This is a very simple guide to register and login for sure-p and method of filling the form. Written below is also the question you should answer after the registration and options to tick in response to the questions.

Registration Requirements
Surname                                          Enter your Father’s name
Other names                                   Enter your native or English name
Sex                                                   Select Female or Male
Date of Birth                                   Date, Month and year
Marital Status                                 Single or Married
Phone No                                        Write your mobile number in the space provided
Bank Name                                     Select it from the drop down list
Bank Account Number                 Enter Your Account Number in the space provided

Sure - P Information
Host state for your programme
Host LGA for your programme
Date you started service
Type of service engaged in
Upload Picture
Password (Optional)
Questionnaire to answer after Registration
Is this community sufficiently aware of this program/project and the associated intervention promises?
    a. About 20% aware
    b. About 40% aware
    c. About 60% aware
    d. About 80% aware
    e. About 100% aware

How many members of your group usually have tools to work with each time you are at work?
    a. All the members
    b. Half of the members
    c. More than half of the members but not all
    d. Less than half of the members
    e. None of the members
    How many of the tools available are in good working conditions?
    a. Less than 5
    b. More than (or equal to) 5 but less than 10
    c. More than (or equal to) 10 but less than 15
    d. More than (or equal to) 15 but less than 20
    e. More than (or equal to) 20
    Did you receive any form of orientation prior to engagement?
    a. Yes, I received orientation before my engagement
    b. No, I did not receive any orientation before engagement
    Did you receive any form of orientation or motivational discussion from either your

Supervisor or coordinator during the last quarter?
    a. Yes
    b. No

How were you selected to participate in this program/project?
    a. I paid money in order to be selected
    b. I bought the candidate selection form and applied
    c. My friend helped me
    d. It was through the help of my party
    e. None of the members
    f. It was through the community

How have you been receiving your monthly payments in the past three months?
    a. Sometimes I was paid with cash
    b. Always through the bank
    c. Sometimes in instalments

How many months of arrears are you being owed?
    a. None
    b. One month
    c. Two months
    d. Three months
    e. Over three months

How much do you normally receive per month in the past three months?
    a. More than N5,000.00 but less than N8,000.00
    b. N10,000.00
    c. Less than N5,000.00
    d. More than (or equal to) N8,000.00 but less than N10,000.00

Rate the community in terms of cooperation and support provided to you in the discharge of your duties?
    a. Excellent
    b. Very Good
    c. Good
    d. Fair
    e. Poor

Rate your Supervisor on how well he thoroughly checks your work and marks the attendance register in the past three months?
    a. Excellent
    b. Very Good
    c. Good
    d. Fair
    e. Poor

How many persons are in your group?
Use the empty boxes to complete this question

How many persons in your group are women?
    a. 0
    b. Between 1 and 5
    c. Between 6 and 10
    d. Between 11 and 20
    e. More than 20

How many persons in your group are physically challenged?
    a. 0
    b. Between 1 and 5
    c. Between 6 and 10
    d. Between 11 and 20
    e. More than 20

How many persons in your group possess certificates higher than school certificate?
    a. 0
    b. Between 1 and 5
    c. Between 6 and 10
    d. Between 11 and 20
    e. More than 20

How many persons in your group are less than 18 years of age?
    a. 0
    b. Between 1 and 5
    c. Between 6 and 10
    d. Between 11 and 20
    e. More than 20

What was your performance grade in the previous quarter?
    a. Excellent
    b. Very Good
    c. Good
    d. Fair
    e. Poor

How many days were you absent from work in the last three (3) months?
    a. None
    b. Less than 5 days
    c. More than 5 days but less than or equal to 10 days
    d. More than 10 days but less than or equal to 15 days
    e. More than 15 days

How many days were you late to work by more than 30 minutes in the last three (3) months?
    a. None
    b. Less than 5 days
    c. More than 5 days but less than or equal to 10 days
    d. More than 10 days but less than or equal to 15 days
    e. More than 15 days

On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not sincere; very sincere) how sincere do you think government is about this program/project?
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
    e. 5

How much were you able to save out of the allowance paid you in the past three months?
    a. Nothing
    b. Less than N5,000.00
    c. More than N5,000.00 but Less than or equal to N10,000.00
    d. More than N10,000.00 but Less than or equal to N15,000.00
    e. More than N15,000.00

At what stage are you now in acquiring the economic empowering skills that can sustain you at your exit from this program/project?
    a. Yet to start
    b. Just started
    c. Have gone half way into the skills
    d. Have fully acquired skills needed

How prepared are you now to engage in a self-sustaining venture at the point of your exit from this program/project?
    a. No plan
    b. Well prepared
    c. I am still thinking about it
    d. I am not prepared at all

Are you now engaged in any self-sustaining economic activity as a result of your participation in this program/project?
    a. Yes, I am doing something now
    b. Not engaged in anything
    c. I do not have any self-sustaining skill
    d. The skills I learnt are not needed by the market

Rate this program/project on how it has helped you to meet your basic needs?
    a. Excellent
    b. Very Good
    c. Good
    d. Fair
    e. Poor

How useful has this program/project been in making you able to take care of your basic needs?
    a. Highly useful
    b. Meaningfully useful
    c. Manageable but not meaningful
    d. Poor
    e. Not useful

To what extent has your attitudes to work, relationship with people and perception of the government been affected by this program/project?
    a. Highly positive
    b. Positive
    c. Not affected
    d. Negative
    e. Highly negative

How do you think that this program/project has affected the environment of the community where you worked?
    a. Highly positive
    b. Positive
    c. Not affected
    d. Negative
    e. Highly negative
List four major challenges facing this program/project?
Use the empty boxes to complete this question.

After this process, CLICK SUBMIT