage boxes are used the cover should be meshed to allow spraying of water without having to open the box. No matter the type of housing, the habitat of snails must be taken into shade as snails like hiding places. When snails are raised indoors under controlled environmental factors favouring production must be provided. The housing must be  provided with devices for measuring  humidity (hygrometer), temperature  (thermometer), soil moisture and light (in-foot candles) weighing  balance, soil testing  kit, magnifying  glass and  watering cans.

There are three main housing system for rearing snails namely extensive, semi -intensive and intensive system.
Extensive system: This type of system is essentially good in the open parks/gardens. The snails are reared in their natural habitat except that choice plants are planted and park or fenced gardens are provided to avoid the escaping of the snails.
Semi intensive system: This system combines both indoor and outdoor practices. The reproductive and nursery stages are raised indoors while the growing period is outdoors.  This system enables the farmer to grow and produce snails all year round making them available to numerous consumers.
Intensive system: The system requires a high capital investment with modification of the environment to suite what happens naturally during the park period to ensure optimum reproduction and growth. This system ensures all year production of snail and regular supply on demands.

Pest and Diseases:
            The natural enemies/ predators of snails are members of many vertebrate groups such as beetles, cricket, centipedes, snakes, toads, turtles and birds. Human also impose very serious threat to snails through pollution and destruction of natural habitats of snails which have led to extinction of a number of species. Cannibalism among hatching (first snails that hatch) is also common. These young snails gather up the shells of their eggs which give them the much needed calcium for building their own shells, after which they may begin to eat the unhatched eggs.
            Parasites, nematodes, trematodes, fungi and anthropods may equally attack snails. Such problem occurs as a result of over crowding, pseudomonas acruginosa causes intestinal infections that can spread rapidly in over crowded pens, where it attacks egg clutches preventing them from hatching.
Control is not difficult in semi intensive and intensive systems. Once there is infection of fungi, the egg can not be redeemed, all that could be done is to burn and dispose the soil where the eggs are laid (Akinnusi, 2002).


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